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I voted already, I did not vote for Harper


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
The next provincial election can't come soon enough!
It won't make any difference. The Cons have picked yet another clown. Katherine Wynn can give her lesbian lover a full on french kiss on TV and still beat the guy like a baby seal.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Maybe so but that was then and not Justin Trudeau.
But the previous conservative govt under Mulroney ALSO massively increased the debt. So why is it that people somehow think Conservatives are fiscally responsible? 2 Conservative regimes in a row have run large deficits. At least 2 liberal PMs both Chretien and Martin were fiscally responsible. Trudeau has said he will make some investments and will borrow to make those investments. This seems fairly rational to me. Its not as if he is going to put in place a structural deficit. In either case, he got my vote on the basis of electoral reform. Which we desperately need.

Mr. Piggy

Jul 4, 2007
But the previous conservative govt under Mulroney ALSO massively increased the debt. So why is it that people somehow think Conservatives are fiscally responsible? 2 Conservative regimes in a row have run large deficits. At least 2 liberal PMs both Chretien and Martin were fiscally responsible. Trudeau has said he will make some investments and will borrow to make those investments. This seems fairly rational to me. Its not as if he is going to put in place a structural deficit. In either case, he got my vote on the basis of electoral reform. Which we desperately need.
They are all useless fucks but Trudeau is at the top of the list. If he gets in, this country will be fucked more than it is now.


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
The worst possible outcome would be another 4 years of Harper continuing to reform Canada.
Harper Changed The Character of Canada And not in any good way.

Canada has never had an election campaign like this. Not only its length is unprecedented and its cost record-breaking. For the first time in postwar history, one of the nation’s major political parties has dispensed with the inconvenient tradition of meeting voters.
The Conservatives see no need to talk to Canadians who don’t support them. Tory candidates seldom participate in town halls or election debates. Party leader Stephen Harper, who has served as prime minister for nine years, allows only supporters into his campaign events.
How do we hold a governing party accountable for its actions when its members and candidates are inaccessible? How do we compare our electoral choices when one party speaks only to its own backers?
The sad thing is that few voters seem to care. They are inured to Harper’s divide-and-conquer tactics.
In their defence, this is a relatively small departure from Canada’s democratic traditions, one that is more likely to hurt the Tories than their critics. But over the past decade, Harper’s “small” changes have exacted a hefty toll. One by one,

Canadians have lost the tools they need to understand what their government is doing and make informed choices about the future.
As Election Day approaches it’s worth taking a moment to review what we’ve lost and ask how much more of our heritage we can afford to forfeit:

A decade ago, it would have been unthinkable for members of Parliament to spurn their constituents. Now, for half of parliamentarians, it is normal.
When the Conservatives took power, no one could have imagined the cancellation of the mandatory full-length census, the single best source of information about how the nation is changing and how the government is meeting these challenges. Now it is gone.

Before 2006 no Canadian prime minister — indeed no head of government in the Commonwealth — had ever been found in contempt of Parliament. It has happened twice on Harper’s watch. The Speaker of the House of Commons ruled that the government lied to Parliament and refused to release public documents. These actions contravene the principles on which responsible government is built.

Never has a prime minister attacked the chief justice of the Supreme Court, the personification of Canada’s strong, independent judiciary. Harper broke ranks, challenging Beverley McLachlin and by extension the rule of law.

Every prime minister for the past century has broadened the right to vote — to women, ethnic minorities, First Nations, Canadians living abroad, individuals with disabilities and homeless people. Harper attempted — with partial success — to reverse the process, disenfranchising thousands of voters with his Fair Elections Law.

For 58 years, no prime minister cavilled about providing life-saving medicine to refugee claimants awaiting their hearings. It was a mark of a decent nation. Harper slashed the Interim Federal Health Program “to defend the interests of Canadian taxpayers.”

