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Married Guys Least 10 Years ???

How Regularly you gettin it from wife?? Be honest!!!


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Mar 21, 2006
sounds like no big rush to get married then, lol


Jun 21, 2006
My wife and I had sex everyday for the first 5 years....then we had kids...we have been scheduling our sex for the past 20 years or so...its down to once every two weeks if Im lucky. When I complain she giggles and says....with this ring you no longer get head.

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
Married 20 years. Just fucked her an hour ago in a sex club in front of a bunch of people. We have sex about three times a week these days. That is somewhat slower than in the past, it is more from me getting old than her, I have slowed down with the strippers accordingly. When I read these threads, I realize how fortunate I am.


Winner of TIE's FIFA Cup
Jun 1, 2006
hey sunoco oil, ur wife doesn't go to cuba every 4 months does she ?

cuz i work with a hot milf who hasn't been getting any action from her hubby so she goes to cuba to get nailed :D


And very good at it
Oct 3, 2001
Q: How do you get a girl to stop fucking you?

A: Marry her (or date her for 2 years or more, same result)

The single biggest reason I've stayed single.... OK, that and I'm such a prick that no girl would ever marry me, but I digress...


New member
Jun 1, 2005
Hey SunocoOil,

Why don't you just fuck her already?

I'm just recently married so I guess my opinion doesn't count for much as far as you are concerned. However I always thought perhaps naively that if you do stuff with your wife, are attentive to her needs and make her feel special she will want to fuck you to make you feel special too.

But beyond that how can you live with your wife for two years without having sex, wanting her and not doing anything about it except count the anniversaries of not having sex? Usually my wife wants/initiates sex more than me and more often than not it is when I am trying to go to sleep. However I remember when we were over at her mother's house a little while ago and she felt uncomfortable having sex there so she told me no. I told her I was horny and she was looking hot and that if she resisted it would only make more noise. If you want your wife just take her for your pleasure. Besides a lot of women like it when you dominate them and she is your wife.

Basically when you are married to someone both parties have an obligation to fulfill the other's needs. I hate dancing but I do it and pretend that I love it because my wife loves it. What do you do that you hate that your wife loves?


Jun 13, 2007
several times weekly?

where was the multiples option?

oh shit, i'm only at 7 years, sorry. what do i have to look forward to?? aaaaaa


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
solitaria said:
I'm just recently married so I guess my opinion doesn't count for much as far as you are concerned. However I always thought perhaps naively that if you do stuff with your wife, are attentive to her needs and make her feel special she will want to fuck you to make you feel special too.
newlyweds :D


New member
Jun 1, 2005
Meister said:
newlyweds :D
What I said is true even if it is syrupy. Women want to feel special and not to be taken for granted.

However my bigger point is why the guy just doesn't grab his wife, throw her on the bed and fuck her good and hard. How on earth can you live with a woman that you want to fuck and not fuck her for two years.

Also you know it is partly the guy's fault and we are not hearing the entire story. If you have a good relationship with your wife she will want to fuck you to make you happy.
solitaria said:
However I remember when we were over at her mother's house a little while ago and she felt uncomfortable having sex there so she told me no. I told her I was horny and she was looking hot and that if she resisted it would only make more noise. If you want your wife just take her for your pleasure. Besides a lot of women like it when you dominate them and she is your wife.

Basically when you are married to someone both parties have an obligation to fulfill the other's needs. I hate dancing but I do it and pretend that I love it because my wife loves it. What do you do that you hate that your wife loves?
Call me crazy but I think "taking" her for your pleasure when she says no is illegal. Sure she's your wife but she still has rights. Dominating her should be a game you both agree on not something one party is forced into.
It's possible he has not expressed his interest in a direct enough way but if he has than he should respect her wishes and either leave the relationship or find someone else to fullfill those needs. No need to damage the marriage more than it is by forcing yourself on her, it's disturbing that you'd suggest that.

ex icarus

Sep 1, 2004
Almost 18 years married and I still love her. But, my wife's idea of sex is to moan and complain but eventually roll over and lie still as a corpse. Needless to say this dulls the sex drive, resulting in a couple times per year. So the relationship becomes more about other things and sexual satisfaction comes from elsewhere. How many women really learn to rejoice in intimacy and bedroom adventure??


