Lets Not Forget Pierre Polivere was promoting Anti vaxxers and MGTOW KKKONVOY where he showed his true colours which is black


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Hello McFly, have you not paid attention in dozens of threads. You know with links to stats Canada, experts and Drs. Or links and stats about violent crime? Or are you once again sticking your head in the sand as you did 2003 to 2012?

Have you not seen line ups at food banks, or can you not grasp why the center of the universe is being SWAMPED by immigrants and citizens
looking for greener pastures and places to work and hang a hat?

Or links to record growth in the wealth gap, and capital bleed, and opiods. Are you lefties not the champions and preachers of socioeconomics too? Or do you only do that when it’s inner cities and people of colour?

Or have you not been paying attention to polls, the questions and « hot issues ». Or have you not been paying attention to thread about UBI and poverty all around you, and or much much more.

I suppose there will always be deniers, flat earthers fiction readers, the acutely oblivious privileged, and channel changers.
PeePee works for Loblaws now, he'll just make food more expensive.

You still haven't explained why you claim to be a health care worker who is an anti vaxxer.
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Jan 8, 2010
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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Bill C36 was brought in by Harper and PEE PEE and laughed off by Wynn. Once the Liberals came into power it hasn't been abused but it easily can be once your twat piss stain and his bible-thumping no sex no abortion twats get in.
In other words, this bill is so bad that the Liberals have done nothing about it and have kept it as is for the past decade.

Did I get that right?


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Jake Fuss
Jake Fuss is an analyst at the Fraser Institute.

ENOUGH SAID but just a little more

Jake Fuss and Jason Clemens are economists at the Fraser Institute and coordinators of the Federal Reform Agenda:

Anti Liberal progandist. NEXT!
So, similar tactic to FF...ask for sources and proof, then ignore it and write it off as right wing propaganda.

What would you say is not accurate in that analysis?
Seems like you are just looking for a reason to dismiss it without providing your own.

By this point, like FF, your buying time to figure out an actual response and your next one may deflect again to avoid looking like a failure.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Now Skoob address my questions and stop the deflection or go away because you are not worth my time.

I said the Liberals were a disaster even before the pandemic.
You asked me to prove it.
I did.
You didn't like the proof.

Now you want me to address your questions and accuse me of deflecting? hahahahaha

Ok I'm bored...ask me your questions and I'll do my best to answer them in the same way as you guys do.
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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
ive posted this for you and others few times. And just a couple days ago with a bunch of other expert opinion. I guess you ignored it like so many did Drummond, ( you don’t even know who he is or why) because you know better Frank. Guess that’s what happens when your source of knowledge is Twit er

deny deny deny deny deflect deflect deflect and prove just how little you know. What makes you think you are right about anything? When you know Jack…your level of awareness is didly. Who is Hydro One Franky poo. What’s a weighted Index, what is CPI Franky poo. Lmao at you.

Go ahead Franky poo. Try to discredit Cross, or pretend you know better. And try to prented, you didn’t just for the millionth time prove how little you know and think.
Over the last ten years real GDP per capita grew just 0.8 per cent a year on average in this country, its lowest rate of growth since the 1930s. Total GDP has been growing because of our growing population. But GDP per person has been essentially stagnant
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
ive posted this for you and others few times. And just a couple days ago with a bunch of other expert opinion. I guess you ignored it like so many did Drummond, ( you don’t even know who he is or why) because you know better Frank. Guess that’s what happens when your source of knowledge is Twit er

deny deny deny deny deflect deflect deflect and prove just how little you know. What makes you think you are right about anything? When you know Jack…your level of awareness is didly. Who is Hydro One Franky poo. What’s a weighted Index, what is CPI Franky poo. Lmao at you.

Go ahead Franky poo. Try to discredit Cross, or pretend you know better. And try to prented, you didn’t just for the millionth time prove how little you know and think.

Your article is a typical Fraser column. It complains about low growth but doesn't note that the last few years we've gone through a pandemic.
That's rather disinigenous, but also a typical right winger tactic.

Drummond? The economist you use as your model for backing conservatives? The liberal's economist?

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
This will go right over their head or they will start to defend the right of Loblaws to set market grocery prices. LMAO....
Squeezer. You and Frank are lost causes. It doesn’t matter how much you are dragged kicking and screaming to water. How much, or how many links by experts. You think you know better. nor what you should be able to see with your own eyes if you got out of your comfy safe privileged and pampered bed, and left the city to see the small towns and many more like them that Wynne wanted to pilot UBI in thanks to you and them.

You can’t even grasp that Covid on the health front was far worse for them…just more stats and science…and on the economic front you sacrificed them there too…which was “necessary” but what the fuck have you, or JT and the liberals done them other than insult and ignore them as you have since 2006. And want more more more for yourself.

or spent just wee bit of time in certain other inner city areas. And all you can do is change channels and attempt to make it about someone/something else.

When it comes to finance/economics and politics Frank is the equivalent of a blind flat earther. Kinda like someone that pretends to know a little about climate change.

