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GTA Tipping Culture Is Getting To Be Very Frustrating


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
Lol, I've done that too. Have a real pissed look on my face for no reason and they are too afraid to ask.
I can’t do that. I am too cheery. But I can enthusiastically decline with an happy cheery anttitude and make them know that I don’t give two flying fucks what they think. I wish them a nice day with a big ol’ grin! They learn quick that their “pressure” tactics don’t work on me.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
I know this topic has been discussed in the past. And I don't want this to turn into a discussion about tipping your favourite SP as that is not what I am talking about here.

Let me start with my experience and let you guys chime in and tell me your experience or opinion.

The wife and I were dining at one of our favourite restaurants a few weeks back, a popular steak house. Its old school but classy and always made a great steak. After the meal, the waiter brought the check and I asked for the debit machine. He returned with the machine and as we have seen before, it was on the screen with the different tipping amount options. Now, just before he handed it to me, he took it upon himself to hit the highest tip amount and hand me the machine. I was stunned by this. I want to say that I do consider myself a generous tipper, minimum 20%. But I found this presumption to be crazy and it completely turned me off from ever visiting that establishment again.

It's the first time something like this ever happened to me.

Has this ever happened to anyone else? How did or would you handle this situation?

Given that food prices are so high, what was once a $50 steak is now $80-$100, the increase in minimum wage for wait staff, and let's face it, a reduction in the level of service in many places that, pre-covid, were much better, should tip amounts really be increasing as well to the point of expecting upwards of 25% to 30% of the bill?
Hockeyguy..the exact same thing me....but only at a Starbucks drive thru....located on The Queensway just west of Royal York on the South Side...the guy who handed me the coffee and the Caramel Maschiotto..mumbled something about a tip and i looked at him confused...he said "its okay" and i tapped my debit card for what i thought was going to be $9:50....i put the bill on my it later and saw that the little prick added a 5$ tip ffs...a 50% tip.. i will never go back there.....not that they will ever know or care...


Just Trying To Help
Apr 15, 2008
Southwest Ontario
Fuck, the LCBO is another place that pisses me off to. They ask for a donation to some organization.
Hahahahaha. The LCBO shite kills me. I get asked for change from the homeless guy in the parking lot, then hit for cash from a few kids outside the door raising money for their hockey league, then inside hit for a donation at the cash for the ever changing organizations.


Jul 3, 2020
Something similar: I ordered a daily special at a non-chain fast food outlet, and was quoted the advertised price, plus tax. I was then asked if I wanted cheese. The price with one slice of cheese was about $3.50 higher. When I questioned that, the cashier said that she had entered 'special plus tax' followed by 'cheese plus tax', and when I explained to her that she was taxing the special twice, she said "That's the way we do it".

Sonic Temple

Dreamers learn to steer by the stars
Feb 14, 2020
Hockeyguy..the exact same thing me....but only at a Starbucks drive thru....located on The Queensway just west of Royal York on the South Side...the guy who handed me the coffee and the Caramel Maschiotto..mumbled something about a tip and i looked at him confused...he said "its okay" and i tapped my debit card for what i thought was going to be $9:50....i put the bill on my it later and saw that the little prick added a 5$ tip ffs...a 50% tip.. i will never go back there.....not that they will ever know or care...
Mate that actually happened to me - but the fkn asshole put $10 on my bill without any indication - went back and called that fkr out, the manager on duty was a hard ass meaning she told that fkr to go home then and there. Manager apologised and also gave me a $15 GC - which I thought was a nice gesture. Went back a few days later - and saw the same kid there - wouldn't even make eye contact - LOL - didn't even come to the register and went to the back. I should've stayed there lomger to see if he would've come out - but my entire there waiting he never came out. Fkn coward.


Well-known member
Jun 26, 2015
There are a lot of factors contributing to this but that fuckin debit machine enables this out-of-control tipping bullshit. It is so easy for these places to sneak that tip in, especially drive thru where most of us do not pay attention when tapping. As a matter of fact, you rarely even allowed a good look at the screen. Like they purposely angle it so you can reach to tap but can't see the screen.


Hardened Member
Nov 12, 2021
Fuck, the LCBO is another place that pisses me off to. They ask for a donation to some organization. If I am feeling particular good that day, I would give the buck or two they ask for. Then, when I go back a few days later, they ask again. You refuse cuz you gave it previous day and you get an attitude like you're lying about it.

Alcohol is an indulgence and the LCBO plays on that to donate. They feel that if you can afford to drink, then you can donate. Almost like a guilt tax or something because you enjoy a bottle of wine.

