Is there a Holocaust Industry?

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Jun 29, 2003
"In more recent years, the Holocaust industry has effectively turned into a shake-down racket in which more and more countries throughout Europe are being bludgeoned into coughing up compensation."

"There is something slightly absurd - if not laughable - about the fact that the United States should erect a museum to the Nazi Holocaust, but not, for example, erect a museum to commemorate the African-American slavery or the extermination of the native population"

Professor Norman Finkelstein

The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering (Paperback) BUY IT!

As compensation claims continue against companies and countries with one-time Nazi associations, tributes and museums have multiplied: many American cities now have their own memorials, and European cities such as Stockholm and Berlin are preparing to acquire theirs.
It all testifies to the central - and haunting - position which the murder of between five and six million Jews by Nazi Germany has acquired in the Western consciousness.
But for the first time in the last quarter of a century, a new school of academic thought is emerging - one which questions the accepted vision of the Holocaust and the universality of its moral teachings.
In his forthcoming book, "The Holocaust Industry", Professor Norman Finkelstein of the University of New York argues that our present interpretation of the Holocaust has been deliberately devised by American Jewish groups for purposes of ethnic supremacy, political advantage and financial gain.
"Since the late 1960s, there has developed a kind of Holocaust industry which has made a cult of the Nazi Holocaust. And the purpose of this industry is, in my view, ethnic aggrandisement - in particular, to deflect criticism of the State of Israel and to deflect criticism of Jews generally,"
Professor Finkelstein says.

The discovery of the Nazi concentration camps of World War Two by allied troops and journalists has shaped our perception of the very worst of human nature.
It has also defined our view of Hitler's principal victims, the Jews, as a martyr nation deserving eternal atonement. But for Professor Finkelstein, himself the son of concentration camp survivors, that view of the Holocaust is a manufactured one.
For Professor Finkelstein, the Holocaust is not incomparable. To compare and contrast - he argues - is a historian's duty.
Although Professor Finkelstein's view is shared by few in today's academia, he is not an entirely isolated figure. Several younger scholars agree that the Holocaust should not be a moral narrative with a single authorised reading.
For Tim Cole of the University of Bristol, an authority on the Budapest ghetto, the Holocaust's significance has varied considerably according to place and time.
Tim Cole draws attention to the fact that there were no Holocaust museums back in the 1960's.
"It's only much more recently that museums have been built. If you like, it's a kind of 1980s, 1990s ideology, sentiment thing, if you like, to build Holocaust museums - that we, at this particular point in history, remember the Holocaust for all sorts of reasons," Mr Cole says.
This is disputed by Michael Friedman of the Jewish Congress. It took 20 years, he says, to build these memorials because the shock of the Holocaust was so great.

How could the brain immediately react? Take a private tragedy - if you lose your parents or children by accident, how long do you need to come back to a minimum of emotionality and working out this tragedy. And multiply this by the biggest human tragedy that ever happened on earth"
Michael Freidman argues.

Schindler's list, the Oscar-winning film about the Holocaust directed by Steven Spielberg, was a huge success across the world in 1993 - and is said to have popularised the suffering of the Jews to an unprecedented extent. Some academics have scorned such material as a less than accurate and easily digestible view of history.
Historians are increasingly disputing another historical interpretation - that the whole of the German nation was to blame for the fate of the Jews.
It is, however, something that Dr Friedman of the Jewish Congress strongly believes.

"After World War Two, when I came to Germany at the age of 10, 15, the majority of Germans said to me: "We didn't want Auschwitz". And I would believe them, that they didn't want it."

"But what does this mean, this statement? Was what happened not enough to say "No" to? Because they didn't say "No", Auschwitz happened. Even if they didn't want it, they are responsible for it.
They are responsible because, without their daily acceptance of the steps beforehand, it wouldn't have been possible to build the concentration camps," Dr Friedman says.
Andre Vornic

The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering
by Norman G. Finkelstein

This book makes a very strong case that the memory of the suffering and death caused during the Holocaust has been highjacked for cynical reasons having to do with money and strengthening Israel's position.