But doesn’t know
-who Greta is (Don Drummond but unlike Greta he is a world renowned expert),
-what oil companies are (Hydro 1)
-what the tar sands are ( windfarms on farms).
- What the rate of acceleration means ( rates and indexes).
-Or even the rates of acceleration in the wealth gap, violent crime and Capital Bleed.

Seriously think about that…no seriously.

The fact you two like each others post so much……………………….
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Squeezer. You and Frank are lost causes. It doesn’t matter how much you are dragged kicking and screaming to water. How much, or how many links by experts. You think you know better. nor what you should be able to see with your own eyes if you got out of your comfy safe privileged and pampered bed, and left the city to see the small towns and many more like them that Wynne wanted to pilot UBI in thanks to you and them.

You can’t even grasp that Covid on the health front was far worse for them…just more stats and science…and on the economic front you sacrificed them there too…which was “necessary” but what the fuck have you, or JT and the liberals done them other than insult and ignore them as you have since 2006. And want more more more for yourself.

or spent just wee bit of time in certain other inner city areas. And all you can do is change channels and attempt to make it about someone/something else.

When it comes to finance/economics and politics Frank is the equivalent of a blind flat earther. Kinda like someone that pretends to know a little about climate change.

Seriously think about that…no seriously.

The fact you two like each others post so much……………………….
Your posts are just rambling, incoherent nothings.
What is this supposed to even mean?

But doesn’t know
-who Greta is (Don Drummond but unlike Greta he is a world renowned expert),
-what oil companies are (Hydro 1)
-what the tar sands are ( windfarms on farms).
- What the rate of acceleration means ( rates and indexes).
-Or even the rates of acceleration in the wealth gap, violent crime and Capital Bleed.
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Your posts are just rambling, incoherent nothings.
What is this supposed to even mean?
Yep, the Deflector and the Ranter. I can't be bothered. It's like having a debate with a drunken dog chasing its tail.

All I know this is shameful! I bet Pee Pee gets a discount on apples at Loblaws.

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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Pee Pee the Pussy can't even look a man in the eye when shaking hands! What a fucking POS even when it comes to a hand shake

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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Yep, the Deflector and the Ranter. I can't be bothered. It's like having a debate with a drunken dog chasing its tail.

All I know this is shameful! I bet Pee Pee gets a discount on apples at Loblaws.

typical privileged liberal, that can only deny and deflect that’s needs his wing man and safe room.

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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
How many more links will you and your wingman who doesn’t know squat ignore again Squeezer

Police-reported crime is on the rise again, with violent crime at its highest since 2007

Jack Mintz: With our economy becalmed, Good Ship Canada needs a new captain

When it comes to finance/economics and politics Frank is the equivalent of a blind flat earther. Kinda like someone that pretends to know a little about climate change.

But doesn’t know
-who Greta is (Don Drummond but unlike Greta he is a world renowned expert),
-what oil companies are (Hydro 1)
-what the tar sands are ( windfarms on farms).
- What the rate of acceleration means ( rates and indexes).
-Or even the rates of acceleration in the wealth gap, violent crime and Capital Bleed.

Seriously think about that…no seriously.
You can’t even grasp ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ that.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
How many more links will you and your wingman who doesn’t know squat ignore again Squeezer

You can’t even grasp ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ that.

Your link says violent crime rose with the pandemic and more people being stuck at home and hasn't yet declined but that non-violent crimes are declining.

Do you think we need more cops in people's homes to fix the issue?


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Your article is a typical Fraser column. It complains about low growth but doesn't note that the last few years we've gone through a pandemic.
That's rather disinigenous, but also a typical right winger tactic.

Drummond? The economist you use as your model for backing conservatives? The liberal's economist?
I find it funny how you use the pandemic to defend the Feds but never mention it as something that would have affected the province.
Just like court verdicts and ethics violations that go against the Feds are conveniently ignored and trivialized but you scream bloody murder when allegations are thrown at people you don't like.

You do see your own hypocrisy here don't you?
Do you need others to continuously point it out for some kind of twisted thrill?
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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
You can’t even grasp ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ that.
Your link says violent crime rose with the pandemic and more people being stuck at home and hasn't yet declined but that non-violent crimes are declining.

Do you think we need more cops in people's homes to fix the issue?

You can’t even read headlines Frank. The highest since 2007……

Nor trendlines. That topic was beaten to death a few months ago. And it took dozens of links and more. You don’t even know what weights are in CPI or Crime indexes….or about UBI or socioeconomics.

What year is the lowest Einstein….start there.

All you know is changing channels and deflecting.

who is Greta Frank. What are tar sands Frank? Do you even know that.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I find it funny how you use the pandemic to defend the Feds but never mention it as something that would have affected the province.
Just like court verdicts and ethics violations that go against the Feds are conveniently ignored and trivialized but you scream bloody murder when allegations are thrown at people you don't like.

You do see your own hypocrisy here don't you?
Do you need others to continuously point it out for some kind of twisted thrill?
What Ontario policies are you talking about specifically that would have been effected by the pandemic?
Are you suggesting cuts to health care, education, social services and housing were all pandemic based?
DoFo didn't even spend the federal education cash.
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