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I'm Calling It, Minority Gov't For Libs


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
What happens when Trudeaus economic plan fails?
What happens is we have concrete and lasting improvements to the Canadian infrastructure as opposed to having more prisons.


New member
Jul 21, 2002
What happens when Trudeaus economic plan fails? We're stuck with a large deficit that we can't get out of without across the board tax increases.
Hmm, it is a tough choice, between a platform that wants to spend on infrastructure, and in things that matters the most to Canadian, also wants to bring new tax income by legalizing marijuana, and saving money by NOT spending on prosecuting law abiding johns like us, versus a platform that wants to spend all of our tax money on wars and overpriced fighter jets that haven't even proven themselves, and wants to spend my money to prosecute us for sleeping with whoever we like.... Who should I vote for....


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Read what he said and economists agree on:


"budget balance itself if economic growth were higher"
There in lies the problem
Economic growth will not higher especially if he raises taxes on the 1% and institutes more payroll taxes

He will artificially inflate the economy while he runs deficits and at the end of three years we will have what ?
An extra 30-50 B in debt
A public sector which has been expanded with a new layer of exhorbinate pension liabilities.
It is very difficult & expensive to shrink the pubic sector & their burden on future generations.

Not what is needed

Far better to expand GDP by having companies invest here.
That is accomplished by ensuring Canada is a good place to do business
Taxes on the rich & higher payroll taxes will drive investment elsewhere
Justin does not understand this


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
Our economy is just too small to get out of this slowdown on our own, we need stronger growth from our major trading partners, US, China, Japan,India and Europe. Without this our economy will stay stagnant, we need stronger exports to move forward, Trudeau doesn't understand this. We will have very minimal growth with a huge deficit which means across the board tax hikes at the end of the day.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Vote as you see fit, that's your right
However, the USA twice elected an intellectual nitwit ( George W) & paid a heavy price for doing so
I can only hope Canadians will wake up in time to realize that Justin inherited his fathers name, but not his intelligence.
"The budget will balance itself" Do you really want to hand the Federal cheque book to a dummy, who has promised to run deficits?
If so, remember you will have to live with the consequences (higher taxes)
Harper inherited a surplus from the Liberals and created a deficit for almost a decade before finally "balancing" the budget. Then they trumpet their so called achievements as if it was unique although at the same time losing just below half a million jobs and having the dubious record of the lowest growth rate by any PM in 80 years.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Harper has done a good job for the economy, I didn't vote for him today because I care more about other issues such as human rights and personal freedoms and NDP stands more for those issues. My freedom is more important than money
That's 100% why I'm not voting for Harper. I think he's done decently well on the economy, though with too much dependence on exporting our natural resources rather than refining them here. It's the social issues that bother me. And he just keeps doubling down on them, taking us back decades. He's got to go for exactly that reason. But the NDP would do horribly with the economy, and I can't sacrifice that either.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002


New member
Jul 21, 2002
Mulcair as prime minister would be even better than both
I agree with original quote, ABC (Anything But Conservatives), for that you need strategic voting instead of splitting the votes. If NDP is stronger in one place vote NDP. If Libs are strong vote Liberal otherwise you are wasting your vote with no outcome unfortunately. Like the last time that cons won a majority with 30% overall vote. This is the flaw in our voting system.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
I agree with the article that Canadians will see Justin differently this week and that will be a harsher light.
I don't think so. Justin is never going to be anyone's idea of a great PM. The country - me included - just hate the fuck out of Harper and would vote for a baboon just to get rid of him.
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