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Bizarre Dancer/SP/MPA/Hobbyist's Stories or My 'glory' days as a driver


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
TheNiteHwk said:
quote ... I could though - literally write a book possibly a series, never mind a single posting or thread of all the adventures I experienced being a driver 14 to 16 sometimes 18 hours a day 7 days a week for 2.5 years, 80% of my clients being dancers, 20% SPs/MPAs)
wazzup said:
Try us on for size NiteHwk. Start a new thread on that subject.
In another thread I mention that I could write a series never mind a book, a single post or thread about all the adventures I experienced while I was I driver in Ottawa back in ‘94-‘96ish. Actually for about 2.5 years I was on the road 16 to 18 hours a day 7 days a week. Most days I started around 10am and worked right thru till 3am. Every few days I did a short shift (12 hrs.) so I could catch some sleep. LOL. The short breaks I did have during any shift I always spent in a SC. Usually Diamonds or Pigale. So in other words I lived in a Dancers/SPs/MPAs world 24/7 pretty much. (yes sometimes I even took them home with me) That aside I’m sure that others here (who knows maybe another ex driver lurking around) be they Hobbyist, Dancers, SPs, MPAs, Owners, Phone Staff etc could share some stories. I’ve seen some other threads ‘most terrible SP experience’ but I mean let’s share some funny, bizarre, outlandish, extraordinary, unforgettable, or even sensitive or emotional experiences. The field is wide open… Dancers, SPs, MPAs. & since all the before mentioned can take part Hobbyist Stories as well. I’m going to post this, and then I’m heading home and will start things off with a funny dancer story from my driving days when I get home. Unless someone beats me to the start line. All you all can post your stories and everyday I will come in and (given I have time) post another. I am sure this will be very fun and interesting… let the fun/stories begin.
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New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto

Hey all> Ok I was going to start things off with a bizarre SP experience I once had but on way home change my mind. Thought I would go with something a little more light. A funny dancer story.

Late Saturday afternoon… dispatcher calls me on my cell: “I want you to go home and get some sleep, your due in Sudbury at 10am tomorrow” “What?, you have got to be kidding, it’s Saturday night, it’s a big night, I’m not going home to bed!” “Well *Red* just called from Sudbury and she requested YOU, and needs to be picked up IN Sudbury tomorrow morning at 10am” “Are you serious… you mean *Red* about 5’4” with long natural red hair down to her waist, dark complexion, freckled face, best butt you ever seen in you life, *RED* who works at Taboo! That *RED*!” “Yes, I mean THAT *Red*!. “OK, I’m sleeping already, bye” So I go home… get a few hours of restless sleep, wake up, shower, shave, pick something to wear, eat, smoke a big one, frantically search my cassette tape collection ‘ummm wonder what kind of music she likes’ etc… and I am off to Sudbury. You see *Red* has been in my car before driving to work and back. Maybe about a dozen times or so. Always for only 15 – 20 mins tops though and most of the time with her very talkative roommate. Her roommate I can’t stand, but HER… OH MY GAWD. Now I am going to have her all to myself for at least five hours in my car. And I’m getting paid to boot. I know, it’s a hard life, but somebody…lol. I can’t wait to get there. So here’s the jest. I finally get there. (10am on the nose) Where do I find her? She’s sleeping in the lobby of the hotel attached to the SC she was working at. I say “hey what’s up? , How you doing, did you have a good week, I’ll bet you made a killing, eh?” “Yah, sure” she says, “I made some good money, but last night was the worst night of my life” “Whaaat? What happened?” “Yesterday” she says, “I checked out of my room, thinking I am going to stay in my GF’s room for my last night and save some money” “Well” she continues, “don’t the f**in Bi**h decided to have a freaking party all night” “Never got a f**kin wink of sleep all night” “OH MY, that sucks” I say. So I pack her bags into my trunk, she jumps into my car, reclines the seat and in 10 seconds flat she is dead to the world. And I mean she freaking sleeps dead to the world alllll the way back to Ottawa. ROTFLMAO.

Next. lol.
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Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
How about some stories from drivers for escort agencies?? I'd love to know what really goes on behind the scenes.


Easily confused member
Aug 21, 2001
My time as a cabbie...

Yeah, I drove a taxi in Ottawa for a while. One of my favorite fares was a gorgeous young lady who admitted that she'd love to show me her act, but she didn't have her snake with her.

She then gave me a button she was wearing, that said "Don't Follow Me, I'm Lost", which I thought was a wonderful thing for a cab driver to wear. Still got it, too.



New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
Ottawa - The Falls 'n back The Long Way Around.

