creepy as fuck there were many men that stalked malls trying to force 14 to16 year olds into a grooming relationship then putting them to work the biz. if you were 16 you make sense but if your over 35 its creep factor.
Yes I agree you can meet someone anywwhere thats a general statement. However most ladies or teenagers dont go to the mall alone they go with friends or groups. So its not very common for a single guy to approach a bunch of girls. I remember most of my school and high school days most of the girls i was friends with we had one thing for sure in common hating all the pedo creeps that would gawk at us.When your 16 and a 50 year old has his tongue hanging out looking at you like your a t bone steak to eat. The honest to gods truth is wwe think men like that are fuckem gross. We see old men as out granfathers or dads. We sure as fuck dont want sex with ether. Talk to any woman who had her father diddler her and she will tell you her fathers dead to her.
Yes we can be filling pot holes on the street and meet 100 men men will stop there cars and flirt or other cnstruction workers will too. All we have to do is literarily walk out our door if we are dolled up and someone is either catcalling trying to talk to you piercng staring or trying to know you better. You men think you rule the world but pussy ultimately rules the world.
Yes I agree you can meet someone anywwhere thats a general statement. However most ladies or teenagers dont go to the mall alone they go with friends or groups. So its not very common for a single guy to approach a bunch of girls. I remember most of my school and high school days most of the girls i was friends with we had one thing for sure in common hating all the pedo creeps that would gawk at us.When your 16 and a 50 year old has his tongue hanging out looking at you like your a t bone steak to eat. The honest to gods truth is wwe think men like that are fuckem gross. We see old men as out granfathers or dads. We sure as fuck dont want sex with ether. Talk to any woman who had her father diddler her and she will tell you her fathers dead to her.
Yes we can be filling pot holes on the street and meet 100 men men will stop there cars and flirt or other cnstruction workers will too. All we have to do is literarily walk out our door if we are dolled up and someone is either catcalling trying to talk to you piercng staring or trying to know you better. You men think you rule the world but pussy ultimately rules the world.
We are not understanding each other on this point.
While it is a lot easier for a woman to get sex , befriending someone cool of the opposite sex is no easier for a woman
than for a man and the tips I have tried to give the OP are meant for meeting someone cool of the opposite sex
not tips on how to perv
Concerning the OP he said
"ideally im looking to flirt and exchange numbers ? teach me, professors! "
then you turned it into him perving on girls way younger than him when we do not know his age
bottom line if your looking for a woman over 18 at the mall majority of the time shes unaproachable because shes with family or friends and shes got shopping on her mind. Its quite simple we dont go looking for men at the hardware store give us the same respect please.
I do not agree that women are not open to meeting someone while shopping,
but your point is well made as they are a small minority.
I never said otherwise when I said
"Most women will not be interested for many reasons which are obvious "
and that is the OPs first lesson so I hope the OP is listening
Meeting someone cool of the opposite sex for a personal
friendship has never been easy for either sex
Lesson number two
As I said, the women has the power to open up the possibility of such a friendship with clues
"The women have the power, by this I mean they can either respond with a signal like a smile
or find an excuse to stand closer - this is a dead giveaway- and it is now your job to make contact
or they can give no signal of interest "
Oberve the animal kingdon mating rituals if you do not believe me
News flash. You can go to a bar where all the girls are and they do not force to drink alcoholic drinks. And you are still allowed to buy alcoholic beverages for the girls and even dance with them. Aaaand girls at a bar are expecting to be approached by strange men. Doing so in a mall is much more creepy regardless of ages.
Your cat will be closer to you from now on, and if you want more interaction from a cat that you don't love interacting with, you can try a cat teaser.Beside...
A “pick up “ these days post internet might be very difficult in a mall setting. The best you might get would be to get her social media account which is not a guarantee of anything.
The gift of the gab is increasingly dead and online contact is the standard .
Lots of women want a partner or to upgrade, maybe take an evening course, go to ball room dancing classes, do volunteer work or by a small dog and go to a dog park etc….
Allow me to point out that Mike Damone’s logic was sound.
Ratzner’s date fell apart and his sister’s car got stolen in the movie, because he deviated from the plan. He did not play the right Led Zepplin album, he played Physical Graffiti (specifically Kashmir), not even close to side 1 of Led Zepplin IV.
Whew, been waiting 40 yrs to get that one off my chest!
Dont even ask me about the impossibilities of Piggy’s glasses being used to start a fire in Lord Of The Flies. I was so mad at that I wrote a stern letter in grade 10 correcting the author Mr Golding on not doing proper research. He never answered.
Your cat will be closer to you from now on, and if you want more interaction from a cat that you don't love interacting with, you can try a cat teaser.Beside...
Great idea for My new side hustle , I’m going to rent my dogs out instead of me paying for a dog walker!
Increase your chance of attracting a female (K9 or human) by 69% Guaranteed*