Ashley Madison

LCBO Strike?


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2005
eastern frontier
I see some would like to see the LCBO privatised because they are a unionized shop and government owned. I am not a union supporter nor am I a detractor, but what will privatisation do to make the buying of liquor better in this province. It won't make it any cheaper, you may not get the choices you have today and it won't be more accessible as the government will still be involved in the licensing of distributors and minimum pricing standards, so as to keep you from being an alchy.


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2005
eastern frontier
I believe The Beer Store is owned by a couple of the big breweries. Labatt, Molson, & Sleemans.
The workers are not represented by the same union as the LCBO workers.
Unlike the LCBO the Beer Store profit does not go into the Ontario governments general revenues.
You're right, the Beer Store was started by the big three Canadian owned breweries, Labatt, Molson and Carling. This arrangement controlled the sales and distribution as well as pricing and still does. Now the big three are under foreign ownership and they are still controlling pricing in this province. The foreign ownership controlled oligarchy pushed for government intervention in pricing to keep the little guys in line, especially the brewers who were selling the cheap stuff at less than a buck a bottle, they got their way and they did it under the guise of saving us from ourselves.


Just less active
Oct 14, 2002
I heard they are setting up for a strike just in time for May 24th weekend
Now why should anyone in Ontario support them when they go out of their way to inconvenience the public & screw up a special holiday?

Privatising the LCBO just to eliminate one more union is reason enough for me
'Special holiday'? How? Celebrating Victoria? Or not having to work? (BTW, I have to work)

no larue your slavish love of Thatcherism is out dated..let me quote you."special " who fought for statutory holidays?...was it big business or the corporate sector ? ya right about Govt and Labour Unions..yes..both institutions you have distain for..Larue , you cant have your cake and eat it too....oh and your weekend..gee i wonder who fought for that?...
Mentioned this to him in a past discussion about unions. He has no knowledge of the history of employment and how unions have affected/improved overall working conditions. If it involves more than 'counting beans', JL does not want to hear it.


Active member
May 3, 2006
I see some would like to see the LCBO privatised because they are a unionized shop and government owned. I am not a union supporter nor am I a detractor, but what will privatisation do to make the buying of liquor better in this province. It won't make it any cheaper, you may not get the choices you have today and it won't be more accessible as the government will still be involved in the licensing of distributors and minimum pricing standards, so as to keep you from being an alchy.
Tim Hortons makes money, and caffeine is recognized as a drug. Perhaps the government should have a coffee shop monopoly too?


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
no larue your slavish love of Thatcherism is out dated..let me quote you."special " who fought for statutory holidays?...was it big business or the corporate sector ? ya right about Govt and Labour Unions..yes..both institutions you have distain for..Larue , you cant have your cake and eat it too....oh and your weekend..gee i wonder who fought for that?...
You are a clown
Your comments have no relevance on the value of unions on the economy. ( news flash- it is negative)
I wish you well as you slowly watch the demises of your beloved unions
The writing is on the wall, and it is non-reversible
Unfortunately you, Toke & the moron Woodpeker refuse to see the light of day
Good luck, you are going to need it


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
'Special holiday'? How? Celebrating Victoria? Or not having to work? (BTW, I have to work)

Mentioned this to him in a past discussion about unions. He has no knowledge of the history of employment and how unions have affected/improved overall working conditions. If it involves more than 'counting beans', JL does not want to hear it.
Keep living in your history
Unions had their time & place, but what matters is the present & future
In a global economy the competition forces have increased well beyond the point where you can overcompensate employees in excess of the value of they provide (i.e. Unions)
Manufacturing is gone. Why?
Unions & management were never able to work as partners & management was able to find partners overseas
Costs aside, the real advantage of offshoring is the new partners do not try to extort the company with a threat of non-delivery (i.e. a strike)

The last remaining strong hold for the unions is the public sector, however govt's the world over are lumbered with excessive debt and are cutting back
They no longer can afford to pay excessively, just because a union says their members deserve x dollars

History is interesting, however it does not justify union extortion of the taxpayer
More recent and far more relevant history should tell you that extortion drives the extorted (the govt) to look for alternatives to dealing with the extorter (unions).
In the case of the LCBO there is a very plausible alternative, privatization.

If this union insists on inconveniencing the public, they may get what they deserve ,,,,, Privatization
That will be one more example of unions negotiating their way towards extinction
I will drink to that !


