How many think gryfin should be kicked off Terb?


Aug 17, 2008
I think TERB should have a requirement that to remain an active member, you have to post at least one review per year.


New member
May 2, 2009
I appreciate all the replys, and I guess I have to agree with most. I also noticed people did not miss my utter hatrid for Palestinians, based on the bible and my own Chrisitian beliefs.
But my hatrid for Palestine does not just stem from the bible, its stems from the primitive disordly animal like conduct that the Muslims have to chosen to live by, while the rest of the world evolves, they are dragging us down, and having an impact on our progress.

Keep in mind, some say we stole North America from the Aboriginals. What would life be like for the average Canadian if we had to worry about suicide bombings on are public transit. The most we have to worry about is sleepy over paid staff.
Please show mercy toward the people of Israel, I could not live a life similar to them.

"I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it." Voltaire


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
What I like about freedom of speech is, it allows me to identify certain characteristics of ppl really really fast. I do not want to shut ppl like Gryfin up, because then they would be lurking among us and I would not know. Instead, I will gladly hand him the mic and let him preach his hate. It has made him no friends here, and we all know exactly what we're dealing with.....



Jan 31, 2005
Have you told him that you denounce the killing of Palestinian civilians by Israelis??.
Yes, many times. I denounce the intentional killing of civilians in every case by any nation anywhere. I recognize that in military conflicts they sometimes get caught in the crossfire but even then I demand that militaries do their utmost to minimize civilian casualties. Whenever someone intentionally sets out to kill civilians as their primary target, or to maximize rather than minimize the civilian deaths, it's reprehensible.

I'm sure he's reading this thread, here's the question I put to him, which he never answer:

Gryfin, I know you are reading, time to answer:

Do you support the killing of Israeli civilians by Palestinians?


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
All I know is that he refuses to denounce the killing of Israeli civilians by Palestinians. I have asked him point blank many times, and he refuses to.

I agree with your view that both sides have a right to exist, and deserve a peaceful homeland. I don't think Gryfin does, though.
I don't think either side have done enough to deserve a peaceful existance. So what if he refuses to denounce the killing of Israeli civilians. Civilians are always victims of war, this is a war. Stop your childish obesesion with "rules of war" the first casualty of war is the truth. In this case, don't pretend you actually know what's going on, no one does, all we have are opinons, which are coloured by personal bias, which are influenced by unreliable reports from the media and propaganda from both sides.
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Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Hey maybe we can review a Pali escort and then an Israeli one and put the issue to rest once and for all!!!:D


Jan 31, 2005
I don't think either side have done enough to deserve a peaceful existance. So what if he refuses to denounce the killing of Israeli civilians. Civilians are always victims of war, this is a war. Stop your childish obesesion with "rules of war" the first casualty of war is the truth. In this case, don't pretend you actually know what's going on, no one does, all we have are opinons, which are coloured by personal bias, which are influenced by unreliable reports from the media and propaganda from both sides.
Don't give me a load of crap about the truth being the first casualty of war, Hamas is *proud* of killing civilians.


New member
May 2, 2009
I think we could be put this matter to rest if Gryfin would answer Fuji's question, which he refuses to do.
Israel is attempting to pull off the impossible, trying to kill terrrorists in a civillian population, which uses its own people as shields.

Gryfin should also make a mental note to himself. If it wasnt for a certain zionist named Einstien, we would not have personal computers to express our thoughts on.

I suppose we would still have the technology for analogue computers, ones that would take up half our living rooms, but if Einstien hadnt isolated the atom, we could wipe out anything that works off digital technology which came from isolating the atom.

Isolating the atom was a bit ahead of our time, even by todays standards. If he hadnt discovered this then, we stll not have this technology today. Not for another 100 years at least.

I often wonder what other ''Einstienian'' type brains would have come out of the 1930 Europe of both Jewish and Christian stalk, had it not been for an very brutal anti zionist by the name Adolph Hitler.
The same anti zionists who now live in Palestine and throughout parts of the muslim world.

Stoping human progress in the name of a scrap of land that rightfuly belongs to the Israelites isnt intelligence, but its what knuckle draggers like Gryfin do best.


Jan 31, 2005
Israel is attempting to pull off the impossible, trying to kill terrrorists in a civillian population, which uses its own people as shields.
Just to be fair to both sides, Israel is not so hot here either. While I do not believe the Israeli military is guilty of all the things Gryfin charges, most of which are huge exagerrations and misrepresentations, at least the following is true:

-- The Israelis have continued building settlements in the West Bank and Gaza contrary to either practical sense or international law or any of the possible peace frameworks proposed

-- The Israelis have often had little regard for the life or safety of Palestinians, or their rights

-- The Israelis have perhaps not done as much as they could to minimize civlian casualties in responding to Hamas

The only way to make Israel look good here is to compare them to Hamas, who are abominable. Yes, Hamas hide in amongst Palestinians and appear to do their utmost to maximize civilian casualties both in Israel and in fact in Palestine as well. The Arabs have been far more racist than the Jews have, and have confronted Israel with hostility at practically every turn. Israel has a hard problem to solve, which explains but does not justify why they have sometimes overstepped the bounds.

