
local women - are they all that cold??

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I'll give some personal examples about why I think girls in Toronto stink

I won't use real names but here goes:

My friend Samantha is about to get married and is already cheating on her fiancee with a work buddy. They go to a hotel every once and a while to fuck. He has no idea, and thinks she is the woman of his dreams

My friend Amy, went on a school trip abroad for 10 days away from her live in boyfriend of three years. after the trip she decided to stay a bit longer to get tag teamed everyday by the locals unprotected. She bragged to me about this. She came back and then cheated on him with a supervisor, fucking them in their bed when he was at work trying to pay the bills

Another one of my friends. Nancy, went away and cheated on her boyfriend, She bragged to me about it at a house party her boyfriend threw for her birthday.

Jessica and Tara, went away on a trip I was on, Tara wanted to have sex with me, while she had a boyfriend back home, within days of being there. Jessica, cheated on her boyfriend with a guy on the trip she met only seven days earlier.

Karen, once bragged to me that her ex-boyfriend was a pimp.

Sara, cheated on her boyfriend away on a similar trip as well.

Another went to Cancun with her girlfriends, was married, and fucked the local boys.

That's all I can think of at the moment, And those were the ones that either bragged to me about it, or I witnessed first hand. Out of maybe the 20-30 girls I talk to on a regular basis, they represent 30%-50% of the girls I know. I don't even know about the other 50%. But these guys bust their ass to provide for them and to take them out, and they cheat on these guys and brag about it to me.

Trust me, girls in Toronto are really bad. I'm actually moving away from Toronto, and a big part of that reason is because the girls are so fucked up here, and I don't want to waste more of my youthful time on them. I guarantee when I move to the States, I'll find the whole package. Each time I visit, I meet them all the time.

Anyways, good luck guys, regardless of my rant, I sincerely hope you all find the happiness you're looking for. Peace.
Most women cheat.

I now accept this to be fact and I sleep better at night. In fact, I encourage the women I am dating to have sex with other men, with the caveat that I may from time to time sleep with other women. I have also discovered the joys of swinging which totally elminates getting all possessive. I find that if you have a good relationship, swinging makes it even stronger. (As strange as that may sound.) If you have a so so relationship, swinging will blow it apart (which is probably better to happen sooner rather than later.)


The Abstinent Hobbyist
Oct 12, 2009
Next Door
If you are serious then you need to ask your friends what they think you need to do to be more attractive to women . If you are at least average in appearance ,
Strike one!!
can carry on a conversation
Strike two!!

and have a sense of humour
Foul ball. My humor = YMMV

I know it seems a difficult concept to grasp around here, but women are people too, and they too are entitled to have preferences in who they date/fuck. Even those *gasp* with children.

Most people who are single (and not by choice) bitch about it. It doesn't mean that they are ready to bed and marry the first person who is going to show them some attention and interest.
I remember this conversation.

One point I forgot to make, I am HAPPY being single, but having a warm person to wake up with would be nice. The two examples I gave are plane miserable from day to day. Maybe the just like bitching, whatever.
May I suggest a Teddy Babe, from what I've read they can be quite warm to wake up with.

You need to be happy about yourself, before you can be happy with another.
Oooo right down the middle!! Strike three. Hit the bench big guy, and don't come back!!

Probably the biggest thing working against myself. :mad:

Sadly it doesn't take long to figure out who is on here because they can't get laid .
Pick me, pick me!!


The Abstinent Hobbyist
Oct 12, 2009
Next Door
Oh hang on while I grab a beer and some popcorn, this is gonna be GOOOOOOD !!!!!

No question...many guys are dogs, and they deserve criticism..but the topic was women's coldness, let's stay on track
I think not. How can we fairly discuss what one group of individuals do, whilst another similar group are doing the same is ignored? You wish to bring up female friends infidelities, yet when countered with similar male infidelities you wish to ignore it.

