Harper wants to make prostitution illegal

Mar 19, 2006
papasmerf said:
DO NOT TRY TO CONVINCE A LIBERAL THAT CONSERVITIVES HAVE RIGHTS. You would have an easier time convincing a liberal that taxes are illegal.
It's been my experience you can't convince a Liberal of anything.

I was only pointing out that Civil rights agendas are not solely the property of Liberals.

Cute In A Kilt

Compromised said:
Firstly, voting for different parties does create different policies. If you don't believe me, look at the NDP in Ontario in the 90's and then look at what Mike Harris did.

As for your assertion that all politicians are "privileged older white men" I strongly suggest that you start reading various newspapers. I think you will find that politicians are far more diverse than you suggest.

I also suggest that if you want to have a larger voice in the system, you stop bitching about how terrible politicians are and join a political party and have your voice heard.

Democracy does not work well if your only involvement is on election day.

That is not my only involvement... I have worked VERY hard for women's rights in the sex trade and I have fought VERY hard AGAINST exploitation of children and trafficked women. Since I was 20 I have been actively involved in such work and trust me working with politicians has been consistently like banging one's head against the wall.

I am not bitching, the truth is JUST that, you have a bunch of people who have give or take the same educational, cultural and environmental upbringing... same mold same ppl same mentality same bullshit. Politicians are as diverse as their voting public makes them which is NOT diverse at all because really what demographics vote?!?! The system is set up unequal from the beginning .... you may disagree but I am just stating what I believe, feel free to believe something else and feel free to lecture someone else... I am not a naive babe in the woods that just believes in everything TV feeds me... I actually read the newspaper and many other things that strike my fancy and thus I know from such reading that the world is also full of bs. 10 well meaning politicians in a sea of sharks still is very little change. Those that are privileged always rise to power faster then those that are marginalized.

Ask the Aboriginals if they feel about democracy, politics and justice in this country. Contrary to popular belief not everyone feels represented by our politicians.


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
papasmerf said:
You could always move to the US
All that's available in the US is your left hand. Try and contribute an opinion to the actual topic (i.e.: the political legality of prostitution) before Mom shuts off your computer.

Gyaos Baltar.

Never Compromised

Hiding from Screw Worm
Feb 1, 2006
Cute In A Kilt said:
Since I was 20 I have been actively involved in such work and trust me working with politicians has been consistently like banging one's head against the wall.

I am not bitching, the truth is JUST that, you have a bunch of people who have give or take the same educational, cultural and environmental upbringing... same mold same ppl same mentality same bullshit.

Ask the Aboriginals if they feel about democracy, politics and justice in this country. Contrary to popular belief not everyone feels represented by our politicians.
Actually, if you understand the process and understand how politicians do things, it is extremely easy to work with them. But it requires great patience. Changes take years, not months.

Currently, the H of C in Ottawa has members that have been born, not only in different parts of this country, but also from other countries. So your assertion that all politicians have the same upbringing and education is invalid. However, you are correct in that the system constrains politicians of all political stripes.

I agree with your comments about the Aboriginal people in Canada, and unfortunately I have no quick answer for you. IMHO they should have been given more autonomy years ago, and treated better.


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
So what if they make purchasing sex illegal?? Remember, we're only paying for the lady's time. The sex is free! :p


New member
Oct 28, 2006
drlove said:
So what if they make purchasing sex illegal?? Remember, we're only paying for the lady's time. The sex is free! :p
Unfortunately, that argument has been tried ad nauseum in the States.

It doesn't fly with LE, the prosecutor, a judge, or a jury.

The Daulfin

New member
May 6, 2006
ig-88 said:
Unfortunately, that argument has been tried ad nauseum in the States.

It doesn't fly with LE, the prosecutor, a judge, or a jury.
Yes but to my knowledge such an argument has never been posed to a Supreme Court here nor stateside. If the Conservatives were to go through with this, I very much see such a court battle unfolding in Canada in no time.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
David Beckham 23 said:
If it was up to many conservatives, blacks and women would never have been aloud to vote, and gays wouldn't have any rights.

Actually David, it was the libs trying to block the civil rights admendments. Sheets Byrd was a prime example of liberalism at its finest.


The Daulfin

New member
May 6, 2006
tmhotspot said:
If the activity itself is not illegal, by law, it seems strange that a government can limit where you can do it.
Driving is legal yet we restrict where you can and cannot drive all the time (trucking lanes and driving on paved shoulders). Like everything, the laws do have a good reason behind them but are poorly written and even more poorly implemented. Incall laws are meant to prevent them from being somewhere they are not wanted without getting into specific codification since zoning is provincial and not federal. Solicitation laws are meant to get rid of streetwalkers and drive the business out of public view. These are not bad things by themselves but when police use such vague laws to persecute those that it wasn't meant for, it becomes a problem.

Personally, I don't see the SCOC striking down anything if there is ever a former challenge of the current laws but they will give a greater definition that has been lacking for too long.


New member
Feb 12, 2007
send him to sinful selena, maybe she'll change his mind, i'll pay:D

Cute In A Kilt

guy27 said:
send him to sinful selena, maybe she'll change his mind, i'll pay:D

Send him to a Dominant....

"Who's been a bad BAD boy!?!?! Say your sorry, beg for mercy or I'll give you a harder spanking!!!" LOL


Apr 24, 2005
Be afraid, be very afraid. This is only the thin edge of the wedge. "Their" real agenda is to ban sex altogether (including homo and self-sex), the only exception is sex strictly for procreation. "They" are religious fanatics who truly believe that sex is the root of all evil and should be banned (except strictly for procreation until artificial insemination is perfected).


"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
Just grab Harpers' hair piece, burn it and we'll see a whole new man!!!!!!!!
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