meet his new spirtual advisor
Paula White is an American
televangelist, apostolic leader in the
Independent Charismatic movement,
and a proponent of
prosperity theology.
Her estimated net worth is
$8 million
Like WTF? Now she can really rake it in.
Perhaps she never read what Jesus said in Luke
She is proof that God, I prefer to say "God consciousness" is not an interfering God.
IE God conciousness does not send us prophets nor show his "face" to American
At least she could of told us what "GOD" looks like
Inquiring minds want to know
She believes Trump was sent by God and God made the bullet miss
WTF about the fire chief who died from that bullet protecting his family like a shield?
Seriously, if she truly wants to do God's work then she should give homeless men handjobs
Trump is playing evanelgists like a violin. He has never read a book let alone the Bible
So, God is telling Trump to create trade tarriffs ???
God is not much of an economist.
What about the death of children?
You can blame war on humanity being given freedom of thought
after Eve ate from the tree of knowledge
But, where is God when a tidal wave kills thousands of children?
None of those parents prayed?
Oh, I know , God gave Paula White 8 million big ones, is that her proof?
And guess what, God will reduce your mortgage by 2% if you give to her ministry
The more money you give to 'God' the more God will give to you