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
You are a clown
Your comments have no relevance on the value of unions on the economy. ( news flash- it is negative)
I wish you well as you slowly watch the demises of your beloved unions
The writing is on the wall, and it is non-reversible
Unfortunately you, Toke & the moron Woodpeker refuse to see the light of day
Good luck, you are going to need it
thanks for the heads up


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
Keep living in your history
Unions had their time & place, but what matters is the present & future
In a global economy the competition forces have increased well beyond the point where you can overcompensate employees in excess of the value of they provide (i.e. Unions)
Manufacturing is gone. Why?
Unions & management were never able to work as partners & management was able to find partners overseas
Costs aside, the real advantage of offshoring is the new partners do not try to extort the company with a threat of non-delivery (i.e. a strike)

The last remaining strong hold for the unions is the public sector, however govt's the world over are lumbered with excessive debt and are cutting back
They no longer can afford to pay excessively, just because a union says their members deserve x dollars

History is interesting, however it does not justify union extortion of the taxpayer
More recent and far more relevant history should tell you that extortion drives the extorted (the govt) to look for alternatives to dealing with the extorter (unions).
In the case of the LCBO there is a very plausible alternative, privatization.

If this union insists on inconveniencing the public, they may get what they deserve ,,,,, Privatization
That will be one more example of unions negotiating their way towards extinction
I will drink to that !
speak about drinking the A CROCK OF GIBBERISH


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
speak about drinking the A CROCK OF GIBBERISH
Hit a nerve did I?

Responding to facts by calling it gibberish is not a very convincing counter argument
Please respond with some facts and some intelligence or its back to ignore status for you


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
113 take yourself , way too just having fun with you..its always fun to try and belittle a pompous knob..go ahead , put me on ignore.....

by the way Fast was banned
?.. i hope its not long, because i always enjoy his anti union rants


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
113 take yourself , way too just having fun with you..its always fun to try and belittle a pompous knob..go ahead , put me on ignore.....

by the way Fast was banned
?.. i hope its not long, because i always enjoy his anti union rants

that is too bad about FAST
He understands the current environment and knows the outcome if unions continue to infect our economy

If I am pompous, you are ignorant, insulting, arrogant and oblivious to reality
you have not provided any facts, just insults
Again please provide something intelligent and relevant or STFU


Mar 12, 2004
Sorry to hear you missed me. take yourself , way too just having fun with you..its always fun to try and belittle a pompous knob..go ahead , put me on ignore.....

by the way Fast was banned
?.. i hope its not long, because i always enjoy his anti union rants
I always found reading about the reality of economics a bit boring,...but what ever turns you on.

And obviously I wasn't banned for my takes on the reality of economics,...because FRED is a business owner.



A little underutilized
Jun 30, 2007
Bloor and Sleazy
The way that some people are responding to a possible LCBO strike makes me wonder if our Society has far more "functioning Alcoholics" than we know. The prospect of alcohol being unavailable for a few weeks should not be an epic issue the way some people are treating it. Worst case scenario is not drinking alcohol for a few days. If that sounds like a crisis, maybe alcohol is a bit too important to some of you.

Actually, the LCBO is a great institution for this province and should be kept in place. First of all it works. Anyone who wants to buy wine, beer, or liquor has more than adequate access to it. Second of all, it makes a crapload of money for the province which, if teh province gave it up, we would have to pay back in higher taxes. I see it as a win-win.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
The way that some people are responding to a possible LCBO strike makes me wonder if our Society has far more "functioning Alcoholics" than we know. The prospect of alcohol being unavailable for a few weeks should not be an epic issue the way some people are treating it. Worst case scenario is not drinking alcohol for a few days. If that sounds like a crisis, maybe alcohol is a bit too important to some of you.

Actually, the LCBO is a great institution for this province and should be kept in place. First of all it works. Anyone who wants to buy wine, beer, or liquor has more than adequate access to it. Second of all, it makes a crapload of money for the province which, if teh province gave it up, we would have to pay back in higher taxes. I see it as a win-win.
1. The issue goes way deeper than access to booze. It is the extortion of the public that drives me nuts
2. Distribution of alcohol via another channel, does not mean the province does not still rake in the taxes. a $20 bottle of wine will still deliver $5-7 in taxes to the province.
Private companies will drive out the inefficiencies of the LCBO & the union, possibly even increasing choice, lowering prices & driving more revenue to the province & no strikes
Everyone wins, except the union, however, they reap what they sow


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010
Toronto Escorts