But you are the one who has waaay more accusers than I do. Why is this frank? A person, you, who has convinced so many others that you are racist, who calls somebody else (me) a racist, does not carry much credibility.
Did you think that Israel would retaliate for the Oct. 7 attack or not?
Of course I knew they would retaliate, of course Hamas knew they would retaliate.
Did you ever stop to think why they would attack knowing what the response would be, knowing they would be pummeled?
How about they're literally living in an open-air prison, they have no rights, conditions are so horrendous it's unlivable,
they're living in squalor and it's continually getting worse even without provocation.
I get it, you're Jewish I'm not, you carry baggage into this that I don't, but to keep dealing the anti-Semitism card and "they want to kill all the Jews"
is just convenient and dismissive. You show no sign of trying to understand what would motivate somebody to do something that extreme,
at the risk of their own survival. It's getting worse, nobody gives a shit, and Israel has carte blanche with no accountability, because of who
backs them. And you're convinced Israel's shit doesn't stink, 85% - 95% of Israeli Jews would beg to differ.