It's relatively easy to say something like "if you were in Israel faced with Hamas you would probably do the same" which is true, but winning this conflict is going to mean, in the end, winning it for ALL sides, including the Palestinians, and what may be relatively easy to say or do is not going to be the solution. The solution is going to involve having some respect for everyone, hard as that may sometimes be. No, I'm not claiming Israel can solve it alone by changing their behavior--Hamas must eventually follow suit, but it will *never* happen until one side steps up to the plate and starts trying to do things right.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Don't give me a load of crap about the truth being the first casualty of war, Hamas is *proud* of killing civilians.
They view settlers as occupiers, and since the settlers are armed to the teeth they scarcely qualify as "civilians" the settlers themselves don't even see themselves as civilians but as soldiers of Zionism. So please don't give me that crap, you are just regurgitating your opinion with your biases based on little fact, as am I .


Jan 31, 2005
They view settlers as occupiers, and since the settlers are armed to the teeth they scarcely qualify as "civilians" the settlers themselves don't even see themselves as civilians but as soldiers of Zionism. So please don't give me that crap, you are just regurgitating your opinion with your biases based on little fact, as am I .
Hamas is *proud* of killing civilians outside the settlements as well. They routinely fire rockets at non-settlement Israeli cities, and they have a big celebration when they kill a few kids.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
First of all I will say I side more with the Israeli position that I do with the Palestinian position. My reasoning is simple - the Palestinians & their Arab cousins never had any intention to let Israel exist as a Jewish state, even if it was on an acre of land. Their sitting in on peace talks was nothing but semantics. FU Arafat!

But I sympathize with the residents of Gaza and West Bank. Its not their fault their leadership and the Arab world has lied to, used and cheated them. They have been caged in like animals for so long it doesn't surprise me to see them act the way they do.


New member
May 2, 2009
Caged like animals with the right to leave any time they want, as most muslim countries I assume would embrace them.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Caged like animals with the right to leave any time they want, as most muslim countries I assume would embrace them.
Nonsense, this shows that you know ZERO and are pretty stupid as well. Firstly a) Israel controls most borders. b) Egypt that controls one border does not want them. c) the ones that have fled to other muslim countries are in shithole refugee camps living even worse then in the west bank, d) No one wants unskilled, radicalized angry young men in their country. Wow!! You have made one of the most clueless statements I have seen on this subject. Congrats.
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Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Hamas is *proud* of killing civilians outside the settlements as well. They routinely fire rockets at non-settlement Israeli cities, and they have a big celebration when they kill a few kids.
Please show me proof, this is another rubbish statement. I don't think their pathetic rockets have killed more then one or 2 people, I don't think any were children. In any event, their rockets are there to sow fear, not to kill, so anyone that is killed is collateral damage. They cannot be aimed with any degree of precision, so your claim of willful intent is nonsense. I agree they would not be sad if someone was killed. But I don't think the Israelis mourn dead Palis, adults, children or terrorists. Like I said they are both the same, one side has much more weapons. Intent and respect for human life are equally deplorable.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Please show me proof, this is another rubbish statement. I don't think their pathetic rockets have killed more then one or 2 people, I don't think any were children. In any event, their rockets are there to sow fear, not to kill, so anyone that is killed is collateral damage. They cannot be aimed with any degree of precision, so your claim of willful intent is nonsense. I agree they would not be sad if someone was killed. But I don't think the Israelis mourn dead Palis, adults, children or terrorists. Like I said they are both the same, one side has much more weapons. Intent and respect for human life are equally deplorable.
You are confusing lack of success with lack of intent. Vey different. If they did not have the intent they would not fire into areas which are completly civilan.


Jan 31, 2005
Yes they have killed people with those rockets, all of them civilians. I may have overstated it when I said killed children, I am not sure whether or not any of the deaths were kids.

There have been however many children seriously maimed and wounded by the rockets.

Hamas celebrates every time they kill a civilian in Israel. They MEAN to do that, and it makes them happy when they kill someone or maim a child.


Jan 31, 2005
this is exactly the same what Israeli forces have been doing but only in mass volume
No, it is not exactly the same, it is not even close. If the Israelis wanted to kill a lot of people, a lot of people would be dead. In general the Israeli military does attempt to limit the number of civilian casualties. In general its targets are always military in nature.

It is fair to say the Israelis could and should do MORE to limit the number of civilian casualties. There have been cases where they're plainly not cared as much about who got hurt as they should do.

That, however, is a very different thing than setting out intentionally to aim at and kill civilians in attacks of no military value whatsoever.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
You are confusing lack of success with lack of intent. Vey different. If they did not have the intent they would not fire into areas which are completly civilan.
So what do you think Israels intentions are? If they could get away with it don't you think they would wipe the palis off the face of the earth. The are constrained by western morailty.
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