How much does an escort driver make in a day?

The Houdini

Mar 18, 2008
Give him a break, he's a frenchie. I'm sure he's got a GPS.LOL...

I'll take a Quebecer driver over a pussy Ontarion any day. Anyways, I'm sure he's not the one doing the driving.


New member
Aug 20, 2007
great bear said:
If this guy drives like he spells, God help the girls.
thankfully you just need to tell the differance between "red", "amber", "green" (and some funny 'arrows' now and then!!) to be able to drive!!
red said:
If its cheaper than a cab, then the driver can't make much
The profit model is very different, cabs do high volume but have a much higher overhead as well. They are on much longer and would be picking up fares and driving for a longer period of time. The driver for an agency would be comparable to a delivery driver, less trips and direct routes. The reduced overhead increases the profit margin per trip so though they are only doing a few trips a night they are pocketing a greater % of that once expenses are deducted.

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
Tee11 said:
thankfully you just need to tell the differance between "red", "amber", "green" (and some funny 'arrows' now and then!!) to be able to drive!!
You mean "rud, grean, and aros?

The Houdini

Mar 18, 2008
Ohhhh, it's you Johnnie. I should have fucking known....Tabarnacle.

The OGFE owner, for those who don't know.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

Kyra_to said:
The profit model is very different, cabs do high volume but have a much higher overhead as well. They are on much longer and would be picking up fares and driving for a longer period of time. The driver for an agency would be comparable to a delivery driver, less trips and direct routes. The reduced overhead increases the profit margin per trip so though they are only doing a few trips a night they are pocketing a greater % of that once expenses are deducted. sexy ;)
lol ! well yeah its me :D read this please

The Houdini said:
Ohhhh, it's you Johnnie. I should have fucking known....Tabarnacle.

The OGFE owner, for those who don't know.
hello all,
i think is time to make my little introduction to terb and all their members.
My name is John Owner of OGFE

after over a year in operation in toronto, i can say i have do well business in the side of the incall. But the outcall was something, the agency was having difficulty to succed, because of the availability of some of the driver we have hire, or all other problem any agency haved in the city. i have try more them one time to find a solution to resolve my problem to have a good driver when i need for an outcall and most important are not in late.

anyone in this industries who need a good driver on time at affortable rates
have find the best way to help THEM out with all the over call they receive but because of less driver available you all was loosing $$$$ and in the same time a new potentiel custumers

EASY RIDE 24h is now offer to all of you

BEFORE some drama appear IN THE THREAD
ex : oh he going to hire girls from others agency bla bla bla bla bla.


i have decide to be an advertiser here on terb to promote our new service. with my experience, i know the trust is really hard in this business when we talk about ladies phone number etc...
( all former owner know exactly what i mean by this )

Easy ride 24h have an independent management .

Michael was the perfect candidat for this job because he was not involve with no agency's own by me and my brothers and in the same time i was very happy to have find someone who have already the skill of the custumer service, ( really important for us ) and are not affraid of the pression and the hours to manage this kind of company.

our target custumer are more for the independent but we still offer the service to all agency

i means i have already spoke to few agency here on terb and i have explaine to them,
Easy Ride 24h are a good support to the agency , when :

1- all their driver are busy and they need a driver for a night or only for a one call.

2- when your only one driver, call sick or his car is in repair etc...

3- just when you need it

lost of reason can be listed here, but at the end WE all have this kind of problem one day

the other day an agency have contact me to offer me all the transportation of his agency.
Sorry but we cant accept exclusivity, and WE HIGHLY reccommend to all agency to have at least 1 driver for their owne agency.

But some of them have tell me, : they have difficulty to keep their
second and third driver busy and this is why they lose them.

thank god..... i realise i was not alone in this night mare lol

so this is why EASY RIDE have been created to help who are in need of a drivers
can call us and we going to take care of you the best we can and it's a promess.

Sheik said:
Well its a job houdini and if the drivers hit on the girls they will be out of a job.
and IF some smart ass try to recruit ladies in our car they going to be out too.
who ever they are is out......

We serve few agency's here on TERB already, + all independent in need of a drivers.
we are here to make new friend and help anyone to grow their outcall business
in sure and the best way with a ponctual driver available at almost anytime
with great affortable rates

i invite you to give a call to michael at anytime for all your question if you need too
or just send us an email with all your questions.

