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Hitting on recent immigrants


Active member
Oct 16, 2003
Fuji is probably the most honest person on here .... a little evil but just a little... i like Fuji.
Disadvantaging the disadvantaged. This whole thing reminds me of delirious and Eddy Murphy and him find some Back Country girl that speaks no english.
Fuji is certainly brave and honest. Many here may quietly seek what he desires. Temptation can be motivator or plain foolish lust, depends on your perspective. On an escort board, who are we to judge?

Some may even consider this stalking - target the disadvantage.

Some of us may prefer the conventional monetary exchange. While Fuji enjoys the chase. Supposedly, it's the hunter in us, part of the survival instinct, at least the excuse for some infidelities.

It's not uncommon. From Japanese exchange students looking for the 1 night stands, mainlanders/EE for sugar daddies, to few husbands pimping wives for gifts. If they want you in their pants, you'll know.

Don't PM me. I'm not high and mighty. Just don't want to advocate for or against other's lifestyle and consequence of such exchange.


Apr 30, 2005
goodtime said:
Fuji is certainly brave and honest.
canucklehead said:
Fuji is probably the most honest person on here .... a little evil but just a little... i like Fuji.
Meister said:
Hey fuji, if you can get it, all the power to you.
einar said:
I'm with Fuji on this one.
Questor said:
I too see nothing wrong with what Fuji is proposing,

Fuji is bang on
Last edited:


New member
Sep 15, 2001
I too see nothing wrong with what Fuji is proposing, as long as both parties are consenting adults treating each other respectfully. This is not an exploitive situation if it is beneficial to both people. The biggest problem is locating the "target" population, and I use the term in a non exploitive demographic sense. I don't see anyone coming up with realistic suggestions. ESL schools is a possible source, but how to get to the point where you are actually having a discussion with a suitable lady is another matter. Fuji PM me when you have your MO worked out.


Jan 31, 2005
I figure this is a "find one, find a lot" proposition, in that if I can find one, I can ask her to help me find more. I have trolled around on some dating boards and personal ad sites and stuff and I have come up with two chicks who want me to be their "sugar daddy" but neither were really what I am looking for, they are not recent immigrants, and I think these sugar daddy chicks probably just want to play me and might not put out. Anyway I will follow along with it and see where it goes.

The thing is I don't know how much time I want to spend on this. I don't mind spending time if I have a good chance of meeting the right kind of girls, but if I trolled pacmall or a coffee shop I would mostly meet chicks who would NOT be interested. I need to advertise to them somehow so that I can spend time chatting with chicks who might go for it.

Maybe I shoudl become an ESL teacher or something.

So as I see it the hardest part is that I can't hit on these chicks the way you normally would because i am too old for them, I somehow have to communicate to them what I want without getting my face slapped or getting yelled at by the moral majority. If I were looking for a 30-35 year old I could just hit on her and she might think I want a GF, then I could let slip what I really want gradually and probably feel it out a bit... but if I try that with the 19 year old I'm really after she probably wouldn't even give me the time of day.

I think some form of advertising has to be the way, or finding one chick and letting her spread the word among her friends.


New member
Feb 10, 2005
Men should put some effort in to avoid being sleazeballs.

Saying that, I think you're right. :rolleyes: For every woman who turns to stripping or escorting there are 10 who considered it and will take you up on an offer if the price is right and you are trusted to be discreet. However, the trust is difficult if you're a stranger to them but if you have a friendly face you're ahead of the game.
Many immigrants are opportunists, they came to improve their financial situation rather than for political ideals - some came finding that our streets aren't paved with gold and that they can't work in their intended field.
As Bob Seger says,

I used her, she used me
Neither one cared
We were gettin' our share


New member
Apr 29, 2002
What about European Immigrant girls?

There's been quite a bit of discussion on Asian girls, but what about European immigrant girls...

I've always wondered what's a good way to meet them?

Is there an area of town? a discussion board? a dating web site?



Active member
Aug 23, 2001
Nice... a thread on how to take advantage of economically disadvantaged immigrant girls. :rolleyes:


Slightly Nuts
Sep 26, 2001
I've got no problem with Fuji and his interests. I do find it funny that there seem to be several "conservatives" on this board who find any deviation from the mainstream to be objectionable.
Several years ago I met a young (19) new immigrant from Pakistan while she was working as airport security. I had a fantastic time with her for the few months we were together, but it didn't last because I was the wrong religion and my wife didn't approve.
However, while I am on the subject I am currently looking for a recent immigrant amputee who is good at prostate massages and enjoys water sports. A trans sexual would be ok as long as he/she doesn't speak english very well, has a poor understanding of our monetary system, and likes to wear panty hose. I tried the search function but couldn't find any recent posts pointing me in the right direction. Any suggestions?


Active member
Oct 16, 2003
Ok i have a friend that bought a house and rented rooms only to female Japanese visa students for strictly the purpose of bedding them ........ and you know what he nailed almost everyone of them and married two of them (at different times of course).
He only liked young Japanese girls and latest one he married and him opened up a dating service for Japanese students and Canadian men.
Fuji if you can afford an investment property ;)


Active member
Oct 16, 2003
benito said:
I had a fantastic time with her for the few months we were together, but it didn't last because I was the wrong religion and my wife didn't approve.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2002
Somewhere between here and there
Great idea

canucklehead said:
Ok i have a friend that bought a house and rented rooms only to female Japanese visa students for strictly the purpose of bedding them ........ and you know what he nailed almost everyone of them and married two of them (at different times of course).
He only liked young Japanese girls and latest one he married and him opened up a dating service for Japanese students and Canadian men.
Fuji if you can afford an investment property ;)
Wow anyone interested in splitting an investment property...

Advertise in the ethnic papers and reap the rewards.

Good Luck Fuji.



Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
canucklehead said:
Ok i have a friend that bought a house and rented rooms only to female Japanese visa students for strictly the purpose of bedding them ........ and you know what he nailed almost everyone of them and married two of them (at different times of course).
He only liked young Japanese girls and latest one he married and him opened up a dating service for Japanese students and Canadian men.
Fuji if you can afford an investment property ;)
I think Canada needs more Yoko Onos.
Strongbeau said:
This actually works?
Let's just say YMMV.

If things goes sour, landloard/tenant hassles, the law is on her side if no witness, remember this?

CH, your friend is not the only one. The J circle is very smaller and news travel.

Meister, many overseas Yoko Ono's prey on lonely men for their networth and immigrantion status. My prof. buddies are still crying on their lawyer's shoulders.

IMO, cheaper satisfy the fantasy with escorts or MPAs. Or take a trip to Asia.


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
canucklehead said:
...friend... bought a house and rented rooms only to female Japanese visa students for strictly the purpose of bedding them ... and ... nailed almost everyone of them and married two of them
If he ran for Prime Minister I would vote for him for this reason alone...


New member
Feb 10, 2005
I believe the government should have a subsidized program like this to make the assimilation of foreign babes much smoother.


Jan 31, 2005
Well I have a wife, and she is not dumb.... but if I ever kick her out, I will rent out the guest room I guess. This is a good plan, but probably doesn't fit into my life right now.


Jan 31, 2005
So I have come up with sort of a plan, still working out the details. It would go like this... I would put a help wanted ad in the foreign papers looking for "female students", paying cash. I woudl not specify what the work is, and I would get someone to help me translate this ad so it is actually in the foreign language, chinese, russian, whatever.

Then I would "interview" these chicks, get their contact numbers and such for the hotter ones, find out about their situation, and gradually work up to my proposition for the ones that seem like they might go for it. Not sure exactly how to run this. Thinking about it.
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