Interesting replies so far, here's my two cents on immigrant groups:
Eastern European-By far the most beautiful, but women from this group appear on the outset to be incredibly cold. If you can get past this stage, then you're golden. (just watch out for the sponsorship thing down the road)
Asians-Very Attractive, but you have to decide if you want a CBC or a FOB. CBCs may have more staying power, as going out with FOBs can become tiresome after months because of the language barrier. (you're almost like an ESL teacher). CBCs are basically banana's (white on the inside), so there are some negatives too.
Indian-Extremely attractive, but will not date outside their race. When was the last time you saw a pretty Indian girl with a guy from another race? Stick to SPs here.
Persians-Same as Indian, will not date outside race. Stick with SPs here if you can find an authentic one.
Latinas-By far the most overrated group of women. It really depends on which country the girl comes from. If she is from Argentina, then the chances of her being attractive is good. Peru-uhm..not so much. White and Black guys have good chances here, but guys who are Latinos themselves are out of luck in Toronto.
African/Carribbean-Almost zero chance here, and not a big loss.
In any case, most of these options are better than most Canadian girls from Toronto.