And For the agency's who need drivers but are worry to use our service,
( because of some specific reason ) i can only say
" give me a call ( john ) or pm me " and you will see we all going to be winner @ EASY RIDE 24h...

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"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
Does this mean...

we have another John posting...:eek:


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Kyra_to said:
The profit model is very different, cabs do high volume but have a much higher overhead as well. They are on much longer and would be picking up fares and driving for a longer period of time. The driver for an agency would be comparable to a delivery driver, less trips and direct routes. The reduced overhead increases the profit margin per trip so though they are only doing a few trips a night they are pocketing a greater % of that once expenses are deducted.
is the driver providing his own car? if he is then taking into account insurance, depreciation, gas and repairs- then I wonder if he is really ahead of a cab driver- most of whom pay a set amount per shift to rent the car plus gas.

but since I don't have the inside scoop so I will defer to your reasoning.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Ummm yeah, he's providing his own car.......

But I heard a rumor that if you drive for one of the larger agencies, they provide you with your choice of an '09 xxxx or BMW......:rolleyes:


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
Way back when...

Sounds like things are a lot different then back in my days as a driver... yet the same. :)

Back in mid 90`s in Ottawa `n area (driving mostly dancers, about 20% escorts)... I made about $1,200wk average. 50% of that was expenses... inc car payments, insurance, etc. Mind you I worked no less then 12-14 hrs a day... often times more... 7 days a week and drove my car into the ground. Avg Over 300kms a day.

My glory days as a driver... enjoy...

Holly Taylor

New member
I don't know what the pay is for professional escort drivers, however, I can share my experience.

I employ someone who drives exclusively for me. It's a part time gig for him. The reason he drives exclusively for me is that he is a friend, and has no interest in getting more escort clients to drive around, nor does he have the time.

He is paid anywhere from $40 to $100 in a day. It depends on how much work he is doing. If he takes me to a 1 hour booking, and that's all the work he does that entire day, he will get $40 from me (I estimate it takes up 2 hours of his time to take me to a 1 hour booking). If he takes me to 2-3 places in one day, he will get $100.

For overnight bookings, he will get $200 to drive me there, have his phone turned on during the night so that he can answer in case I have a problem, and to pick me up in the morning.

For appointments that are 1-5 hours in length, he is required to wait nearby for me (yes, he gets paid more for long appointments), because he is also my security, in addition to being my driver.

I believe he passes the time by listening to the radio, listening to his mp3 player, and reading.

Hope that was helpful :)


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
600 per week....

TheNiteHwk said:
Sounds like things are a lot different then back in my days as a driver... yet the same. :)

Back in mid 90`s in Ottawa `n area (driving mostly dancers, about 20% escorts)... I made about $1,200wk average. 50% of that was expenses... inc car payments, insurance, etc. Mind you I worked no less then 12-14 hrs a day... often times more... 7 days a week and drove my car into the ground. Avg Over 300kms a day.

My glory days as a driver... enjoy... free is not a bad living if you would be looking at a 50K of less "straight" career anyway, and didn`t mind the hours or the risk (again, aren`t drivers supposed to be the ladies protector?)

But that of income / lifestyle doesn`t sound sustainable for a guy with a family, responsibilities, etc.
red said:
is the driver providing his own car? if he is then taking into account insurance, depreciation, gas and repairs- then I wonder if he is really ahead of a cab driver- most of whom pay a set amount per shift to rent the car plus gas.

but since I don't have the inside scoop so I will defer to your reasoning.
Cab drivers pay a much higher fee to rent the taxi, overhead on driving casually is very low but driving professionally (ie. drivers that do long shifts frequently) is rather high. I suspect few guys that drive have actually done a cost analysis but the ROI is actually better if they do it infrequently and during certain periods of the day/night. Sadly this is what I do with my spare time. :eek:

As an example a driver that works one night a week might be assigned one girl by an agency because he's not their 'main driver'. This can work in his favor as he only does one pick up and drop off (avg. $10 or no charge).Let's say she does 3 calls that night, 2 in the downtown core and one airport he's been driving very little but been paid fairly well. So he'll go home with approx.$150 in his pocket yet driven far less than a taxi who would not have made near that much for 2 downtown fares and 1 airport.

