Cute In A Kilt said:
Since I was 20 I have been actively involved in such work and trust me working with politicians has been consistently like banging one's head against the wall.
I am not bitching, the truth is JUST that, you have a bunch of people who have give or take the same educational, cultural and environmental upbringing... same mold same ppl same mentality same bullshit.
Ask the Aboriginals if they feel about democracy, politics and justice in this country. Contrary to popular belief not everyone feels represented by our politicians.
Actually, if you understand the process and understand how politicians do things, it is extremely easy to work with them. But it requires great patience. Changes take years, not months.
Currently, the H of C in Ottawa has members that have been born, not only in different parts of this country, but also from other countries. So your assertion that all politicians have the same upbringing and education is invalid. However, you are correct in that the system constrains politicians of all political stripes.
I agree with your comments about the Aboriginal people in Canada, and unfortunately I have no quick answer for you. IMHO they should have been given more autonomy years ago, and treated better.