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I got Herpes from a BBBJ

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Active member
Oct 4, 2011
Thats correct, but once it finds a spot it stays there. So you can get 1 on lips and 2 on genitals, or vice versa, or both on lips, or both on gentals. It's where it enters the body. Did you get a blood test to ascertain which form you got assman?
he stated hsv1.


Aug 17, 2001
Thats correct, but once it finds a spot it stays there. So you can get 1 on lips and 2 on genitals, or vice versa, or both on lips, or both on gentals. It's where it enters the body. Did you get a blood test to ascertain which form you got assman?
I didn't get a blood test, but because I went to the HFC when I had lesions, they were able to do a swab and that confirmed it is HSV-1.


Dec 7, 2013
Definitely unfortunate that I accidentally outed myself. I set up a new handle only to protect the identity of the service providers I had seen so that people wouldn't unfairly speculate that they were the source of my infection. Now that my cover is blown, I really don't see how any of this impacts my credibility. I posted many fair and honest reviews over the years and contributed to this board. I did have a scare years ago and got tested (including HSV test) and was negative. Whether or not people believe it is really of no concern to me. Looking back, I definitely over reacted back in 2008 as the "rash" I had in one spot was nothing like what I am dealing with now. I should have waited until the tests came back in 2008 before posting anything, but I was freaked out and felt the need to post something and see if anyone had similar experiences. I clarified that it was a false alarm as soon as I got the results back.

Gibbons hit the nail on the head in terms of what happened. I tried to stop after the scare in 2008 and, as others have discovered, it's easier said than done. I agree with Jessica Rain that ignoring the prior scare definitely entitles me to less sympathy, but I was never looking for any in the first place. I started this thread to start a conversation about an issue that all of us are aware of and most of us ignore. I got married young and have been married for 20 years and have never had a civie encounter during that time and I am 100% confident my wife hasn't either, so I think it is safe to assume that I picked this up while hobbying, but I agree that nobody can ever be 100% certain when it comes to herpes.

I assume there are some service providers and clients who remain in the industry after being diagnosed and even more who have it and don't even realize it. While there is no way to know for certain exactly when I got it after the false alarm in 2008, but I am fairly confident that I was totally clean until very recently, so I hope there isn't took much panic when people start looking at the names of the ladies I have reviewed and I actually didn't get around to reviewing the last two I saw. I saw them on consecutive days and noticed the first signs of an outbreak 2 days later.

In terms of my past activity, I like variety so I did jump around a far bit and repeated very rarely, but I'm sure there are others who are way more active in the hobby than I was. The main difference is that I made a point of posting reviews of almost all of my encounters, so it might look like I was more active than most. For what it's worth, I also note that I almost never engaged in FS or DATY and hobbied strictly because I love a good BJ and wasn't getting that at home. You can judge if you want, but I don't think that means I didn't have a good marriage as I was completely satisfied in so many ways. I thought that the limited scope of my hobbying activities reduced my risk of getting most STI's, but clearly herpes is one where we are all at risk no matter how "safe" we try to be.

I will leave it to the mods to decide whether this thread (and my account) should be locked or deleted. I don't plan to use the account anyway since staying off this board will probably make my retirement easier. Everything I have said is 100% true. I enjoyed this hobby and have no interest in causing fear or panic, but I do hope this thread gets people to consider the risks from time to time and get tested.
Thanks for all the contributions on this board and I don’t think it’s in anyone’s right to judge you. Personally I get scared every time afterwards as well and find that people who post such negativity a bit daunting at times and hence, don’t mind them. Hope all is well.


Active member
Jan 29, 2011
even going for CBJs only all the time (which is not a bad idea at all, and i would have no issue with this becoming the standard in this industry) would not fully protect you from it, because there are still going to be parts of the skin that is exposed, and if i'm not wrong, it transmits thru skin to skin contact? or is it thru saliva... that like, gets in your dick hole or something, lol? sorry im not a scientist.
Yes, skin to skin contact or saliva and with or without visible lesions. CBJ/CFS lowers your chance of contracting it, but not entirely. Suppression meds reduce the chance further, but again not entirely. When it comes to BBBJ, you can also contract many other STIs (which are getting harder to cure) or UTIs. DATY/DATO can transmit them too.