I was raised with the attitude, treat people the same way you yourself would like to be treated. (Thanks Mom!) Yes, I said people... not just women, but everyone. I honestly do try and live by that motto, but occasionally you run into someone that is being a bitch or an asshole, and they may not be receptive to your positive attitude at first... but press forward without negativity and you may just find that the person is just having a bad day, or has his or her guard up for one reason or another and you may just be able to turn the situation around. You never know...
I was raised with that motto as well...Except it had a sneaky rider on it ..and if they don't, it's because you're an asshole. (Ok, she didn't say it that way, but thanks Mom.)

TRUE STORY: The very first time I met Mrs. CG, she gave me some negative attitude... which some would consider as being cold and heartless... (I have spoken about the story before...) I was in a women's clothing store looking for green sweat pants for my Halloween costume that could possibly fit me...
Do we dare ask why?


Sensual Seduction
Feb 1, 2008

I think not. How can we fairly discuss what one group of individuals do, whilst another similar group are doing the same is ignored? You wish to bring up female friends infidelities, yet when countered with similar male infidelities you wish to ignore it.

I was raised with that motto as well...Except it had a sneaky rider on it ..and if they don't, it's because you're an asshole.
(Ok, she didn't say it that way, but thanks Mom.)

Do we dare ask why?[/QUOTE]

he was dressing up as the Hulk silly, sheesh


"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006

I think not. How can we fairly discuss what one group of individuals do, whilst another similar group are doing the same is ignored? You wish to bring up female friends infidelities, yet when countered with similar male infidelities you wish to ignore it.

I was raised with that motto as well...Except it had a sneaky rider on it ..and if they don't, it's because you're an asshole. (Ok, she didn't say it that way, but thanks Mom.)

Do we dare ask why?

Lord no!


C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
I always used to be amazed by how when I travelled, the women were so much hotter everywhere I went. LA, Vegas, NYC, Miami, Europe, it didn't matter, they all had tons of hot women, whereas here in the GTA, the vast majority were ugly and fat.

But then I figured it out: when I travel, I go to exotic, glamourous places, where there are beautiful women. Here on the other hand, I go to Walmart, on the TTC, to regular places that regular people go to. So I see regular people. When I go where glamourous people go in the GTA, I see glamourous people. So my conclusion is that women in the GTA are just as attractive as elsewhere, but my habits are different here.

Perhaps it is like that with dating, that when you are elsewhere, you behave differently and go other places. If you have lived there, that might be different.

The Options Menu

Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
Oh god. This is our yearly dip into this topic. Toronto women are basically fine. Maybe a hair more guarded, but easy enough to meet, and nice enough when you know them.

TOM's dating guide to Toronto:

0) Before you head out the door, anytime you head out the door, look in the mirror. You don't have to be super fashionable, but you should probably be an acceptable ambassador of whatever style you are. First impressions matter.
0 a) Figure out your age. Set your dating range based primarily on that. The age of women you date will probably cluster someplace round that number. (Unless you have a whole lot of money, looks, or really are that suave.)

1) Learn how to talk to people. Men, women, probably not children if you are a middle aged male (that could end badly). You should be able to keep any arbitrary conversation going on indefinitely. The real trick is figuring out when to stop talking.

2) Go out and do things. Anything really. Even if they are all male things. If you're half normal another guy can give you an 'in', or a recommendation. Not to mention guys do like to do things after all male bonding. But basically just get out there. It helps if you have friends, or at least peers. Makes you look like you're capable of maintaining normal adult relationships.

3) When you are out doing things surrender to the notion that 'shit happens'. Don't be out on the prowl, or carpet bombing every woman in a place... but be aware... Be mindful of a woman sneaking glances or going out of her way to be near you. Stuck in a line beside a person? Strike up a conversation. Be OK with just making friends (female or male), or with the potential for a possible future date not necessarily a 'pickup'.


Just try your luck on POF. I personally find that more stressful than fruitful, but... YMMV.

-Be a player if your not a player. (If in doubt you're not a player.)
-Chase women young enough to be your daughter (with the money, looks, or suave caveats.)
-Carpet bomb every woman in a building. (You really do look like a knob.)
-Fail to take the hint that a woman's not into you.
-Be some sort of puppy dog stalker.
-Be some sort of real stalker.
-Fixate on the notion of sex.