Given that David Irving is being held in Austria for having exercised his right to his opinions, and Bruno Gollnisch prosecuted for having merely asked for investigation and debate about the details of the Holocaust, it is high time a ruckus was made about the obscene Holocaust Industry that is now trying to make having an opinion about the Holocaust a crime throughout the world, if it does not 100% accord with the "official" version. Raoul Hilberg Is next, why world's leading Holocaust scholar is prosecuted because he puts the number of dead at 5.1 or 5.2 million?!

These lunatics suppressing free inquiry and speech must be booted out of power. And soon!
Time to get VERY vocal, people!
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Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Do you have trouble saying it happened and should be a lesson for all?


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place

Yes, its called Hollywood. They always seem to neglect mentioning the millions of Christians killed in the camps as well.


New member
May 25, 2005
I think there was a Rabbi who was outspoken about how some Jews profit by perpetuating their "victum status" from WW2 and how deplorable it is.

Certainly you have to wonder why almost every year there's another WW2 movie emphasizing the Holocaust. I mean it's not like we see many movies about the genocide of indigenous peoples.
May 3, 2004
Amazing how so many countries actions are being shaped and run by shrewd, conniving and power-brokering Jews.

Ironic how just this sort of characterization of Jewish people eventually led to the extermination of almost 6 million Jews.

Sad, how this characterization still plays itself out in the world today.


New member
Jun 29, 2003
rogerstaubach said:
....the extermination of almost 6 million Jews.

Sad, how this characterization still plays itself out in the world today.
NO, not 6 million Jews but 5.1 million, maybe !. . . something that needs a real resarch...
May 3, 2004
cyrus said:
NO, not 6 million Jews but obly 5.1 million, maybe !. . . something that needs a real resarch...
Sorry cyrus, I guess I have become hoodwinked and hornswaggled by the Holocaust Industry. You know them Jews, how sly and shrewd they are.


New member
May 25, 2005
rogerstaubach said:
Amazing how so many countries actions are being shaped and run by shrewd, conniving and power-brokering Jews.

Ironic how just this sort of characterization of Jewish people eventually led to the extermination of almost 6 million Jews.

Sad, how this characterization still plays itself out in the world today.
Your remarks do nothing more than substantiate the point. "Hey look at us, we're victums. We can do no wrong because we're victums. We are above the law, critique, judgment, etc...because we're victums."

A Jewish man or woman can go out and do whatever he or she wants against any other person or peoples, do so without conciquence, because 6 million Jews died in WW2? Do you honestly believe 6 million Jews died just so future generations can live with impunity for there actions? FYI, being human means being faluable. Hate to break it to you but goyim are not the only ones responsible for the worlds troubles.

FYI: In WW2 the Soviet Union lost the most with 25 million deaths, but only about a third were combat related.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
cyrus said:
NO, not 6 million Jews but 5.1 million, maybe !. . . something that needs a real resarch...
Wow, you admit this? After all the posts you've made, I find it kind of surprising. 5.1 - 6 million is the widely accepted range.

Besides, does this difference of 0.9 million really effect what happened?
May 3, 2004
Eli said:
Your remarks do nothing more than substantiate the point. "Hey look at us, we're victums. We can do no wrong because we're victums. We are above the law, critique, judgment, etc...because we're victums."

A Jewish man or woman can go out and do whatever he or she wants against any other person or peoples, do so without conciquence, because 6 million Jews died in WW2? Do you honestly believe 6 million Jews died just so future generations can live with impunity for there actions? FYI, being human means being faluable. Hate to break it to you but goyim are not the only ones responsible for the worlds troubles.

FYI: In WW2 the Soviet Union lost the most with 25 million deaths, but only about a third were combat related.
I know what you mean Eli. The absolute hauty arrogance of Jewish people running roughshod over people all over the world, with such indignation and scorn for the rest of society because they know they are beyond any iota of criticism, scrutiny and justice because of their forefather's persecution and genocide.

And these Jews do it with impunity too!


New member
Jun 29, 2003
basketcase said:
Wow, you admit this? After all the posts you've made, I find it kind of surprising. 5.1 - 6 million is the widely accepted range.

Besides, does this difference of 0.9 million really effect what happened?
That is not the issue;
"The issue here is about the fact that today (as discussed in this thread), Jews have created such a myth in the name of Holocaust that they expect the rest of the world consider it to be above everything else, even God & faith" so Jews could push their agenda with impunity against the oppressed Palestinian nation and that is unfair.

