Limbaugh falsely says Biden didn't win legitimately while reacting to inauguration


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020
And it is another problem with current media: they do not understand the idea of what proof means. For example, it was not proved that the win was illegitimate. However, there is also no prove that it was legitimate. The absence of the proof does not imply that the opposite is true. For example, the fact that there is no proof that it was legitimate does not imply that the statement "the win was illegitimate" is correct. Similarly, the fact that there is no proof that it was illegitimate does not imply that the statement "the win was legitimate" is correct. The correct statement should be "there was no definite proof that the win was illegitimate." The court never says someone is innocent, it says that there is no proof someone is guilty.
this is what Bill Barr misinterpreted in Mueller report. Mueller said he didn't find enough to charge with collusion, which Barr claimed to be positive proof that there was no collusion.
That Barr's letter has successfully misrepresented the report to millions of people. Barr is yet to face responsibility for it.
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Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
NY Times just came out with a story how Trump tried to use the DOJ to put out a fake investigation to get Georgia to overturn it's results. Only because the entire top echelon threatened to resign did he back away. What was in the story alone are criminal violations of US Federal and Georgia State law. Makes you wonder what else is out there.

All impeachable offences committed in the last four years will NOT all be included in the impeachment proceedings, sad...
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