Correct! I recall now from the documentary:
"I wanted the simplest, dullest, plainest-sounding name I could think of. James Bond seemed perfect." - Ian Fleming
He found it sitting on his bookshelf in the author of a book entitled "Bird's Of The West Indies." The rest is history!
It was on his host's bookshelf in Jamaica.
I had the privilege of knowing the late James Bond, who was a very mild mannered man. He was American but his mother was English and due to some family tragedies he was largely raised by his Maternal Grandparents and was a graduate of Eton College. As one might expect given that background he spoke with an R.P. (English) accent.
He grew in I suppose a loving way to hate the "other James Bond" such as when he was going through Customs and Immigration I frankly forget where, although as I recall the story it was either in the U.S., the U.K. or on the Continent. When showing his U.S. Passport they asked his name and he replied in R.P. tones "James Bond" whereupon the Inspector said OK you joker back to the end of the line.
By the way
Birds of the West Indies is still in print and still a good guide to Caribbean Birds.