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LIVE: Kiev mass riots

Ed Thomas

New member
May 18, 2012
Torontonians didn't and don't have such a reference point.
Bullshit!!! The shit Mcguinty and the Chief of police pulled off with that fucked up 'hidden' law they made up for that on top of the abuse of authority by the cops was enough reason and reference point.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Well, you must be excessively drinking the real, real cheap vodka tonight. Can't think of any other reason you'd have such an inflamed response.

Nevertheless, tovarish, SLOWLY, go back up this thread, and cite/quote where I SAID THAT???????????? ("Likewise, how on earth can you say that...")

Please feel free to review the CTV videos in the link I provided for further substantiation of your above response.
First off it's Gospodin господин, since I'm not a comrade.

Secondly and doubtless more seriously you were the one who wrote:

This is not a situation of Western Ukraine vs Eastern Ukraine
While as I pointed out much of Ukraine including political parties is indeed arranged on that very basis.


Jul 2, 2013
forever w/Mrs. James
Corruption is rampant in Ukraine. My wife's city, the mayor owns the company that makes interlock paving stones. To open a business they force you to install interlock on the sidewalk. Wouldn't be so bad if they all bought the same stones. Not everything is as it appears, those protesters are being paid. For a country that has the resources of Canada, it doesn't show for the majority. That being said a trip there in the summertime will give your neck exercise for a lifetime.


Jul 2, 2013
forever w/Mrs. James
There is definitely a divide. Close to Poland, they all speak Ukrainian while close to Kiev, the language is Russian. The western side is Nationalistic. Either way there are huge problems, no matter who is in charge there because they are all corrupt and don't even hide it.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
I've been told there is an exact Russian-created reason for the limited use of Ukrainian in eastern Ukraine (Russia controlled eastern Ukraine): Emz' Decree, and Valuyev's Decree:

The Ems Ukaz..., was a secret decree (ukaz) of Tsar Alexander II of Russia issued in 1876, banning the use of the Ukrainian language in print, with the exception of reprinting of old documents. The ukaz also forbade the import of Ukrainian publications and the staging of plays or lectures in Ukrainian..."

Valuyev's Decree"...Interior Minister Count Pyotr Valuyev issued a decree through an internal document circulated to the censors on 18 July 1863. Valuyev's circular implemented a policy based on his opinion that "the Ukrainian language never existed, does not exist, and shall never exist". It banned publication of secular and religious books (apart from belles-lettres), on the premise that not only is the content of such publications potentially questionable, but their very existence implied the anti-imperial idea that a Ukrainian nation could exist."

As well, Russia has gone out of its way to limit, and band the use of the Ukrainian language (in print and in education) in eastern Ukraine for centuries:

Although Western Ukraine also had bans on their language and education in Ukrainian, they somehow kept the language and culture alive.
The Eastern Ukrainians have been pressured far more extensively to become Russian speakers, for far longer than the Western Ukrainians.
well, that is part of it. But Russia owned far more of the Ukraine than just the part that predominantly speaks Russian today. Only the very western edge of Ukraine was not owned by Russia. (It was owned by the Austro-Hungarian Empire). The Eastern edge of Ukraine is partly ethnically Russian. Settlement in that area was both by Russians from the North and Ukrainians from the West and it has always been Russian-speaking.

As well, the lower Dnepr River was an industrial boom-area in the early Twentieth Century and features several large cities - Dnepropetrovsk, Nikolayev, Nikopol, Krivoy Rog. Similarly, the Donets River Basin (the Donbass) was another rust belt industry boom area and features another large industrial metropolis, Donetsk. As Russian was the main accepted official language of the USSR, Russian became the language of these cities which featured a large migrant population from both Ukrainian and Russian speaking areas.

Areas like the Black Sea Coast and the Crimea have never been Ukrainian speaking. This is because the Black Sea Coast was Tartar territory until the 1700's and then conquered and settled by Imperial Russia.

The non migrant driven areas of the Central and Western Ukraine remained Ukrainian ethnically and linguistically and these were the areas which were directly affected and oppressed by the Czarist and subsequent Soviet attempts to wipe out Ukrainian as a language and as a culture. These decrees are hated by Ukrainian speaking nationalists to this day and form a major ideological rift between Ukrainian and Russian speaking parts of the country.

The history of the Ukraine is very complex and quite fascinating.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Corruption is rampant in Ukraine. My wife's city, the mayor owns the company that makes interlock paving stones. To open a business they force you to install interlock on the sidewalk. Wouldn't be so bad if they all bought the same stones. Not everything is as it appears, those protesters are being paid. For a country that has the resources of Canada, it doesn't show for the majority. That being said a trip there in the summertime will give your neck exercise for a lifetime.
After the Orange Revolution and the change of govt, The Economist reported that all government business in Ukraine ground to a halt. Why? Because every govt clerk and official needed to find out if the new govt would keep the accepted bribe rates the same or change them. Until that was cleared up, nix got done for anyone.

Years ago, I helped an EE escort from Ukraine get immigration status here. We had problems getting on the same page at the start of the case. As...

