Limbaugh falsely says Biden didn't win legitimately while reacting to inauguration

Fun For All

Well-known member
Feb 9, 2014
Why does anyone care about the future?
I imagine Limbaugh's reason/s would be similar to anyone else.

If no one cared about the future, why all the fuss about climate change?
He can still live with reality...the election was not stolen and he can quit promoting that it was...Limbaugh has no proof, no one does, 62 losing court cases speak to that.

Limbaugh's reason to not care is not the same as everybody else, he's a Trump ass-kisser who will die in 2021.

Wizard Merlin

Well-known member
Apr 6, 2009
Limbaugh's reason to not care is not the same as everybody else, he's a Trump ass-kisser who will die in 2021.
So while he might die in 2021, are you saying he should not care about the future?

Should anyone care about the future, if the future doesn't include them?

These simple questions can be answered with a yes or no.

Fun For All

Well-known member
Feb 9, 2014
So while he might die in 2021, are you saying he should not care about the future?

Should anyone care about the future, if the future doesn't include them?

These simple questions can be answered with a yes or no.
He should care if he was a good human but he doesn't care because he's always been a selfish prick.

People do care about the future for their children and grandchildren's sake.

Rush Limbaugh doesn't have any children despite being married four times...I'm sure he has illegitimates running around.

Fun For All

Well-known member
Feb 9, 2014
So while he might die in 2021, are you saying he should not care about the future?

Should anyone care about the future, if the future doesn't include them?

These simple questions can be answered with a yes or no.
The point is, Rush Limbaugh has been an unreasonable selfish prick his whole life and looks like he will die one by insisting the election was stolen.

Not that anyone cares what he thinks.

Medal of Freedom recipient...what a disgrace that is.


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Biden won legitimately...I don't think there was cheating involve...was there some irregularities? sure...always happen when there are massive ballots to count...some could be lost some misplaced but that could happen without intentions too...Biden is president now...but a lot of you guys seem to forget that you never accepted Trump beating Hillary legitimately and dragged the "Russian Collusion" for almost 4 years without once admitting that Trump won fairly....
The jury of history is still out on that one with various opinions all around. How do you quantify the impact of voter suppression? How about Russian troll bot farms? Opinions will remain varied no matter what,,,

Fun For All

Well-known member
Feb 9, 2014
Biden won legitimately...I don't think there was cheating involve...was there some irregularities? sure...always happen when there are massive ballots to count...some could be lost some misplaced but that could happen without intentions too...Biden is president now...but a lot of you guys seem to forget that you never accepted Trump beating Hillary legitimately and dragged the "Russian Collusion" for almost 4 years without once admitting that Trump won fairly....
I still don’t think Trump won fairly, how can you trust those people...Trump was fucking with the investigation from start to finish in many ways...


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
Yes, the courts said there was no evidence of fraud.
Feel free to keep believing things with zero evidence, we know its a way of life for you.
Are you ...ehh... what is the PC word for an idiot? How the fact that there is no discovered evidence that X is false is a proof that X is true??? But I blame Canadian education system for this.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
No...just a feeling...
And many Americans have the same feeling of election fraud. And do not tell again that there is no evidence. There is no sufficient evidence among the discovered evidence to satisfy the court.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
I still don’t think Trump won fairly, how can you trust those people...Trump was fucking with the investigation from start to finish in many ways...
Finally!!! You are the same as millions of Americans who think that Biden did not win fair but have no evidence of it. it is just your beliefs without evidence is about Trump's win 4 years ago. Beliefs are allowed, beliefs should be expressed, and if many people share the same beliefs a thorough investigation should be conducted so that the majority of such believers will see the evidence that their beliefs are wrong, not just that their beliefs are dismissed because there is no evidence that they are correct. With such an important issue, the "not guilty if not proven so" is not enough, we need the proof of "not guilty"

Fun For All

Well-known member
Feb 9, 2014
And many Americans have the same feeling of election fraud. And do not tell again that there is no evidence. There is no sufficient evidence among the discovered evidence to satisfy the court.
Homeland Security cleared it, so did the Department of Justice...then there was 62 losing court cases that dealt with imaginable issue...but you know all that.

Fun For All

Well-known member
Feb 9, 2014
Finally!!! You are the same as millions of Americans who think that Biden did not win fair but have no evidence of it. it is just your beliefs without evidence is about Trump's win 4 years ago. Beliefs are allowed, beliefs should be expressed, and if many people share the same beliefs a thorough investigation should be conducted so that the majority of such believers will see the evidence that their beliefs are wrong, not just that their beliefs are dismissed because there is no evidence that they are correct. With such an important issue, the "not guilty if not proven so" is not enough, we need the proof of "not guilty"
There was lots of evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with Russians...if got tough to prove with so many Trump people lying about their involvement. Eventually they were convicted of various crimes and Trump pardons them, that doesn’t sound fishy...I’ll put Trumps reputation for honesty and integrity up that everything was good.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Are you ...ehh... what is the PC word for an idiot? How the fact that there is no discovered evidence that X is false is a proof that X is true??? But I blame Canadian education system for this.
They looked everywhere and couldn't find any evidence.
Where do you think this missing evidence is and what does it show?

Is it where they keep the evidence that the world is flat?
Did you look up the definition of 'idiot', do you have evidence behind that?


Active member
Mar 24, 2009
According to Trump the entire mainstream media is against him. So is the FBI, CIA and Dept of Justice even though he appointed the heads of all 3 of the organizations. Now the lower court and the Supreme Court (which has 6 out of 9 judges that lean conservative and 3 are Trump appointees) are also "deep state".. He has fired every non-partisan Inspectors General who investigated him. He had 14 cabinet members leave (the previous Bush, Clinton and Obama administrations had a combined 9 cabinet members leave). Practically the entire inner circle that was with Trump when he was elected either are in jail or have been indicted. In his first day in office he was willing to tell a humongous lie about something so small (crowd size at his inauguration). Idiots believed his small lie then and really stupid people believe his big lies now. He advocated for household injections and internal UV lights to fight off COVID. He tried to pass off a drug as a COVID cure (he had a financial stake in the company) even though there was no scientific basis for his conclusion. He was willing to let Vice President Pence hang to give credence to his conspiracy theories. Giuliani lost 63 out of 65 election and voter fraud court cases. Trump incited an insurrection at the Capitol. He talks about grabbing women by the pussy, makes fun of people and is a bully. People who follow this guy are not as smart as someone who had a botched up lobotomy.
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Well-known member
May 3, 2014
NY Times just came out with a story how Trump tried to use the DOJ to put out a fake investigation to get Georgia to overturn it's results. Only because the entire top echelon threatened to resign did he back away. What was in the story alone are criminal violations of US Federal and Georgia State law. Makes you wonder what else is out there.

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