As a result of the Democrats "mistake". If they had ethics they would have accepted the forms, admitted tgey made an error and allowed the ballot access. Instead they used it to block access. The definition of anti democratic.
No better than the GOP. Again.
And Bver, if you think every single Green Party member didn't know, you are quite mistaken. They will carry that knowledge when voting into the booth. That it was the Democrats who denied them the candidate they wanted to vote for.
Once again if the Greens could not pick up that mistake in spite of doing a peer review prior to approval, then they are the ones with an issue. It is not about ethics, because if the Democrats managed to win that seat, then the Republicans could have pounced on it to make the elections null and void as the proper paperwork was not in place from the Green Party end...... of course they would then crow about how the elections were "rigged"!!
So then you agree that the Republicans are bottom of the pile as far as democracy is concerned. The Democrats never involved in an insurrection!!
If Trump gives a shit about the environment, then the Greens are more likely to abstain, rather than cast their vote behind someone who pulled the USA out of the Paris Accord!!
Jill Stein has screwed up the Green Party!!
With membership at new lows and no electoral wins to their name, it’s time for the Greens to ditch the malignant narcissist who’s presided over its decline.