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Man with knife on streetcar at Dundas and Grace, shot by police


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
That image with the rifles was copy/pasta'd from this site:

Thats a pro-Yemen website, so either its Sammy Yatim's real FB page, or its a fake FB acct and somebody just shopped it. My guess its the latter
somebody changed his page removing the guns in circle picture



New member
Jan 19, 2006
Those who say he only had a knife - as has also been said in threads before this - seemingly have never seen how far away someone can be and still be able to stab you.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
It does seem excessive especially if he was hit with the first two. No one seems to wonder why the kid effectively hijacked a streetcar with a knife in the first place. What normal person does something like that in the first place?
It is mentioned in a report from the Star: ".........
Joshua Videna, 19, said he last saw his high school buddy a month and a half ago. Yatim told him he had left home after fighting with his dad about his marijuana use.

“He seemed a little bit different, a little bit more stressed in life,” recalled Videna. “He was still the normal Sammy that I met before, but he grew up a little from being kicked out. Now he had responsibilities.”

So I guess smoking pot made him do what he did.


Jul 10, 2005
Those who think that a taser is the solution to this whole incident is wrong .. if you guys research on how the taser works .. it has two prongs that have to attach to the body for the charge to be administered. Those prongs don't always connect leaving the person free to move.

Yes it sucks that an 18 year old boy got killed that night but he was holding a deadly weapon pointing it and attempting to run down the stairs at Police. Why didn't he drop the knife ? Only he knows. Why did he decide to step forward and start to walk down the stairs ? Only he knows ...

Either way what were Police supposed to do .. stand outside and let him get off the bus, then surround him and walk around the city containing him because "The cops had guns and he had a knife"? The fact that he was willing to start to get off with the knife in his hand even after Police told him not to shows he was either mentally ill, on drugs or alcohol. The Police did what they needed to eliminate the threat.

Not saying that 9 shots was necessary .. but until you see what was on the bus, how he was acting on the bus, and whether he was even hit .. I think making assumptions is pointless.

So lets all chill with the "Fuck the Po-Lice cause its cool to think that way" mentality and wait and see what transpires ... I doubt the Police enjoy shooting people.. theres a lot of SIU investigating and mental rehab that someone has to go through after they shoot someone ..


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Yatim graduated from a Catholic school. It is possible he was a nominal
muslim. But I didn't notice his religious background was ever reported.

George The Curious

Active member
Nov 28, 2011
Yatim graduated from a Catholic school. It is possible he was a nominal
muslim. But I didn't notice his religious background was ever reported.
no need to report it. He's from syria, that's enough for the masses to associate him with possible police profiling him as possible terrorists!


Jun 6, 2009
no need to report it. He's from syria, that's enough for the masses to associate him with possible police profiling him as possible terrorists!
Guy brandishing a knife, possibly stoned, in a stand off on a streetcar is profile enough for me. I could care less that he was a muslim (or not).


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
Coles notes...imo, the cops executed this guy....the guys background doesnt matter...the cops made no effort to diffuse the situation, didnt call for a police negotiator, didnt out wait the kid..made no friggin effort..they just decided to kill someone, rather than doing something else that to them may have been too complicated..and no hard asses posting in this thread will change my mind..parents have lost their son, because the cops were trigger happy...


Jun 6, 2009
Coles notes...imo, the cops executed this guy....the guys background doesnt matter...the cops made no effort to diffuse the situation, didnt call for a police negotiator, didnt out wait the kid..made no friggin effort..they just decided to kill someone, rather than doing something else that to them may have been too complicated..and no hard asses posting in this thread will change my mind..parents have lost their son, because the cops were trigger happy...

Right, slow night on the streets of TO, so let's shot someone, anyone, hopefully in a close location so he can't run requiring us to shoot him on the back. That would be embarrassing.:Eek:

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
somebody changed his page removing the guns in circle picture
Can you post a direct link to his FB page, please c-m??

I tried googling it but found nothing


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
Right, slow night on the streets of TO, so let's shot someone, anyone, hopefully in a close location so he can't run requiring us to shoot him on the back. That would be embarrassing.:Eek:
read my post, with more comprehesion..and dont be a dick


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Actually they do have CCTV and the TTC has stated very clearly that the video will NOT be released publicly as is their policy. It was in the papers the next day.
Yeah, that's right. The footage certainly gets reviewed by the SIU and TPS, but I don't think would ever be seen in court. Correct me if I'm wrong, but do cases involving cops especially when someone is killed have juries?


Jun 6, 2009
Coles notes...imo, the cops executed this guy....the guys background doesnt matter...the cops made no effort to diffuse the situation, didnt call for a police negotiator, didnt out wait the kid..made no friggin effort..they just decided to kill someone, rather than doing something else that to them may have been too complicated..and no hard asses posting in this thread will change my mind..parents have lost their son, because the cops were trigger happy...
read my post, with more comprehesion..and dont be a dick
I did read your post, no dickishness involved. All of the analysis of this sad event in papers, on the tele, and on TERB is based on a few seconds grainy night time phone videos and bystanders from yards away, little more, yet you use words like trigger happy cops and imply they just said shit let's shoot the little prick, we need something to do. You have no information on why they didn't wait/couldn't wait, yet called them trigger happy. I have no idea why 9 shots were fired, but I will wait for some report from somewhere before calling them names.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
I still say that with at least half a dozen cops and just him, that what happened is still appalling. Don't they use billy sticks anymore? If he got off the bus, couldn't they surround him in the hopes one of them would tackle him or grab his arm?


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Division of labour. Most cops will never pull their gun. When they do hitting generally in the right area is good enough. Especially if four or five of them are shooting.

When the cops need to take an accurate well placed shot they call in the ETF/SWAT guys to do that.

I can understand that but with the prevalence of guns today in street crime, more so than in the past, gunmanship might be more important just in case.
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