Escort friend: Oagre, you are say vot you are try kyelp me, but really you are just make stupid bullshit to fuck me up. You are say vot I am to write form and give to government and vait. But is bullshit and I am not believe. So, you are just fucking tell me who I am give bribe and how much and vee are do this immigration stuff next veek. Okay? Oagre, you are not stupid lawyer guy. You are know this vun, kyow to do. Why you are not try to be good guy and really kyelp?!

Me: But in Canada, honey, no one tries to bribe immigration officials.

Escort Friend: Alvays same bullshit. Now I am really mad at you.....


New member
Jan 19, 2006
After the Orange Revolution and the change of govt, The Economist reported that all government business in Ukraine ground to a halt. Why? Because every govt clerk and official needed to find out if the new govt would keep the accepted bribe rates the same or change them. Until that was cleared up, nix got done for anyone.

Years ago, I helped an EE escort from Ukraine get immigration status here. We had problems getting on the same page at the start of the case. As...

Escort friend: Oagre, you are say vot you are try kyelp me, but really you are just make stupid bullshit to fuck me up. You are say vot I am to write form and give to government and vait. But is bullshit and I am not believe. So, you are just fucking tell me who I am give bribe and how much and vee are do this immigration stuff next veek. Okay? Oagre, you are not stupid lawyer guy. You are know this vun, kyow to do. Why you are not try to be good guy and really kyelp?!

Me: But in Canada, honey, no one tries to bribe immigration officials.

Escort Friend: Alvays same bullshit. Now I am really mad at you.....
Similar story, I have an acquaintance from one of the Western men married to Russian/Ukrainian women groups, who is a lawyer from Texas. He has a similar story - his then new wife was driving (she had only been driving for about six or so months in the U.S.) she gets pulled over by the Texas Highway Patrol - he knows very well that her operation was a bit erratic and they are just going to check her out and cut them loose. The first thing she does is go for her purse and then of course gets all upset when he in a "command voice" tells her to put her purse away right now - at the time she didn't believe him that the police were not looking for a bribe and that in fact she would be arrested for offering one.

Of course this is not even a 1/16th as funny as when he tells the story.


New member
Jul 14, 2009

The history of the Ukraine is very complex and quite fascinating.
Another fascinating aspect of modern Ukrainian history is that almost all its current politicians are self made millionaires who are not only dirty but also have blood on their hands. Current president served time in jail twice and is an absolutely ruthless thug.

Even klitchko who at least have some sort of claim to having made his money legitimately is a highly problematic candidate. He is not smart and whenever he acts smart (which is not often) you can be sure that he is doing what he is told to do by people behind him. His career has initially been sponsored by one of well known kiev gangster bosses who has therefore been receiving a share from klitchko earnings until being shot to death in 2005. Prior to death this boss mentioned that he is being owed $40mln from klitchko enterprise and intends to collect. Klitchko now denies all or parts of this history and asking him about it now is considered to be inappropriate.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Another fascinating aspect of modern Ukrainian history is that almost all its current politicians are self made millionaires who are not only dirty but also have blood on their hands. Current president served time in jail twice and is an absolutely ruthless thug.

Even klitchko who at least have some sort of claim to having made his money legitimately is a highly problematic candidate. He is not smart and whenever he acts smart (which is not often) you can be sure that he is doing what he is told to do by people behind him. His career has initially been sponsored by one of well known kiev gangster bosses who has therefore been receiving a share from klitchko earnings until being shot to death in 2005. Prior to death this boss mentioned that he is being owed $40mln from klitchko enterprise and intends to collect. Klitchko now denies all or parts of this history and asking him about it now is considered to be inappropriate.
True, also very "third world" in its "culture of political vengeance," look at the Yanukovych government's actions against Yulia Volodymyrivna Tymoshenko.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
True, also very "third world" in its "culture of political retribution," look at the Yanukovych government's actions against Yulia Volodymyrivna Tymoshenko.
Tymoshenko is a self made billionaire who stole her money from the people by siphoning it out of gas deals just like the rest of them, so I am not particularly concerned about her being in jail.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Tymoshenko is a self made billionaire who stole her money from the people by siphoning it out of gas deals just like the rest of them, so I am not particularly concerned about her being in jail.
You may not be but Canada, the U.S.A., and the E.U. all are. Further there is grave doubt as to whether she actually engaged in any criminal activity at all.

Now squeaky clean or all around nice person - no


New member
Jul 14, 2009
You may not be but Canada, the U.S.A., and the E.U. all are. Further there is grave doubt as to whether she actually engaged in any criminal activity at all.

Now squeaky clean or all around nice person - no
Canada, USA and EU should be ashamed to support her because it really simply shows that they have a political agenda first and foremost (i.e. they'd like to have an enemy of Putin's ally out of jail). If you think that it was possible to honestly make billions of dollars on gas deals when other people trying to do so and standing in her way have every now and then been assassinated and it was just a lucky coincidence for her, you wanna give your head a shake.

But yeah, strictly speaking her guilt has not been proven in US court beyond a reasonable doubt.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001

the newest maps are suggesting that the unrest has spread well into the Russian speaking areas as well.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001

The official Russian media PoV. I believe the Fiend in red represents Poland, a usual target of mouth-foaming Russian loathing for centuries.


New member
Jul 14, 2009

(just in case someone doesn't know where the tire reference comes from):
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