Whether OP got it 11 years ago or last month, doesn't matter - message is still the same. There are real risks, and your partners - SPs or clients - are not likely to disclose their status - SPs more than anyone, since their reputation and literally their livelihood is on the line. You posted about it yourself dawn, there are sex worker orgs working on decrim whose platform include specifically no testing and disclosure requirements being implemented. Lots of people here acting shocked but come on


Active member
Jan 24, 2019
I think people are concerned because getting HSV-1 on your dick impacts your sex life for ever, unless you're the kind of person who won't bother telling current or future partners. The reality is I can never, in good conscience, ever have unprotected sexual contact again, whether intercourse or even oral. That's a big deal. Would you give someone a BBBJ if you knew they had HSV-1? From what I understand, it can be transmitted through skin to skin contact even when an infected person has no symptoms and also exists in semem.
I dont think this is quite right. Ive never heard of people disclosing they have HSV 1 before sexual contact as almost everyone has it. Its almost guaranteed everyone posting here has it. I understand where youre at so it does seem this big...but I dont think it is. You can have unprotected sex again Im quite sure.


Aug 17, 2001
I dont think this is quite right. Ive never heard of people disclosing they have HSV 1 before sexual contact as almost everyone has it. Its almost guaranteed everyone posting here has it. I understand where youre at so it does seem this big...but I dont think it is. You can have unprotected sex again Im quite sure.
I'm sure people with HSV-1 around their mouths don't disclose it, which is how I ended up with it down below. From everything I have read, once you have genital herpes (whether it's HSV-1 or HSV-2) you really should be disclosing it to sexual partners. I suppose if a sexual partner knows for certain that she already carries HSV-1 she may not care, but I believe that even if a partner has oral HSV-1 (i.e. cold sores) she can still catch genital herpes from me, although the likelihood is less as her body has probably developed some antibodies from the oral HSV-1 infection. In my case, I don't think my wife has HSV-1 so there is a real risk of transmission which likely means protected sex only, assuming she has any interest in having sex at all.
She already had a low sex drive which led me to this hobby (I'm not saying this justifies it but it was the reason) so I don't imagine this is going to help the situation at all. That said, I do appreciate your post and will continue educating myself on the risks of transmission.


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2016
anywhere i want;)
Didn't he post the same scenario 11 years ago:

He got bored? Delayed outbreak? Drama queen?
that is an amazing find ! I'm guessing you really did do your homework in school . LOL.

Incredible find.
For once you said something I can agree with , LOL .

i still don't understand why people are freaking out over the fact that this guy got hsv1 on his dick. it's normally cold sores on the face and i think a majority of the population have had cold sores around their face as children. so literally the only way you could avoid this would be to not have any sexual contact or kiss anyone else whose sexual/childhood health histories you don't completely know, ever.

even going for CBJs only all the time (which is not a bad idea at all, and i would have no issue with this becoming the standard in this industry) would not fully protect you from it, because there are still going to be parts of the skin that is exposed, and if i'm not wrong, it transmits thru skin to skin contact? or is it thru saliva... that like, gets in your dick hole or something, lol? sorry im not a scientist.

Your forgetting there once was a time where the standard was CBJ ; now the standard is BBBJ because that is what the populations definition of " GFE " is . Even if you advertise "SAFE GFE " some will still think that includes BBBJ & protected FS . The best thing for everyone to do is make sure they get tested & practice safety.

To the op ; I think its totally unfortunate what happened to you. I also agree with @jessicarain & feel bad for your wife as she could have potentially got it from you and I really really really hope for your sake she didn't . However I think its unfair how you used two different accounts to post the same thread. I think regardless of the consequences are ; you should come clean with your wife because she may literally be beating herself up thinking that she gave it to you .

The best thing for clients and SPS / escorts to do are regulary get tested and use safe sex practices.


Jun 11, 2019
I'm sure people with HSV-1 around their mouths don't disclose it, which is how I ended up with it down below. From everything I have read, once you have genital herpes (whether it's HSV-1 or HSV-2) you really should be disclosing it to sexual partners. I suppose if a sexual partner knows for certain that she already carries HSV-1 she may not care, but I believe that even if a partner has oral HSV-1 (i.e. cold sores) she can still catch genital herpes from me, although the likelihood is less as her body has probably developed some antibodies from the oral HSV-1 infection. In my case, I don't think my wife has HSV-1 so there is a real risk of transmission which likely means protected sex only, assuming she has any interest in having sex at all.
She already had a low sex drive which led me to this hobby (I'm not saying this justifies it but it was the reason) so I don't imagine this is going to help the situation at all. That said, I do appreciate your post and will continue educating myself on the risks of transmission.
Yea dude just calling it what it is.. nobody goes telling people “oh hey btw i’ve Had a cold sore before” right before they have sex but I get what you mean.


Jul 25, 2002
She already had a low sex drive which led me to this hobby (I'm not saying this justifies it but it was the reason)
Interesting thread, Assman. Thanks for sharing your experiences in the past and up until now. You're one of the few people who've been around longer than me here.

I've noticed that you've used this line more than a few times in your posts that it almost seems like you're trying to will yourself into believing that this is really the case. Is it? Or was it just the allure of getting a sloppy, dirty blowjob from a hot chick more the reason? Honestly, I can't believe you barely partook in DATY!


