Toronto Passions

Hamilton TERB Party Sept 9th!!!


Niagara's nightmare
Jan 9, 2002
Niagara Falls
I would want to attend to see all the lovely ladies like Diva

Keeping i got something you can attend to!!


she drives me crazy
Mar 9, 2003
I just read through a bit of this thread and find most of it (all of it bullshit and a waste of time). I can't attend a Terb part any time this fall but to the organizers - do what ever you want - guest list or no guest list. You are doing the work so invite the people you want/like and if Trelew is out.... Oh well. Why don't we end this thread here and get back to the more important business of Hobbying and posting reviews to help us lonely jerks out there have a bit of fun. If I wanted all this bickering i would have stayed married to my first wife.



New member
Aug 30, 2004

Jay for the first post on this thread in a long time that made are 100% right....Hobby On



Niagara's nightmare
Jan 9, 2002
Niagara Falls
Sorry Trelew but with all the b.s. from you and Pallydin regarding LE and some big consipiracy theory happening i think i'll pass.

These parties are suppose to be about having fun and a good laugh and not the paranoia running rampant. Ben was kind enough to try to get a party going in hamilton where no one else wanted to and this is how he was thanked for it. You and Pallydin both, should be ashamed of yourselves. But then so should Dave in Phoenix for his assinine antics regarding this as well.


Oct 26, 2002
Well, it sucks that there appears to be no party on Sept. 9's hard to get excited about a Halloween party that's almost 2 months away....


missing 400 or so
Jan 27, 2002
Bobzilla said:
Well, it sucks that there appears to be no party on Sept. 9's hard to get excited about a Halloween party that's almost 2 months away....
I had thought that at the *very* least that Corena was hosting some form of get-together on the 9th. Maybe that has changed as well but perhaps you should PM her to enquire where that particular party stands?



Niagara's nightmare
Jan 9, 2002
Niagara Falls
Pallydin, you're the type that has 5 different combination locks on your door don't ya?? And you take a different route to work everyday. And you peek threw the blinds when you get home to make sure no one's followed you also keep the coffee in a locked metal container??

It wasn't cancelled at all, they were looking for a new place to have it. YOU, Trelew and Dave came out here with this stupid theory of how LE busted the party before it even happened and having "armed freaking guards". Next you'll want to do background checks on anyone wanting to go......JEeeez bud, you seriously need help, any paranoia here was started by you!


missing 400 or so
Jan 27, 2002
Sheik said:
Pallydin, GB who is organizing the party has stated several times that the party is not cancelled but has asked for a location to be suggested.
Sheik, I realize he never used the word "cancelled" (although the "few days" have more than elapsed by now) but please quote for me exactly where he asked for another location to be suggested. All I find is:

"I'm sorry to say , but at this time all party plans are being put on hold until further notice Sorry to Everyone for any inconvenience this may cause"

"Thanks to all that have PM'd me and your offers of help, sorry I haven't personally got back to most people, Ive been waiting for some answers myself It apears that the original bar, Stilettoes is closed, There's attempts at getting the party going again,(many thanks to Gina) hopefully a few days I'll have an answer as a Yes or No"

Now, I don't see a request for a location in there at all and when he mentions that Stilettos is closed, he already says there are attempts to get things going and the impression that further help is not required.

Please show me where he has posted differently, as I seem to have missed it. Perhaps if he had asked, they could've gotten Boomer's or any other place on short notice. I would've made a few suggestions if the request had ever been made.

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Aug 18, 2001
diva631 said:
It wasn't cancelled at all, they were looking for a new place to have it. YOU, Trelew and Dave came out here with this stupid theory of how LE busted the party before it even happened and having "armed freaking guards".
OK can we take a chill pill here. Look at all the posts...I did not say that the cops shut down the party. I mentioned that they have been trying to close down all the SC in the city, as well as the rest of the sex industry. This is not any conspiracy clap trap, anyone can check this out for themselves by reviewing past news reports and minutes from various Council of the Whole meetings at Hamilton City Hall.


Jan 17, 2003
/takes a deep cleansing breathe and lets all the a$$holes opinions slide away

yup, still staying out of it. :D


missing 400 or so
Jan 27, 2002
Okay, this has become too ridiculous for words (but I'll try). I talked to Gentle Ben last night at the Toronto TERB party and while the exchange was a tad heated at times, I like to think we have a better understanding where each of us are coming from with our individual viewpoints. I wish GB had either posted or PMed some of his concerns earlier so that we could've avoided lots of this because it is now my honest opinion that it has been the lack of communication/information that has caused things to spin out of control. And bottling it up isn't good for your health (or mine, for that matter). ;)

When it was announced that the party was on hold, I think there should've been an immediate reason "why" so as to prevent people from drawing their own conclusions that ultimately has been hurting things (as well as the perception that it might have been a story when a reason did pop up days later). At this point, I have personally heard so many different things that I'm not even sure anymore but truthfully I don't think it matters. And while I realize the touchiness involved in some of what was being said behind the scenes (both the truth and the fiction), I think if it had been publicly addressed (even in vague terms) right away instead of staying unsaid that things would have been different (at least they would have been for me). Then again, maybe it wouldn't have but it I don't think the way things unfolded was very good and I think many will agree. People always tend to believe the first thing they hear so giving a reason first would've helped alot.