"If the west committed this big crime, then why should the Palestinians pay the price?" This is a reasonable question that every decent person should think about it.


Puttin' in Face Time
Oct 8, 2003
cyrus the disingenuous twit

You can borow all the argumentation from the President of Iran you like, that doesn't lend it much credence.

To deconstruct your argument, its basic premise is that Israel is a sole product of the Holocaust. This is not completely right, since there was already a sizable Jewish population in Mandate Palestine before 1933 when your pal Hitler came to power. Jews owned land lawfully bought from whoever had owned it. Jews began to come to Palestine in the 1870s and there were several waves of settlement. How about Arabs? Wasn't there a lot of immigration into Palestine by Arabs between 1870 and 1933?

I lived on a farm which had been a swamp before it was cleared, I'm sure the Arab who sold the land thought he was selling worthless land. So while some of the land was forcibly taken from Arabs it is a convenient (and obvious) lie to say that the "West" gave away Arab land to the Jews because of their guilt.

The Naqba (arabic for "catastrpophe") the Palestinians experienced was not only at the hands of the Jews, the Arabs had plenty to do with it.

Anyway it's besides the point now, Israel ain't going anywhere.

Eli - to quote you: "A Jewish man or woman can go out and do whatever he or she wants against any other person or peoples, do so without conciquence" -- please cite ANY example of Jews doing ANYTHING THEY WANT WITH IMPUNITY. This is absolute crap.


New member
May 25, 2005
DATYdude said:
Eli - to quote you: "A Jewish man or woman can go out and do whatever he or she wants against any other person or peoples, do so without conciquence" -- please cite ANY example of Jews doing ANYTHING THEY WANT WITH IMPUNITY. This is absolute crap.
I was merely challenging the idea that Jewish people are beyond reproach. It seems that if anyone has any critique of anyone Jewish then they are immediately labeled an Anti-Semite, Nazi, or whatever and then bashed over the head with the Holocaust.


Puttin' in Face Time
Oct 8, 2003

I have often heard that accusation "oh we can't say anything against the Jews or Israel without being labelled an anti-semite" ...

I have to say I know a lot of WASP Canadians who simply don't believe that they have any prejudices, and ignorance of one's own prejudices makes you very susceptible to them. People in the majority culture do not understand this very well, IMO.

Keeping in mind that to some people even a small Danish newspaper publishing a cartoon of Moses with a bomb on his head will be labelled as anti-Semitic...

It's not really true that all criticism of individual Jews will lead to an accusation of anti-semitism. For example, you can criticize:

Alan Greenspan
Alan Dershowitz
my Uncle Shlomo...

for anything they say or do, and you're not going to be labelled an anti-semite as long as you don't (a) lie; (b) generalize that since they do something that all Jews do the same thing.

You should understand why Jews are sensitive to Jew-hatred, and understand why sometimes there is overreaction or a knee-jerk reaction where a statement may show anti-semitism or whether the anti-semitism is ambiguous. There is no staying silent any more.

Let's take your statement for example:
"the idea that Jewish people are beyond reproach. It seems that if anyone has any critique of anyone Jewish then they are immediately labeled an Anti-Semite, Nazi, or whatever and then bashed over the head with the Holocaust."

Generalization+Lie, ergo anti-semitism.

So you see I'm trying to show that often the criticisms are not specific to the person but are unfair generalizations or discreetly re-state some old prejudice ("Jews run the world"), and so they end up (to those with the radar) showing a prejudice against the person BECAUSE THEY'RE JEWISH, not because of the person's actions.

Maybe you could show me some seemingly innocuous statements which have been labelled anti-semitic and I could try to explain what the anti-semitic content is.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Eli said:
I was merely challenging the idea that Jewish people are beyond reproach. It seems that if anyone has any critique of anyone Jewish then they are immediately labeled an Anti-Semite, Nazi, or whatever and then bashed over the head with the Holocaust.
I don't know, I've railed against Israel on this board before and no one has labeled me an anti-Semite.



New member
Jun 29, 2003
DATYdude said:
You can borow all the argumentation from the President of Iran you like, that doesn't lend it much credence.

To deconstruct your argument, its basic premise is that Israel is a sole product of the Holocaust. This is not completely right, since there was already a sizable Jewish population in Mandate Palestine before 1933 when your pal Hitler came to power. Jews owned land lawfully bought from whoever had owned it. Jews began to come to Palestine in the 1870s and there were several waves of settlement. How about Arabs? Wasn't there a lot of immigration into Palestine by Arabs between 1870 and 1933?