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2015
Havent read all the discussion but I thought id throw my 2 cents in the pot. disclaimer if anyone has concerns about herpes just talk to your doctor, also ask him/her questions about your risk and concerns.

All this info is just from quick and my personal interests. I am not an expert in this and this is not medical advice or Knowledge just some random guys thoughts on the internet lol.

So both HSV1 and HSV2 cause genital herpes.

It is estimated that 55% of an american population are seropositive of HSV1. This means that they have the virus but not necessarily the disease (You can have the virus and spread it but not have any form of the disease). This is higher in developing world. This number is decreasing, it used to be 62% in the 80s, Most people are exposed to HSV1 during childhood, it can spread easily through oral secretions with sharing utensils etc. (Source for the stuff previous). You can even get herpes on the skin, wrestlers are known to have it and there is a form that is common on the chest as well. The oral HSV1 is what we call cold sores. Thats the most common. It is also possible to get genital HSV1 herpes. It used to be thought that HSV1 genital herpes is less common than HSV2. But studies are showing now that it is the opposite and there is an interesting increase of HSV1 vs HSV2 genital infection (Interesting article with the source of this).

Now something I really found interesting. Once you have HSV1 somewhere in the body, you are less likely to get it elsewhere. I think this is why the rates of oral HSV1 are decreasing but rates of genital HSV1 are increasing. In other words, once you have oral HSV1 herpes (cold sores), youre less likely to get genital HSV1 herpes. I dont have a great source for this its just based on immunology. Once you get a virus for the first time your body then creates a defense for it in antibodies. These antibodies circulate in the blood and their job is to destroy this virus if they see it. You would see these proteins in the blood stream years after the infection. Now if the virus tries to take place in another place these antibodies would attack them. So once you have an infection in one place you have an immune response and hence less likely to get it in another place. Now if you are smart you might ask well how come you still get infection in the original site if you have antibodies. The reason is because the herpes virus is a fucking tricky little basted. It refuges in the body of nerves and makes it self a part of that nerve. SO once your infected the first time that virus is now a part of where that infection was, the antibodies cant tell if the virus is inactive. WHen the virus becomes active it spreads along the path of that nerve hence why it always is in the same place (Good image of this, this is a drawing from nater IE medical PORN). Having said all that you can still infect your self albeit rare. This is a problem with the eyes, you can spread cold sores from your lips to your eyes or genitals which is a problem, this is very rare though for reasons i said above.

Why does it matter to distinguish between HSV1 and 2. Well for one they are different viruses, so that whole immunity thing above goes down the drain. If you have a cold sore you have antibodies to HSV1 you can still get HSV2. HSV2 is more common in the genitals vs elsewhere. The other reason its important to know HSV1 vs 2 is that HSV2 is more likely to reoccur. If you have genital herpes the chance of reoccurnce is 60% if its HSV2 vs 14% if its HSV1 (Source, this is a NEJM paper ie the holy grail of medicine. I get an orgasm from NEJM articles, now you guys see why I dont have a partner LOLZ). So overall HSV 2 is a bigger problem.

Now how do you get this shit. Its through contact of infected source to host. Oral, gential etc. Problem with this disease is that you can even get it from an infected person even when they dont have an outbreak. This ere is a nice paper on this here, this is in JAMA so still orgasm worthy but not as much as NEJM. It shows that people with HSV2 who have the infection and are symtomatic (get outbreaks) are shedding the virus (can infect) 20% of the days vs 10% in people who have the virus but are not symptomatic. So your more likely to get it in people who have outbreaks. Its also easier to spread through lesions.

Treatment for herpes is also interesting I wont go into it. SHort answer is there is no treatment. If you get it you have it. Problem is the herpes virus when it gets you in makes it self a part of that region thats inefected, you cant distinguish between a normal cell and a herpes harbouring cell unless you break down the cell. So you cant target it. There are ways you can deal with symptoms and shorten the active phase though.

Problem with guys on this forum is that one risk factor for getting herpes is having multiple sexual partners (source). So I am sure if you ask a doctor their answer would be not to do this hobby as it increases your risk for herpes as well as other things. That is a personal decision. I know my doctor would tell me that but I still do this hobby. I have accepted the risk. I like to think I take extra precautions, I test my self frequently (mainly for other STDs), I am selective with my partners and I always do a visual inspection, I dont know how much that decreases my risks but I know im high risk still and I have accepted that.

totally off topic now but this kinda stuff fascinates me. I find diseases such has herpes and cancer are actually kicking our ass in all ways possible. If you break things down to a cellular level, the goal of a cell is to survive. In humans once we die our cells die with us. Now with something like herpes they spread and spread, they survive. There is this one particular dog cancer that is not like regular cancers where it forms from mutations but rather it spreads. When you isolate these cells you see that the genetic signature is 11 thousand years old (Source). So this cell has survived 11 thousand years, and yet our cells die within 80... now who is smarter?