If this party *is* to go on, it is my opinion that a venue has to be announced ASAP whether we drop in unannounced somewhere or not (if it is still meant for the general TERB population, which was the impression I got from GB last night). The lack of any concrete word as to how things are going is likely causing many to just cancel their plans to go if they are not from Hamilton proper (who is going to book a hotel without knowing if the party will happen or not?). The lack of follow-up at this late stage makes people think that it has all become secretive because it's obviously not being divulged in public yet there are adamant assertions by some that it is still going forward. If people are still trying to decide on a venue to choose, post and we'll find one. I was honestly surprised when Sheik posted that a locale was still being asked for because my impression from posts was that things were being taken care of in that regard.

That's my take on it all (or at least as much of it I can think of right now so I might add more later). Whether you want to listen or not is totally up to you but I'll always say what is on my mind and be as frank as possible. If people want to read something into what I've said or want clarification, they should either post or PM and not PM others and then someone down the chain ends up posting something that I never even said nor ever advocated.

Hopefully there is something to be doing on the 9th and I'll see some of you there.


Gentle Ben

Senior Member
Jan 5, 2002
Pal, yes we did meet at the party & chat,and it it was a heated discussion, However , I apparently left that conversation with a different feeling than you did , I don't think I understand your viewpoints any better after that conversation than I did prior to it.
All the hype that you have been on & on about with respect to privacy and so on , didnt seem to bother you last night, there were no name tags that you so strongly seem to favour for a secirity issue,You introduced yourself to me with your TERB nic and you freely conversed with me about topics on TERB without knowing who I was,and you had no problems conversing with others at the bar, so I suggest that all your paranoia in the Hamilton threads should be discounted.
Due to your's and others petty paranoia & bickering , I am not persuing a TERB party in HAmilton at this time.
I was planning the party for the good of TERB, and its users, I dont live near nor do I hobby in Hamilton. I dont seek attention by Hosting Parties, I mentioned earlier, I much prefer to be a partier over a host, as anyone could have seen last night, I thoroughly enjoyed myself at the Goddess
There seems to be mixed thoughts as wether or not the Halloween party is closed to the public,, either case does not restrict LE or By Law, or any other agency entry for inspection, in fact, a Public bar that is closed to the public may be more of a red light to these agencies!
diva631 said:
YOU, Trelew and Dave came out here with this stupid theory of how LE busted the party before it even happened and having "armed freaking guards".
Huh? Yes, since a certain violent person has threatened to attend, some folks wanted security. How was asking about it as a concern it would be needed "stupid" Some folks have valid reasons to be concerned about you know who now arrested for last violent act.

Gentle Ben

Senior Member
Jan 5, 2002
Dave in Phoenix said:
Huh? Yes, since a certain violent person has threatened to attend, some folks wanted security. How was asking about it as a concern it would be needed "stupid" Some folks have valid reasons to be concerned about you know who now arrested for last violent act.

Then do it in PM, all that that kind of posting will do is cause unnecasary paranoia amongs others , I had many PM's asking WTF your post was about, even tho it was only up for a short time.
Dave, I am told you are fully aware someone did have personal security at a previous TERB party, that was a suprise to me when I found that out recently, and I'm sure anyone else reading this will be suprised as well, because it wasn't made known to the public, but that was the persons choice, it was done quietly and I respect that!


Aug 18, 2001
So let me get this straight, most of this concern is about someone at a NF party who has had a history of being confrontational , got violent, and was arrested?

First off that was NF not Hamilton. Secondly, as I understand it there will be security. Not a big deal. See no worries, just come out to both parties (if Sept 9th is a go) and have fun. :) Afterall that's what these parties are for, right?


Niagara's nightmare
Jan 9, 2002
Niagara Falls
Why doesn't this surprise me!

No it is not......this is yet again people from OUTSIDE Niagara, trying to drag Niagara threw the mud once again! This is about someone from OUTSIDE Hamilton, TRYING to get a party going for the HAMILTON people and getting shit on for it by some fools who want to throw paranoia around! Every time ya turn around tho, whatever happens in any of these areas, someone idiot tries to blame Niagara....get a grip!

No one really gives a rat's ass who has a party or when but when you try to trash one person's for the sake of your own, it shows desperation!


Aug 18, 2001
I'm not trashing anyone...point out to me where I trashed anyone who has been organizing a party? I don't trash people unless its deserved and the people who organize parties in NF, Hamilton, and TO are to be commended. So please Diva would you mind getting your facts straight before you set your posts to flame? Or at least, PM the person and talk to them that way, like I have with you.

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