.... -- please cite ANY example of Jews doing ANYTHING THEY WANT WITH IMPUNITY. This is absolute crap.
Actually, you are the one who is disingenuous hypocrite, as you persistently attempt to misquote people’s statements and misrepresent the issues in order to defend the Zionist schema & strengthen the Israel's position at the expense of other people.

As I have said it very clearly before;

The issue in this thread has nothing to do with Jewish desire to have a nation of their own
BUT . . . but & but with the fact that

since the late 1960s, they have developed a kind of Holocaust industry which has made a cult of the Nazi Holocaust

1- By scams & swindle for profit out of Holocaust victims
(A Jewish genius to somehow make profit out of anything, even their own Holocaust, very shameful in this case!)
2- To popularize the suffering of the Jews to an unprecedented extent for cynical reasons
3- by suppressing free inquiry and speech of intellectuals who managed to recognize, 1 & 2 above and want to put things in proper perspective.

So Let me repeat this one more time just incase you insist on refusing to hear it well,
"The issue here is about the fact that today radical Jews have created such a myth in the name of Holocaust that they expect the rest of the world consider it to be above everything else, even God & faith" so they could push their agenda with impunity against the oppressed Palestinian nation and that is unfair.

"If the west committed this big crime, then why should the Palestinians pay the price?” This is a reasonable question that every decent person should think about
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New member
May 25, 2005
The point I was attempting to make (and perhaps done in a reactionary fashion I'll admit) was that no race, color,sex, or creed is above judgment. The word anti-semitism gets thrown around far to loosely. It's been "loosely" used in defense against those who would critize the Israeli occupation of Palestine, it was "loosely" used against Noam Chomsky when he made the argument that freedom of speech is not selective, and there are other examples.

As far as the Holocaust is concerned in this argument I think it's more than tragic that anyone would use it as a means to profit or support an immoral agenda. Which I do believe has happened to a degree. Now I may be wrong, but I do believe there is room for discussion of the facts and the discovery therof without insinuations that "oh your attitudes are just like that of the Nazis" which is what I believed rogerstaubach was doing. Again I may be wrong.
May 3, 2004
Eli said:
The point I was attempting to make (and perhaps done in a reactionary fashion I'll admit) was that no race, color,sex, or creed is above judgment. The word anti-semitism gets thrown around far to loosely. It's been "loosely" used in defense against those who would critize the Israeli occupation of Palestine, it was "loosely" used against Noam Chomsky when he made the argument that freedom of speech is not selective, and there are other examples.

As far as the Holocaust is concerned in this argument I think it's more than tragic that anyone would use it as a means to profit or support an immoral agenda. Which I do believe has happened to a degree. Now I may be wrong, but I do believe there is room for discussion of the facts and the discovery therof without insinuations that "oh your attitudes are just like that of the Nazis" which is what I believed rogerstaubach was doing. Again I may be wrong.
Sorry Eli, was using the "characterizations" of jews in the original post by cyrus, as a satirical analogy as to the genesis of which eventually led to the genocide of the Jewish people.

Discuss the genocide, numbers and stuff all you want. Push the limit of history and reality all you want, but engage in disinformation and characterization and expect to be called on it.

Von Wigglestaff

Rock me Amadeus
Jan 23, 2004
Takeshi Castle
The Jews have always been an industrious and resourcefull people; and for thier success they were subjected to pogroms by their neighbours. In areas where liberalism and tolerance was the rule, they helped build great cities (Amsterdan, Berlin).

What rankled most in the minds of the Nazis, who were themselves the dregs of German society, was that Berlin could not have become the great city that it was/is without the Jews. During the Renaissance, Berlin was an insignificant shithole that the Prussians wanted no part of. It was only after the Duke of Brandenburg gave refuge to the refugees of the religious wars ( a large number of them being Jews from other parts of Central Europe) that the city began to prosper.

As for the continual barrage of Holocaust films; remember that the movie industry is their industry. The believed and nurtured it at a time when Christian businessmen thought it sleazy and beneath them. They can produce the types of films that they want.

And Munich is the movie of the year.
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