Before Harper took power, Canadians were not a fearful people. We did not obsess over criminals in our communities, terrorists infiltrating our borders, bogus refugees exploiting our generosity or foreign wars threatening our security. We took reasonable precautions and got on with life. We trusted our fellow-citizens and gave refugee claimants a fair hearing. Now all of that is gone — dismissed as hopelessly naïve and unworldly.

Nor were we a xenophobic people. We weren’t unnerved by kirpans or offended by niqabs. We didn’t use terms such as “barbaric cultural practices.” We didn’t regard outsiders as a threat; immigrants and their families as a burden; or refugees as potential terrorists. We took pride in our reputation as one of the world’s few successful pluralistic societies.

The list goes on: No prime minister has treated Canada’s Charter of Rights as an inconvenience he could ignore, challenge or test at taxpayers’ expense. No prime minister has sicced federal tax auditors on charities that protect the environment, speak for the poor, or fight for freedom of expression. No prime minister has stripped judges of their discretion to sentence lawbreakers. No prime minister has treated Canadian citizenship as a benefit that can be revoked at will by the government. No prime minister has forbidden federal scientists to share their findings with their international peers or the public.
“Small” changes add up. They transform the face of a nation and the character of its people. They prevent Canadians from finding out what is being done in their name, with their dollars. They erode empathy and trust.

Please don’t shrug. This matters. Where the trajectory goes from here is up to us.


New member
Jul 21, 2002
I find it humorous if you either have children, see SPs, have seniors in your life, like freedom of speech and privacy, and have friends who are lower income, yet still vote for Harper.
The conservative gov't has majourly reduced funding for social programs and institutions; and had we not had a liberal province then OSAP funding and grants would have been cut dramatically. C-51 is a horrendous thing and it's too complicated to explain in brief so I recommend checking it out; it violates human rights in a big way.

And just about every single man on this board is "criminal" because they see SPs.


I'm not saying the other parties are perfect; they're not. But they're definitely the lesser evil.
I second that, I find it ironic the least. I have had enough of Harper running deficits after deficits and run the economy deep into recession. He was the worst thing to happen to:

- economy
- our hobby
- our freedom
- foreign policy
- corruption at all levels
and the list goes and goes


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
I find it humorous if you either have children, see SPs, have seniors in your life, like freedom of speech and privacy, and have friends who are lower income, yet still vote for Harper.
The conservative gov't has majourly reduced funding for social programs and institutions; and had we not had a liberal province then OSAP funding and grants would have been cut dramatically. C-51 is a horrendous thing and it's too complicated to explain in brief so I recommend checking it out; it violates human rights in a big way.

And just about every single man on this board is "criminal" because they see SPs.


I'm not saying the other parties are perfect; they're not. But they're definitely the lesser evil.
Yes they say democracy fails when people vote against their own interest. (polite for being stupid) and it amazes me how many people vote for a party that has criminalized one of their activities.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Yes they say democracy fails when people vote against their own interest. (polite for being stupid) and it amazes me how many people vote for a party that has criminalized one of their activities.
Maybe unlike yourself I have many other interests besides seeing SP's/MPA's. I certainly don't agree with the Nordic Model but the Conservatives had no choice to pander to their voter base. Their hand was forced by the SCOC - people seem to forget the circumstances behind the law.
I know most people on here don't think like I do but the reason I vote Conservative is quite simple - I support individual freedom and personal choice over government entitlements and higher taxes.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Maybe unlike yourself I have many other interests besides seeing SP's/MPA's. I certainly don't agree with the Nordic Model but the Conservatives had no choice to pander to their voter base. Their hand was forced by the SCOC - people seem to forget the circumstances behind the law.
I know most people on here don't think like I do but the reason I vote Conservative is quite simple - I support individual freedom and personal choice over government entitlements and higher taxes.
However, you do not respect the Government that you support if you break their premium Law against the Purchase of Sex by continuing to see Escorts, MPAs etc. How can you slander someone for not supporting the Conns, unless you are prepared to be a hypocrite.


New member
I voted yesterday and I sure as hell didn't vote Harper :)

The long lines encouraged me. I hope we have a dramatic increase in voter turnout.

