Two guys I was upset with that left the team were Stroman and Semien. The two Marcus'.
They got fleeced in the Stroman trade straight up.
Semien left as a free agent and maybe they didn't want to pony up the cash but he'd look great at second right now.
After a tough first half in Texas last year he's been tearing it up.
They gave away Stroman and actually paid to get rid of
Donaldson who became comeback player of year and now they gave away Moreno
If you cannot get quality back then do not trade
I believe they should of traded Vlad a couple of years ago
as we could have got a ton for him
and we would be reaping benefits now
They considered him untradable because the hype filled seats
although he is a star
he is not the superstar of the hype
Hits into double plays and strikes out with RISP when he is needed the most
and where are all those homers he was gonna hit? and soon
they will have to negotiate a big contract with him
Fans would complain and maybe stay away because they believed the hype
until we got into the big show then they come back but such trades
is what sound management will do