LOL. You guys are too funny. Give us the real down and dirty… let’s hear from some escort drivers. What goes on behind the scenes blah blah blah. OK there. I want to say right off the top… it’s just not like that. Most of the girls I drove around were real ‘ladies’ and I mean that in every sense of the true definition of the word ladies. I always treated them with respect and in part that’s why I got so many personal requests, more than any other driver did in our fleet. (we had 12 drivers on the road 14 – 18 hours a day) While there has been the odd occasion where I was offered (and always turned down) services instead of money for my services that was very very rare. And in almost every case (a sad story really) it was because the girl was a coke addict and that’s why she had no money. Or because pimp daddy, baby father took all her money. Another sad story. I don’t even want to go there right now. Memories are both sad and good, some bittersweet how many girls I drove to detox or home to mommy. How many girls over the years cried in my car… "Gawd, I wish I could just get out of this business" etc. Like I said, not going there right now. I’m going to bait you guys with another fun dancer story and would like to hear a story or two from all you all.

Late one midweek afternoon cell call from my dispatcher: " Diamond Doll just called, she wants you to pick her up at The Mate and your on your way to The Falls" I retort "Are you serious, that’s fantastic it’s f**kin dead today and Diamond is one of my favs, OK man I’m on my way" You see Diamond a F/T Dancer P/T SP is one of my everyday regulars. She’s a tall gorgeous looking slim blonde. And man can she dance. She’s not one of these walk around the stage and pose types, she really knows how to work the pole. But that’s another story. Over the months I have been driving her 2 or 3 times a day every day and sometimes long distance, (Toronto, Sudbury, The Falls) we have become good friends. I really love Diamond; we are like brother & sister. So I’m off to The Mate to pick her up. I get to The Mate, walk in and there she is at the bar waiting. Just as I walk in another dancer Marnie is coming down off the stage. She walks up to me "Hey sweetie, how are you, what you doing here" At the same time Diamond walks up and says "I’m going to get changed, then we go to my place grab some stuff and we outta here, N. Falls here we come, I’m sick of this place" "OK babe, Take your time, I’m here waiting" Marnie says to me "You’re taking Diamond to The Falls? I want to go, I want to go!" I say to her " I don’t know hon, You got to ask Diamond she likes the car all to herself, she don’t like to share" " Oh, man can you ask her please, I just want to go for the ride, it’s freaking boring here today, we can tour The Falls, do some sightseeing, grab a room and come back tomorrow OK?" "OK I’ll ask her, call me on my cell in 1/2 hour OK?" So on the way over to Diamonds place so she can pack I hesitate and ask, "You know Marnie, that girl you saw me talking to by the stage?" "Yah?" she asks. "Well she wants to come along for the ride, we are going to tour around, grab a room and drive back to Ottawa tomorrow. OK with you?" "Are you sure buddy?" she asks me "That bi**h is trouble, are you sure?" "Hey I’m not getting ‘involved’ with her, strictly recreation, I need a night off anyway – and – I’ll spend some time with you too at The Downer if you like OK?" "OK, man. But I think you are going to regret it, but OK" she says. I should have listen to her. Long story short we get to The Falls, check Diamond in at The Space Motel, Take her over to The Downer… spend a couple hours, then I take Marnie to Mints. After an hour or so she says she wants to drive back to Ottawa, no room, she wants to head back now. I tell her there is no way I’m in any condition to drive back to Ottawa now. If we do leave now I’ll have to pull over some where along the way to grab some sleep. She says OK. So we leave. We get as far as the rest stop just past 35/115 on the 401. Park and pass out. Normally I just recline the drivers seat and sleep. This time for some reason I don’t know I grab the back seat. She reclines the passenger seat 3/4 and sleeps. Well dam if I don’t wake up a few hours later and the car is moving! I wake up "what the f**k?" I look out my window and immediately recognize where I am. WE ARE IN DOWNTOWN CORNWALL! rotflmao (I can laugh now, I was not laughing then) I say to her "What to f**k are you doing" She says "I woke up and had an urge to visit my sister" "So you steal my car while I’m sleeping and drive to freaking Cornwall?" I yell at her. I could not believe it. And I actually slept through the whole drive. I could not believe that either. Believe it or not I actually let her drive over to visit her sister. We stay for about two hours. I then drive her back to Ottawa and have never spoke to her since. LOL. Ahhhha… the good, ER I mean the BAD old days. LOL.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
Re: red huh

rdhaired_vixen said:
no this wasnt me ,,just for the record lmao
Ahhh… too bad. I eventually made good friends with Red. She eventually left dancing and went on to become a dental assistant. She still called me once in awhile for a ride. Fond memories for sure. Ah, that face, that smile, those freckles, those green eyes. Shacking her finger at me, with that mischievous little smile "Don’t even think about it!" she would cutely say to me after giving me a big kiss on the cheek to say goodbye or thanks for the ride. rotflmao Red sweetie wherever you are I hope your doing well babe.