sorry my nerd got out lol il go back to my cave


Aug 19, 2007
You can get both types of herpes at the same time. You get herpes from skin to skin contact even if your wearing a dome for fs or cbd. You can have herpes all your life and not know you have it. If you’ve had cold sores a some point in your life you have herpes. Herpes is for life it lays dormant until your immune system is weak then it shows up. If you’ve had chicken pox or shingles(a form of herpes) you will test positive on a blood test.
Dammn.. I had chicken pox as a kid in the 80s, which was normal back then, if I get tested, it'll show I have herpes? I guess my excuse could be that should this ever happen?


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2005
why do men who have 'retired' from seeing sex workers seem like the ones who post on terb the most? i don't get it, you're either lying or you need to get a life.
Well my cranky bear friend, you should get some honey!!

I never seen an SP, because there is a chance the lady could be forced into what she is doing. My world was the MP world and I am an addict. It will always be part of me and being here helps.

If you take the time to look back at the first post in this world, you will see that they are no different than they are today. The same song and dance over and over again. By being here I see that I am not missing anything. That simple and I am to well know for me to be lying. By now one or another MPA would already have called me out, but they don't because it's a world I am no longer a part.

As for my post I stated that it could happen any where and the same thing was going on 7 years ago. The chance of catching something is always there....


Active member
Jun 11, 2017
So, which one is it? Everyone has herpes and it's cool to go have sex with any living creature, or it's the end of your sex life if you have herpes?


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
I didn’t read entire thread, but it’s very bold for OP to accuse a SW of giving him herpes when:

Herpes can lay dormant (sort of like it's in hibernation) for years without causing any noticeable symptoms. Because of this, many people don't know they have it and may have trouble figuring out how or when they got it. When symptoms do occur, they often appear as small blisters on or around the genitals.
Your post is flawed because, yes it is true that the virus can lay dormant for many years but this is only true generally after the "initial" very visible and painful outbreak that the OP is experiencing now. Therefor, this visible symptomatic viral infection that the OP now has is a result of sexual contact that he had a few days before the symptoms occurred. With whom the OP had sex with very very recently is known only to him and he thinks that it was with a sex worker.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009


Aug 17, 2001
yeah i definitely wouldn't if i knew ahead of time, but if you had no active breakouts at the time, wouldn't the chance of transmission be very low?

i guess i just think it's pointless to freak out like you are doing because a LOT of people have hsv-1 (this article says 67% of people have it, and in your case, it was a cold sore or the remnant of a cold sore on the mouth that may or may not even have been active. so like, the only way to 100% avoid it would be to only have sex with one person who has never had a cold sore in their life, and have that person never have sex with anyone else too. which just seems awful, so yeah, i think it's worth the risk.
I think most who have HSV-1 just have cold sores. The genital version seems worse, although the virus is the same. You admit you wouldn't knowingly have sex with someone who has it. Doesn't that make it incredibly wrong if I were to visit you when I know I have it and not tell you and take away your ability to decide. The problem is that I assume everyone would have the same reaction as you and not want to have sex, so it's a pretty big deal. Either you don't tell people and risk infecting them or your sex life is basically over. While the risk of transmission is lower when there's no active outbreak, transmission without symptoms present is still pretty common so it just seems wrong to expose others to the risk without telling them. Definitely a catch-22.


Aug 17, 2001
again, he DID NOT have sex with anyone. he received a blowjob.
Not sure what your point is here. The only sexual contact I had in the 3 weeks before the outbreak (which is lasting longer and is way more painful than I expected) were BBBJ's from sex workers and there is no doubt in my mind that I picked this up from one of them. You're free to disagree and think I may have had this for years and that nobody can tell where and when they got it, but that's usually not the case. The doctors at the HFC told me this is definitely an initial outbreak and came from someone I had contact with in the weeks prior to the outbreak. I'm just glad I didn't engage in any kissing with the one I think I likely got it from or I could have it in both places.


Aug 17, 2001
Interesting thread, Assman. Thanks for sharing your experiences in the past and up until now. You're one of the few people who've been around longer than me here.

I've noticed that you've used this line more than a few times in your posts that it almost seems like you're trying to will yourself into believing that this is really the case. Is it? Or was it just the allure of getting a sloppy, dirty blowjob from a hot chick more the reason? Honestly, I can't believe you barely partook in DATY!
You could be right, but I guess we all tell ourselves what we need to hear in order to justify our actions. Ironically, I avoided DATY and much kissing because I was afraid of getting something in or around my mouth which would have been harder to hide from my wife.
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