My riding is going To the Orange incumbent so I decided to add to the popular vote of the candidate I most support.
Though I was leaning towards Muclair, I actually did change my mind as the campaign progressed.

I can't wait to cheer Canada for rejecting bigotry (and all the other aspects of the Reform party's record)


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
Maybe unlike yourself I have many other interests besides seeing SP's/MPA's. I certainly don't agree with the Nordic Model but the Conservatives had no choice to pander to their voter base. Their hand was forced by the SCOC - people seem to forget the circumstances behind the law.
I know most people on here don't think like I do but the reason I vote Conservative is quite simple - I support individual freedom and personal choice over government entitlements and higher taxes.
Then you messed up your vote.
Maybe you're one of Ezra Levant's followers which would explain your cognitive dissonance. But there is no doubt that the Harper gov't has stifled freedom and personal choice, and has increased government entitlements to corporate interests.
And they literally stifled your personal choice to pay for sexual services by making that illegal, as well as criminalizing the personal freedom for sex workers to advertise.

The Harper gov't also made a deal to sell armoured vehicles to the Saudi government. Not to be used for war, but to stifle human rights, political and religious dissent. IOW, to punish anyone striving for individual freedom and personal choice.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
They are all useless fucks but Trudeau is at the top of the list. If he gets in, this country will be fucked more than it is now.
When Harper took a surplus and created a deficit for all his years in office, not to mention the slowest growth rate in 80 years by any PM and a loss of half a million jobs. ABC, in other words Anyone But Conservatives who have screwed us. Are you still a current hobbyist? Why are you disrespecting your Conservative Government and breaking the law that they hold so dear to their hearts? To them you are a criminal and yet you kiss their butts.

Flatulent Fox

Based on a true story
Nov 23, 2014
Maybe unlike yourself I have many other interests besides seeing SP's/MPA's. I certainly don't agree with the Nordic Model but the Conservatives had no choice to pander to their voter base. Their hand was forced by the SCOC - people seem to forget the circumstances behind the law.
I know most people on here don't think like I do but the reason I vote Conservative is quite simple - I support individual freedom and personal choice over government entitlements and higher taxes.
How can you possibly say that the party that introduced Bill C36 and C51, and called marijuana "infinitely worse than tobacco" is for individual freedom and personal choice?


New member
Jul 21, 2002
When Harper took a surplus and created a deficit for all his years in office, not to mention the slowest growth rate in 80 years by any PM and a loss of half a million jobs. ABC, in other words Anyone But Conservatives who have screwed us. Are you still a current hobbyist? Why are you disrespecting your Conservative Government and breaking the law that they hold so dear to their hearts? To them you are a criminal and yet you kiss their butts.
This.... I still fail to see how they argue that liberals are gonna take us deep into deficit when in fact it was Harper who got us deep into deficit. We used to get income tax cut every year under liberals. Guess when that stopped. It looks like people have short memory.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
This.... I still fail to see how they argue that liberals are gonna take us deep into deficit when in fact it was Harper who got us deep into deficit. We used to get income tax cut every year under liberals. Guess when that stopped. It looks like people have short memory.
Because Junior is in fact campaigning on purposefully running deficits?

I the Conservatives did it while in a minority gov't during the crisis in stimulus spending. At the demands of the opposition.

That's what I would refer to as a short memory.


New member
Jul 21, 2002
Because Junior is in fact campaigning on purposefully running deficits?

I the Conservatives did it while in a minority gov't during the crisis in stimulus spending. At the demands of the opposition.

That's what I would refer to as a short memory.
Yeah, right! because we all know Harper listens to others!!! At the end of the day, he was the prime minister and he spent them. After all he had majority for the last 4 years and still was in red. So much for the excuses.

Here is the history of budgect deficits and surpluses and guess where most of the deficits are, yes they are where the blue was in charge:

Another thing, there is a deficit on spending on investments like infrastructure and then there is deficit on things with no benefit to Canadians like military adventures.
Toronto Escorts