Just look presentable, be social, go out and do things you like, and take things as they come. It's not hard.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
On the whole, local women do seem that enticing as partners. I don't rule out the fact that I may meet one that knocks me head over heels, but it has been a LONG time since that has happened. Honestly, I am at the point where it seems to be more trouble then it is worth. I do admit that if I ever marry, the woman I do marry will have a pretty unusual personality though...

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
Oh god. This is our yearly dip into this topic. Toronto women are basically fine. Maybe a hair more guarded, but easy enough to meet, and nice enough when you know them.

TOM's dating guide to Toronto:

0) Before you head out the door, anytime you head out the door, look in the mirror. You don't have to be super fashionable, but you should probably be an acceptable ambassador of whatever style you are. First impressions matter.
0 a) Figure out your age. Set your dating range based primarily on that. The age of women you date will probably cluster someplace round that number. (Unless you have a whole lot of money, looks, or really are that suave.)

1) Learn how to talk to people. Men, women, probably not children if you are a middle aged male (that could end badly). You should be able to keep any arbitrary conversation going on indefinitely. The real trick is figuring out when to stop talking.

2) Go out and do things. Anything really. Even if they are all male things. If you're half normal another guy can give you an 'in', or a recommendation. Not to mention guys do like to do things after all male bonding. But basically just get out there. It helps if you have friends, or at least peers. Makes you look like you're capable of maintaining normal adult relationships.

3) When you are out doing things surrender to the notion that 'shit happens'. Don't be out on the prowl, or carpet bombing every woman in a place... but be aware... Be mindful of a woman sneaking glances or going out of her way to be near you. Stuck in a line beside a person? Strike up a conversation. Be OK with just making friends (female or male), or with the potential for a possible future date not necessarily a 'pickup'.


Just try your luck on POF. I personally find that more stressful than fruitful, but... YMMV.

-Be a player if your not a player. (If in doubt you're not a player.)
-Chase women young enough to be your daughter (with the money, looks, or suave caveats.)
-Carpet bomb every woman in a building. (You really do look like a knob.)
-Fail to take the hint that a woman's not into you.
-Be some sort of puppy dog stalker.
-Be some sort of real stalker.
-Fixate on the notion of sex.

Just look presentable, be social, go out and do things you like, and take things as they come. It's not hard.
Quoted for truth.

Oops, I mean, "No, ALL Toronto women are blood-sucking, gold-digging bitches!" :cool:

(TOM: Just let them keep deluding themselves and walking around with unhealthy/angry misogynist tendencies. Ain't nuthin' anyone can do to change that...)


Sep 15, 2004
Toronto women ARE MOSTLY colder...

Here's the thing,

All of the posts have been fair responses, whether I agree with them personally or not, but when you have something to compare it to you then have a frame of reference.

I definitely don't think all women are bad. But the warmest, kindest, most loving girls I have ever met, aren't from Toronto. And that is a consistent pattern. The thread was if you think local girls are cold. Yes I do, and and I would add fucked. As I have said, when you see the way women from other places do it, you really realize what you're missing out on, and what is reasonable behaviour and what is not.

Is it reasonable for a girl's last boyfriend to be a pimp? On this board maybe. In everyday life, hell no.

Now for all the situations that were reversed, where men cheat etc etc etc. that's fine, if that's your experience then you can also talk about it. But what I have noticed from the way let's say a girl in Montreal behaves, or New York, or La, or Miami, or Boston, to a girl in Toronto, it's like day and night. These girls want to get to know you and want to fuck, and things seem more in sync there for me. Here, things seem so out of sync. Now if it was just my observation, I could say it's just me, but when I hear other people on this board, and listen to the comments from my friends, I know that is not the case. Keep in mind that I have also heard this from girls in Toronto that have been living here all their lives, Girls visiting from other countries, recent immigrants, those from immigrant families etc. Most recently for example, I met a girl from out west, and one of the first things she mentioned to me were how fucked up the girls were here. How compared to back home, they were all catty, self-serving backstabbers. This girl is hawt, and she was so sad to be here. We connect well, but she is not from Toronto, and that is probably why. We date and talk all the time late into the night. She's great, but like I said, she's not from here.