The agency main driver might be given 3 girls so he has to pick up and drop off all three ($30 - again might be no fee depending on the agency). So if we work on the same assumption that each girl does 3 calls a night, 2 in the downtown core and 1 outside the core (probably not all going to be airport though, most likely one in the uptown) then he'd be driving around a lot more as they'd be in and out of calls at various times all night. The likely hood they would all have a call at the same time within a few city blocks of each other is pretty slim, rather he'd be going from Yorkville to Harbourfront to Airport within an hour then repeating that process for pickup. His costs would be significantly higher than the first guys who is likely parked on a sidestreet having a coffee and working on his laptop (that's what my drivers used to do, get work finished from the day job).
A driver under stress of time is also likely to make more mistakes and drivers with multiple girls tend to get more tickets, cancelled calls, etc. All of this factors into the drivers bottom line as they don't get paid for the cancelled call nor do the tickets get covered by the agency. When traffic is bad, when there is an accident on the highway making a girl late, etc. the driver is losing money. If he gets there and the call cancels because he was late, even if it's not his fault, maybe there was a big chicken spill on the road he still does not get paid, so he must absorb the cost as the girl does with her time and expense.
Driver 2 might take home $450 from the night but his costs were much higher than Driver 1. A taxi on meter running the same fares would have made more on meter than driver number 2 once you consider the pick ups, drop offs and all the time spent going back and forth between locations.

Anyway that's a very brief version of my take on the economics of driving, the economics of escorting is far more facinating but I think I'd get a hand cramp typing it out, even in brief. :-}


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
LOL holy confusion lost me there Kyra lol.

But how does a guy who makes 3 calls get $150.00? or $10.00 for one call. That part REALLY has me confused or is his pay calculated exponentially? lol.

In addition, if he does 2 calls downtown and 1 by the airport, he'll be actually driving quite a bit. The trip to the airport alone is at least 20 minutes each way and depending on where the calls are downtown, they too could be 20 minutes apart (and with our traffic 20 minutes could mean 3 blocks apart lol). But what if the calls are like this: one call downtown, one at the airport, the last one downtown? Then he's made.....$30.00 and been driving for 100 minutes easy.

But just like overnight sp bookings: they get paid for their "time", just because a driver actually isn't driving he's still not "off".
The pick up and drop off fee for the girl is different than the rate for the call. Agencies sometimes ask (not always) the girls to pay a $10 (variable rate) fee to the driver for his coming to their home to pick them up and dropping them off.

Oh and to break down the $150 for 3 calls for you I was rounding for simplification as all agencies would be different but it would break down like this.

$20 pick up and drop off.
$30 x 2 for downtown calls
$40 airport call
$30 - I figured the girl would give him a tip of $10 per call

Even without he'd be at $120 no tip and $150 with tips it's not unheard of for a girl to tip per call and more likely if you are a dedicated driver as opposed to a shared driver. Does that make sense? It's pretty standard rates, even if you take out the tip, the $30 would easily be flex space as the rates are within standard range for drivers.
tboy said:
LOL holy confusion lost me there Kyra lol.

But how does a guy who makes 3 calls get $150.00? or $10.00 for one call. That part REALLY has me confused or is his pay calculated exponentially? lol.
i think yes shes right.
the thing is lots of driver charge high rates, and this is why they can make this kind of money.
But like an independent have tell us :
Most of the driver advertise online charge too much ( close to 40 to 50$ per hour + gaz fee )
when i was my self looking for driver i was always surprise by the rates few independent driver charge for their service.

the pick up and drop up charge are usually there to help the agency to cover the expensive cost of their driver.
( and i dont blame them , i know exactly what possition they are with this higher rates for the driver)

but again, with the new economic crisis, all service providers ( most of them ) have adjust their rates ( lower or offer more service VFM )

but NOW a new service help you all to save lots of $$$ on driver fee :D

here a little exemple
an independent have tell me before , when she have a call from downtown to airport,
she have to charge the custumer close to 100$ transportation fee.
so if the lady charge for her service 250/h + 100$ transportation 2 way
total 350 for one hour.

with easy ride the total for her to charge her custumer = 250/h + ( 40 + 10$ 1h wait )
total for the hour = 300

the difference between 350$/h outcall and 300$/h make a huge difference for the custumers
the transportation fee sometimes for independent, can resulte to a call lost or custumer going to say to much expensive and can decide to look somewhere else.

hope this help

have a great day

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Apr 24, 2005
I met an escort (independent) at one of the TERB parties and she said that she drives herself. No muss, no fuss. Don't know how common is this practice.
Toronto Escorts