As for Marnie, I don’t want to know.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
Another Red

OK… I was waiting to see if there would be any other contributions… so far not. Well alright… I having so much fun, I’ll bite again. Here’s my next installment.

Those of you who seen me in action at The Goddess last week and those that know me may have figured out by now I have a ‘thing’ (translate ‘weakness’) for petite redheads.

It’s a slow midweek afternoon… fellow driver and friend Gerry and I are sitting in The Old Den waiting for our next call. It’s been over an hour since we got there and we are getting very bored. Up to this time I had been working for this driver service about 6 months and I thought I have met or seen just about every dancer in Ottawa/Hull. I thought. All of a sudden this sweet baby doll little redhead comes strutting out of the change room and over to the DJ booth. I’ll never forget… white mini, bikini top and the prettiest face you ever wanted to see. My jaw drops to the floor. I tap Gerry on the shoulder (wake him up, lol) and ask “Who is THAT?” Gerry looks at me very serious “You don’t want to know he says” “Why?” I ask “What’s up?” “Who is she?” “Look” he says “take my word for it; she is trouble with a capital T. I mean it, forget her” “Gerry, buddy, look I don’t want to marry her, I just want to know her name – who is she?” “OK OK” he says “her name is Natasha” “OK, thanks” I say to him “I’m going to give her one of my cards, I’ll be right back” “Don’t bother” Gerry says “She’s already one of ours” “What?, What do you mean?” I ask. “She’s a regular, she drives with us every day” Just then the radio squawks and I get a call and have to leave. The next morning I’m at the Waffle House having breakfast with Steph (owner/dispatcher). So I ask him “Hey Steph, you know that little redhead at The Den, Natasha?” “Yah?” he says. “Well Gerry tells me she’s a regular, she drives with us everyday. How come I never hear her name on the radio and how come I been working here 6 months and I never been dispatched to drive her?” “Look” he answers “I’m doing you a favor, the reason you never hear her name on the radio is cause she don’t like to have her name heard over the radio so I always dispatch her by phone, believe me, you don’t want to drive her she’s a f***in B***h!” “You been driving with us for 6 months” he continues “And you got the best record of any driver in our history, you never once had any complaints, I thought you might like to keep it that way” “ What are you talking about?” I ask. “Look” he says “Everyday no matter who I send to her, she complains every time.” “No body likes her, believe me, you don’t want her” “Steph” I say “Let me give her a try, next time she calls send me OK?” “I’ll think about it” he says.
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New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
Another Red con't

Sure enough about 2 O’clock that afternoon my cell rings “Well you got your wish” I hear on the other end. “She wants to go shopping, pick her up at *** She’ll be waiting at the front door, just beep your horn, her rate is $20. Per hour, good luck” So I drive over to her place, pull up to the front door (an apartment building) beep my horn. The door front door comes FLYING open, 5’2” of pure attitude, black spandex shorts and white 1/2 T top comes strutting down the sidewalk. LMAO With a big smile I reach over from the inside and open the door for her. She climbs in my car and SLAMS the door shut. Nice and soft I look at her and say “Please, don’t slam my door, OK, Thank You.” If looks could kill I just died a thousand times “WHAT?” she says to me. Again (like water to a duck) nice and soft I say to her “Look, I just got this car 6 months ago, brand new off the lot, $12,000. It’s my first ever new car, so please don’t slam my door.” I just died another thousand times. Oh man those looks. LOL. “WHO THE F**K ARE YOU?, I TOLD STEPH NEVER SEND ME A NEW DRIVER, I’M GOING TO CALL HIM RIGHT NOW!” Nice and calm I say to her “I’m not a new driver, I been working here 6 months” “In fact, I’m the top #1 driver at ** driver service, every week since I started here, cause I work more hours then any body I am top driver in revenue every week” “So you see, you got exactly what you want and deserve” “Exactly what I deserve?” she says to me. “Don’t suck up to me, why do I deserve it?” “Cause I saw your name in the dispatch book, your taking 3, 4 sometimes 5 rides a day.” “And when you go shopping it’s like 3,4 sometimes 5 hours at a time” “You are just the kind of regular client I like” “So no worries I’m going to treat you just like a little princess, perfect all the time and you will never have any complaints about me” “That is if I can fit you in, cause I have lots of personal requests and regulars already” All of a sudden she changes the subject “BTW where are you Taking me?” She asks. (as I had already made a U-Turn in front of her place and was driving down the road by this time) “St Laurent” I say to her. “How come? I never told you where to go yet, you just decide St. Laurent?" “Well” I say “Steph told me you want to go shopping, where else would someone like you go shopping?, Not Readeau, it’s too cheap and tacky for you, Bayview is too far at this time of day, so that only leaves St. Laurent." To shorten a long story… I don’t do anything special really. I just be myself. We go to the mall. I escort her around. I open doors for her. I carry her bags. She try’s a bunch of stuff on. I give her honest feed back. “Yah it’s you” Or “Think you should try something else” Three hours later we get back to her place. I carry in her bags. She owes me $60. She gives me $75! Back in my car I get on the radio “#25 clear for $60. AND $15 tip! LOL.” Dispatch says “Bring that back again, you cleared Natasha for $60. AND $15. TIP? “Yah, 10-4” I say. LOL. The radio starts squawking 4, 5, 6 drivers trying to get thru to me. “Bring that back” You got $15 tip from WHO?” I was rotflmao for days after that.
In closing... just like most; under that tough front (it's a put on) she turned out to be a real sweetie. OH and an excellent cook... but THAT is another story. lol. And we did strike up a good friendship.