Wanting more!!
Sep 7, 2001
Your place!!
Married over 30 years and never had sex average more than once every couple of weeks, Wife was never into sex at all. Just got tired of trying and asking. Don't want to say how long it's been but two years is nothing. We have a Good relationship, just not a sexual one. Like ex icarus says the sex comes from else where.


New member
Jun 1, 2005
Kyra_to said:
Call me crazy but I think "taking" her for your pleasure when she says no is illegal. Sure she's your wife but she still has rights.
So let me get this straight, if my wife wants to have sex more than I do and wakes me up when I desperately want to sleep and then I take sex from her because she doesn't exactly want to have it at her mother's that is illegal. Get the fuck out of here. It's funny that you should focus on that part.

Are you married?

When you get married you give up some of your rights/freedoms. When I have children I expect to give up even more of my rights/freedoms but that is the price I have to pay for the benefit of having children to love. I can't just say I don't want to do something that is expected in a marriage for two years because I have rights. If I had children I can't just say I don't want to pay for their stuff anymore because I have rights and I want to be selfish and not think of others. A woman can't just say after she is married having professed her love to her husband in the form of wedding vows I don't want to have sex anymore because I don't feel like it but you know what I expect you to look after me still and provide for my children. Otherwise she is being a bad wife and mother because she isn't exactly supporting the father of her children.
Feb 21, 2007
I used to think it was sexy when my partner of 17 years now got a little tipsy and wanted sex. Before we moved into together 10 years ago, I had all the sex I could handle.

Now she just gets drunk and sloppy and I couldn't stand having sex with her anymore, so I stopped with her about 4 years ago. Plus, she's gained over 100 lbs (but then again, so have I). I guess I just substituted food for sex. She snores so loud I can't sleep in the same room with her as well.

Knowing what I know now, and having no need to be a father, I would never get involved again just to get sex...paying for it is the way to go.

Companionship is overrated as well. I have a dog which is better company than her.
solitaria said:
So let me get this straight, if my wife wants to have sex more than I do and wakes me up when I desperately want to sleep and then I take sex from her because she doesn't exactly want to have it at her mother's that is illegal.
I wasn't speaking of your situation, only you can know your situation but yes it is illegal to "take" sex from someone who has said they do not wish to have sex whether you are married or not, let alone the moral implications of it. Again I was not speaking of your situation but rather that I don't think suggesting that he just "take" sex from his wife is the answer to the situation and something like that could lead to further complications or the dissolution of the marriage.

When you get married you give up some of your rights/freedoms. When I have children I expect to give up even more of my rights/freedoms but that is the price I have to pay for the benefit of having children to love. I can't just say I don't want to do something that is expected in a marriage for two years because I have rights. If I had children I can't just say I don't want to pay for their stuff anymore because I have rights and I want to be selfish and not think of others. A woman can't just say after she is married having professed her love to her husband in the form of wedding vows I don't want to have sex anymore because I don't feel like it but you know what I expect you to look after me still and provide for my children. Otherwise she is being a bad wife and mother because she isn't exactly supporting the father of her children.
Again I didn't say that she is a good wife, mother, lover or anything like that only the original poster can answer that not any of us. There are plenty of people on here that are in a sexless marriage that they are satisfied with, it's up to them to choose whether to stay in the relationship or not. Relationships evolve over time, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse and sex is one of those variations. If your wife decides that she is no longer interested in sex you have an option, find a way to work around that (ie. sex outside the marriage, other forms of release, etc...) or to leave the relationship you don't have the right to force someone into having sex with you.

I only felt that someone should point out that following your advice could lead to serious consequesnces. We can't know his situation but if she is depriving him of sex because she is angry about something than his decision to "take" it could be very damaging to his life. Hell hath no fury... right? :)

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
The Cunning Linguist said:
I used to think it was sexy when my partner of 17 years now got a little tipsy and wanted sex. Before we moved into together 10 years ago, I had all the sex I could handle.

Now she just gets drunk and sloppy and I couldn't stand having sex with her anymore, so I stopped with her about 4 years ago. Plus, she's gained over 100 lbs (but then again, so have I). I guess I just substituted food for sex. She snores so loud I can't sleep in the same room with her as well.