When I went to Montreal, the girls would approach me, dance with me, and talk to me. Made me feel very welcome and comfortable. In Toronto, the girls treat you like you're not even a worthwhile human being. It's so sad.

My assumptions were even more changed when I went to LA and New York, wow! the girls there are just spectacular. And really friendly. I can tell some stories, but suffice it to say the girls there made me feel like a rock star and they were local celebrities, young and hot. I can't say more, but they treated us very well.

In LA at the clubs, the girls were so enthusiastic and sociable. They wanted to get to know you. At the beach they would follow us. it was really actually cute. They were great. In the shops and the stores, they wanted to go out with you. and we took some of them out (we didn't buy anything, but that's not what it was about).

In Atlantic City, the same thing. The girls there were amazing. Treated us with courtesy, respect and took the time to talk to you. They would come up to you, but even if I came up to one of them, they were so accomodating and really nice to talk to and be with. I talked to a few for hours and it was nice.

In Boston, the college girls were just amazing. I am planning to go back. Fun to be around, unpretentious, kind.

I have been here in Toronto for over 30 years, and haven't seen that. I'll use that as my barometer for whether I think my point of view is valid or not. Yeah, like I am going to take the word of women in Toronto, that women in Toronto are nice. That's hardly objective, and not my experience, and therefore not valid for me.

The girls outside of this place are not just great, they are amazing. Spectacular. Both in looks and in personality. And when you compare them to the girls in Toronto, you really get a sense of how bitter and negative the girls here really are. It is so sad.
I know I'm bringing this back from the dead, but I just found this and definitely agree to the above. I have not been as fortunate to travel as much, but during those times, the comparisons were just as night and day.

I have found that MANY or MOST of the women or girls here have a serious bitchy attitude issue.
In Toronto, as a young, now middle aged guy, I was almost predominantly treated with disdain by women, just by striking up a conversation, as if I was some dangerous predator, human or animal.

Most of the time I get the sense that the girls here are unhappy, as they hardly ever smile.

Seem lost. I've seen them at clubs with that unhappy lost look in their eyes, either bouncing from place to place like a small boat tossed in the ocean waves. Or dancing with that "I don't know what I'm doing here" look in their eye.

Seem more 'feral' or 'wild' in an animalistic sort of way. None of that 'human' friendliness, but cold and distant, as though you were some kind of dangerous predator instead of a person looking to connect.

Rail Thin

Nov 25, 2009
Women all over the world can be cold, especially in T.O...

I like to think of the following quote a smart , young handsome fellow told me once..

"Men age gracefully,and can impregnate virtually anytime. Women just get old and have an expiration date.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2006
Anytime this topic comes up I always remember that song " Nothing from nothing leaves nothing," " You gotta have something if you wanna be with me."

Just like men want trophy wives etc, women also want things. Though it is often emphasized that it's financial security they want most often, they do sometimes want other things like white women on dating sites all wanting black men only, big cocks, popularity and status.

Life off course is full of compromises and as one person suggested, one pussy can command many suitors so whatever it is she wants, if she ends up with you it means you got what she wants or enough of it to make her compromise and give up other viable options.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Your making assumptions that I think women should cater to men, when I believe in much more equitable relationships.....but I've read your previous posts..and you clearly dislike men...I think many SPs dislike men as well. Pity.
Plan B isn't working. its time to go to Plan C


Jun 6, 2009

"Pick me, pick me!!"

I've always said 'don't go for a job interview looking or sounding like you need the job'.

Bad plan.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
go to Russian

I found this essay on another forum - pickup discussion site. They find in general North American women are the worst, even compared to Japanese whose culture is more conservative. makes you wonder...

