This thread is trolling, I agree.
Posting photos of those killed in Gaza is not 'kiddie death porn', its showing outrage that a genocide can continue and continue to be supported for a full year with full knowledge of what's going on. Shack went further and inferred it was sexual preference, that's disgusting.
Again showing that communicating with you is a total waste of time.
I took the effort that provided a link explaining that X porn is not always sexual, like the phrase food porn.
Pretty sure he isn't accusing you of sexualizing the dead
To quote a Laurence Fishbourne character. English, do you fucking speak it.
ANd before you scream the racisms, I am pretty sure you do, your grammar and spelling is on point, I've pointed out many times your seeming inability to understand something, never once attributed it to a linguistic issue as there were other better explanations, But I'm not not going to quote Laurence Fishbourne.
And before anyone screams the racisms because I am confusing Laurnce with Samuel L Jackson. It's a meme from when a reporter started asking Jackson questions about roles Laurence played.