Knowing what I know now, and having no need to be a father, I would never get involved again just to get sex...paying for it is the way to go.

Companionship is overrated as well. I have a dog which is better company than her.


Hence the reason I am in no hurry to get married for the sake of being married. Most of my married friends are miserable, tied to a ball buster. There are guys who are married to good women and if I could find one, I would have no problem getting married.

I'm not saying perfect, just someone who I really enjoy being with and is good in the sack and I'd be thrilled.

I don't blame anyone (male or female) whose married sex life has turned to dust for seeking it out outside of the marriage. As far as I am concerned, it's her right to say no, but if the no is a permanent no, and I still am horny (and god, I hope I always am) then it's my right to find whatever outlet gives me solace.

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
solitaria said:
What I said is true even if it is syrupy. Women want to feel special and not to be taken for granted.

If you have a good relationship with your wife she will want to fuck you to make you happy.
This is true, but it only applies to newlyweds, as you will likely discover. As a newlywed, you can do just about anything, and it will make her happy with you, and want to fuck you. But after many years, nothing you can do, will make her feel special. You can do the things that used to work, bring her flowers, compliment her, whatever, but it won't work. You can try crazy new things, but it won't work. She may even complain constantly that you do not make her feel that way you used to make her feel. But you can't, there is no possible way. Once you discover this, then you can move on to the more challenging phase of making marriage work even when you can not make her feel special anymore.


New member
Sep 7, 2004
Being a single guy who wants to get married one day, this thread has scared the shit out of me. But I hope theres some truth to the theory that those in good marriages which include sex on a regular basis are unlikely to be on this type of board.


Jun 8, 2005
Passed my 8 year anniversary this year. Including years dating, have been together for almost 14 years.

When we started dating, used to do it all the time. I used to buy the big 'Bonus Pack' packages of condoms.

Still doing it at least twice a week and that's factoring in two relatively young kids.

I still think she's the best.

Did it twice between yesterday and today... Happy Father's Day to me!

And she lets me fuck her anally too.

And I can openly fuck other women too (but that goes both ways in that I have no problem with her fucking other guys)... just as long as I set aside time for her and I.

But we only do BB with eachother and nobody else.

SunocoOil... I've heard of people with good marriages who just didn't sleep together because of restlessness/snoring. They still had good sex lives, they were still together sexually, only just did the sleeping apart.

So merely sleeping apart isn't that alarming... plus it has the added benefit of being able to fart when you get into bed and not worry about consequences.

But no sex for 2 years? Tell her that you didn't get married to become celibate. You're house isn't the Catholic Church and she ain't no nun when you last checked (say this in a joking way, not an angry way).

And then tell her that you'd like to dine on her pussy for a while. But don't put your cock in her unless she gets horny and asks.

The point is you don't want there to be pressure.

Women do this pushing away thing and it's up to us to cut through that bullshit and make the slut/siren/bad girl in her come out.

And since there's nothing going on and you still think she's hot, you might as well start poking and prodding to see what works to get her to cream her panties.

Something I do regularly... just stare at her and study her features... she'll say something like "what!!! Stop staring"... and you respond with something like "you're so gorgeous... I just love studying your features... it's like looking at a work of art" That's something I've said many times to my wife and I say it 'cause that's what I really think. But even if it was bullshit, I think it's one hell of a line.

To support the 'work of art' line, if you like taking pictures... start taking pictures of her ass, tits, etc. Most women, I've observed, like to have their pictures taken because it puts them on a pedestal. It's like you're making them feel like a model.

Another idea... go out for drinks and blantanly tell her you want to get her drunk so you can take advantage of her. I've done that too.

And if none of that stuff works and she shuts you down at every attempt, well then be straight up with her and tell her you're going to get a girlfriend. If she doesn't like it, tell her it takes two to make a relationship and by shutting you out, she's fucking things up. So the choice is hers. Don't argue... just say it and leave and make it clear that she has the two choices... SHE puts effort in and you won't put effort into find a girlfriend... or no effort, then don't be surprised if girls she doesn't know start calling.

Whatever you do, do something. Don't just accept the status quo.
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