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topic: Russia is the BEST place to meet girls, here‘s why (1 of 5)
board: Museum Of The Reading Impaired (read only)
from: WWu777 / profile / recent posts by WWu777
(first login: March, 17, 2004 05:17 AM)
date: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 06:01 AM
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Life in Russia vs. America

What every American man should know

By Winston Wu
(WWu***7@ao***.com[ ? ])

Table of Contents
Highlights of general differences
Meeting people
Friendships, bonds, and social attitudes
Threat of identity crisis
Lack of intellectual curiosity in America
Inverse of social atmosphere and paid friendliness
The general attitude of women
Meeting and dating women
Holding conversations with women
Fear of rejection becoming unnecessary
Russian women having a combination of the best qualities
Surplus vs. shortage of attractive mentally healthy single women
The personal psychological issues involved
The social status factor for me
Being a celebrity vs. a ghost
My response to Americans with a victim-blaming mentality
Confidence level and mental health
High strung egos vs. carefree playful attitude
Dispelling the myth that Russian women are desperate
Concrete visual proof of my claims
What I hope to accomplish with this
A few final things and helpful links


Dear Reader,

If you think that this is another typical clicheish media story of an immigrant who fled oppression and poverty in a foreign country to find freedom and opportunity in America, think again. You may be shocked (or delighted) to find that it's quite the opposite. In fact, it's about an Asian American who fled oppression and societal desolation to find freedom and fulfillment in a foreign country. There are many stories such as mine, but your propaganda-driven, corporate/feminist-controlled media won't allow you to know about any of it. Instead, they prefer you to be a good slave to your job, bills, mortgage payments, debt, car insurance, health insurance, and American women, all under the guise of living for the American dream.

BIG SECRET: One of the big secrets our media NEVER tells you is that in almost every other country in the world, bills, mortgage payments, debt, car insurance, health insurance, etc. are NOT an issue that people stress about to the point of insanity. They either don't exist in other countries, or they are simplified to the point of them not being a major stress factor in your life! But do you ever hear our media tell you this? Nooooo! Why would they? It would not be in corporate America's interest to have their citizens know about something like that! In fact, for this reason, many immigrants in America regret coming here. But does the media tell you about these people's feelings and the causes for them? Nooooo! They need to help keep a large industrial slave labor force for the interests of those at the top. (Read any book by Michael Moore to get an idea of how things really work in this country!)

Now, onto my story. To counterbalance the media stereotype of Russia as a cold, snowy, bleak place with freezing hungry people, I am writing this point by point essay I wrote below. It is based on my observations and experiences of my 6 months experience in Russia. I also have a link below that takes you to some online slide shows I created containing over 800+ photos which back up my claims, and show you a good glimpse of what I'm talking about. These photos, along with my 12 hours of video tape, and vast personal experiences and adventures there, show you the REAL Russia that the US media never shows you. (For some reason, our media likes to portray all foreign countries as oppressed and impoverished, perhaps to instill a sense of pride and motivation for our slave labor force.) The Russia my material shows you is of an exciting country that is sunny and beautiful, with magnificent cultured architecture, and beautiful single women everywhere who are incredibly friendly and intellectual. It's no wonder so many Western and European men who go there soon remark to themselves "Where have I been all this time?!" As a result, many men are now making frequent trips to Russia or emigrating/ex-patriating themselves there (some after retirement even). This number has been steadily growing. However, this new phenomenon is not covered at all by the US media, which prefers to portray it all in a negative light instead for some odd reason (probably for its own agenda and political reasons). Therefore, the only way so far that people know about this phenomenon is through internet circles, word-of-mouth, or personal experience of course.

I wrote this essay for a local newspaper a while ago. Since then, I've expanded and revised it many times to include more deep observations about my childhood, society, social status, etc. It will explain to you in point by point vivid detail why I love Russia so much, and how it compares to life in America, putting it all in perspective. Thanks and enjoy.


see the full essay:


Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land
I hear you there. But they seem to throw out the "ask me out" signals, unless I am reading them wrong. But needless to say, both of them are still single, still looking, and still complaining about it to anyone who will listen.
And you want some one who complains?
I don't think she will stop when she is with you.
You are not MR, right.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts