Pal, yes we did meet at the party & chat,and it it was a heated discussion, However , I apparently left that conversation with a different feeling than you did , I don't think I understand your viewpoints any better after that conversation than I did prior to it.
All the hype that you have been on & on about with respect to privacy and so on , didnt seem to bother you last night, there were no name tags that you so strongly seem to favour for a secirity issue,You introduced yourself to me with your TERB nic and you freely conversed with me about topics on TERB without knowing who I was,and you had no problems conversing with others at the bar, so I suggest that all your paranoia in the Hamilton threads should be discounted.
Due to your's and others petty paranoia & bickering , I am not persuing a TERB party in HAmilton at this time.
I was planning the party for the good of TERB, and its users, I dont live near nor do I hobby in Hamilton. I dont seek attention by Hosting Parties, I mentioned earlier, I much prefer to be a partier over a host, as anyone could have seen last night, I thoroughly enjoyed myself at the Goddess
There seems to be mixed thoughts as wether or not the Halloween party is closed to the public,, either case does not restrict LE or By Law, or any other agency entry for inspection, in fact, a Public bar that is closed to the public may be more of a red light to these agencies!