BTW Natasha sweetie and you are a sweetie, hope your doing well whereever you are, love you for ever babe.
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Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
On the more serious side...

This thread reminds me of an appointment I had once with a lady from a very well known, and well respected agency in the Toronto area. We were having a discussion about the industry in general, and at one point in the conversation, she mentioned that sometimes, some of the girls were pressured by the drivers to provide "freebies".

I was a bit shocked, as I would not have expected that type of behavior to occur. Nitehwk... can you shed some light on the matter??


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
Fire his Ass...

We were an independent driver agency, we drove for every escort agency in Ottawa at the time. 80% of our biz though was dancers. The turn over on drivers was high sometime. (You could only make 'good' money at it if you worked long hours.) Because of high turnover we sometimes got drivers who only took the job because they were 'on the hunt'. That was not so bad in itself but we also had drivers that were a 'little more crass' you might say. If a complaint was made and the owners felt it was warrented... the driver was fired.
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Thanks NiteHwK

Some great reading. I've probably seen some of these dancers at the clubs you mentioned. I'm almost sure I have Marnie peged.


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2001
Tranquility Base, La Luna
I don't wish to appear ungrateful, but as a civilian and a perv, I waiting for and wanting more "juicier" stuff.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
Re: Thanks NiteHwK

GlavaMan said:
Some great reading. I've probably seen some of these dancers at the clubs you mentioned. I'm almost sure I have Marnie peged.
Well 'Marnie' is not her real name of course. Or her stage name for that manner... to tell the truth I don't remember except it started w/an M. [All names have been changed to protect the innocent] This was back in '94-'95 sometime. 'Marnie' was a short dirty blonde w/blue eyes medium to light build and like to dress cowboy style. She always worked at The Den or The Mate.

Natasha of course I remember very well. Now if she is still or back dancing most likely she is at Diamonds. If I told you her stage name I'm sure you would remember. She is not one that you would forget. Last I saw her was '96 though and she had stopped dancing then.Said she was taking a break for awhile. She said that before though. lol.

I was in Ottawa for a long weekend 2 years ago. After I checked in... first place I went was Diamonds. I did ask around about her... seems she is not around anymore. Her old phone # was changed etc... too bad.

This whole thread though has got me thinking now though. I might go to Ottawa for a few, couple, two or three days this Xmas. How would you Ottawa guys like to have a little party or get together at my old second home Diamonds. I also wouldn't mind taking a short treck from there to Bare Fax. Or The New Den.

BTW while I'm thinking about it... what's the name of that hotel again on Queen St. On the corner, just a few doors from Diamonds. I stayed there before and it was nice.
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The Delta Ottawa is right across the street from Diamonds. There are also afew other hotels a block away. Diamonds has been enlarged due to the closing of the Dill Pickle next door.

An X-mas get together sounds great. I'm sure we can rally some Ottawa Terbites for the cause!

I was thinking of another dancer by the name of Marnie. Her attitude seemed to fit your description! The 'cowboy style' makes me think of another who could be her.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
OH WOW! They took over the space of Dill Pickle! I would like to see that. Do all the dancers still sit in the corner by the DJ booth? That use to be my table as well. :>)) That or I would sit at the bar.

Now you really got me thinking. I'm still not sure how much time off (or the dates) I am going to have this year for Xmas. As soon as I find out though you may see a thread from me: TheNiteHwk is Coming to Ottawa!
Toronto Escorts