60% regret 40% don't regret.
So I started hobbying back 2 years ago. I recently moved to the GTA and was feeling pretty lonely and only focused on my work and university. Me and my ex broke up on good terms but let's be honest as a single 22-year-old living in downtown Toronto I was pretty fucking horny and I didn't think I had the time for a girlfriend nor did I bother making friends and getting to know some people.
One of the courses I was taking was about sex work but from the perspective of sex workers it was the second year this course was taught. My university has an online forum where students could post about certain courses and discuss its difficulty so this course was considered to be one of the easiest and I could use a GPA booster at the time so I said fuck it and decided to take the course even though it was completely different from my major. The course was very interesting and to make a long story short the course intrigued me and I decided to do my own research wink wink.
Since my first introduction to sex work was through university we obviously touched on the legal legislation implemented by the Canadian government such as bill c36 so I wasn't exactly courageous to take the leap as I thought I could get arrested and so I thought it would be safer to first hobby through spas since they were licensed and everything is done behind closed doors so I told myself what the heck it's not like police have time to barge into a spa and check whether you're getting a real massage or something else.
My first time was amazing it's everything you could have asked for, the girl was stunning her service was great, and she was a total sweetheart, even the people running the establishment were very professional and welcoming. However, working a part-time job that doesn't pay that well while also trying to put yourself through university doesn't exactly work well with this hobby because it's too fucking expensive for someone like me. It didn't take me long to realize I've made a big mistake.
After my first time hobbying, I did it for 5 days straight and then I was doing it about 2 to 3 times per week until all of the money I've saved up was gone which forceed me to count the days until payday just so I can hobby again and I was constantly thinking about it from when I wake up to when I go to bed. This obviously had a bad impact on my grades, my sleep, my ability to perform well at work and other things here and there. I was definitely addicted. This pattern continued until covid hit which basically forced me to stop hobbying because the spas were all closed.
I don't know what exactly happened but I'm assuming due to the fact that I wasn't able to hobby for a very very long time it made my urges basically disappear and my brain rewired. Now that spas are back open and I've had some experience with agencies, since January 2021 till now I would say I hobbied maybe 6 or 7 times total which now that I'm further in my career and done school it is something that I can financially handle but still considering my age the money I'm putting into hobbying should be used to build my future.
I don't think it's a good idea for your average dude in his early 20s to take up Hobbying. It's far to expensive and for good reason. This was actually stressed to me by a lot of the more mature ladies I met, one of them even told me she felt kinda guilty for seeing me and that I should be careful because this is a very addictive Hobby and shes seen what it can do to someone. (This kind of backfired on her because I thought she was really sweet for counseling me after our session and I went back to see her like 3 times lol, I also went back to see her for other reasons wink wink)
Now that the negative part is over the 40% that I don't regret is that this boosted my confidence like nothing else could. I basically went from a complete introvert to someone with a good amount of confidence a healthy amount of self-esteem and not to mention that some of the ladies we're willing to give me a few pointers and teach me how to do certain things wink wink. I have so much confidence when it comes to talking to girls now and that was something I really needed at the time.
With everything said I still think considering my age I have more regret but not that much more. If I started hobbing when I was 40 I would probably have 10% regret and 90% no regret.