I stopped going to LCBO for a few reasons and that was one of them. Hooked up with a private wine and spirits dealer and only go that route now. Same or even less money spent.
I was looking at wine bottles a few months ago at LCBO trying to decide what I want. This lady asks "Can I help you with anything?", and I go "Thank you, but am set for now".

And she goes "Oh a customer who knows what he wants!!" in a semi-mocking way. Like WTF. :ROFLMAO:


Hardened Member
Nov 12, 2021
There are a lot of factors contributing to this but that fuckin debit machine enables this out-of-control tipping bullshit. It is so easy for these places to sneak that tip in, especially drive thru where most of us do not pay attention when tapping. As a matter of fact, you rarely even allowed a good look at the screen. Like they purposely angle it so you can reach to tap but can't see the screen.
Gotta be very careful and not give in to the - "I dont wanna hold up people" mindset. Sometimes gotta be shameless and take your time lol.
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No patience
Oct 12, 2001
St. Catharines
Fuck, the LCBO is another place that pisses me off to. They ask for a donation to some organization. If I am feeling particular good that day, I would give the buck or two they ask for. Then, when I go back a few days later, they ask again. You refuse cuz you gave it previous day and you get an attitude like you're lying about it.

Alcohol is an indulgence and the LCBO plays on that to donate. They feel that if you can afford to drink, then you can donate. Almost like a guilt tax or something because you enjoy a bottle of wine.

I stopped going to LCBO for a few reasons and that was one of them. Hooked up with a private wine and spirits dealer and only go that route now. Same or even less money spent.
No kidding. Grocery stores solicit for donations too. I say no to them all. I do not give away money without knowing how it is being used. Too many charities are inefficient or borderline fraudulent.

Not to mention have the liquor cost is already taxes. You forgot the panhandler outside the LCBO too. He/she wants a cut. You can't go anywhere anymore without 1 or more people wanting to get into your wallet.
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Well-known member
Feb 18, 2020
I agree. It’s my choice to tip, and I’d rather tip big for good service and not be obligated to tip for poor service. Therefore I just stopped going out to eat. Higher grocery prices, but I treat myself with good ingredients. I can cook better than most restaurants anyway.


Well-known member
Jun 26, 2015
I was looking at wine bottles a few months ago at LCBO trying to decide what I want. This lady asks "Can I help you with anything?", and I go "Thank you, but am set for now".

And she goes "Oh a customer who knows what he wants!!" in a semi-mocking way. Like WTF. :ROFLMAO:
The LCBO is a fuckin joke. Government lining their pockets with this monopoly.

As I mentioned earlier, I only buy from private dealers. It was actually an SP who got my wife and I to join a couple of wine clubs she is a part of and hooked us up with private dealers. I will never go back to LCBO.

However, the LCBO monopoly runs so deep that even private dealers have to go through them so you are being forced to pay the taxes that LCBO charges. All alcohol, even through dealers, is controlled by LCBO. I also learned, and I may be wrong, that even though today you can buy a great wine from a wine dealer, and it cannot be found in the LCBO, since it has to go through them to enter Ontario, if they notice that it is pretty popular among private dealers, they will go to the winery directly and import it for sale in their stores and screw the dealer out of the product.

Captain Bly

Nautical Nasty
Feb 9, 2002
I do not tip anywhere for takeout or fast food and make sure in restaurants I tip on the amount before tax. Most of the machines have an amount option and don’t be shy about using it!


Active member
Mar 7, 2013
Having read the thread, this is my approach:
  1. Anyone preselecting a tip for me will have the transaction cancelled and they can start again.
  2. If they preselect again, cancel again while pointing out their 'mistake'. Any attitude will result in a zero tip.
  3. I do not tip for fast food or takeout.
  4. I easily say no to donation requests (LCBO or elsewhere). Quite immune to any reaction they have (in fact, don't notice).
  5. I always tip on pre-tax amount. Usually use a rough percentage but enter an actual amount to round to the nearest dollar.
  6. I never use debit. Cash or credit card only.
  7. I always check my bill before paying to ensure accurate charges.
  8. I've never tipped on the high end of any scale but tip a bit higher these days. Only if service deserves it.
  9. Choice to leave a tip is always mine.
  10. I once left a 1 cent tip to make a point.


Well-known member
Jun 26, 2015
Having read the thread, this is my approach:
  1. Anyone preselecting a tip for me will have the transaction cancelled and they can start again.
  2. If they preselect again, cancel again while pointing out their 'mistake'. Any attitude will result in a zero tip.
  3. I do not tip for fast food or takeout.
  4. I easily say no to donation requests (LCBO or elsewhere). Quite immune to any reaction they have (in fact, don't notice).
  5. I always tip on pre-tax amount. Usually use a rough percentage but enter an actual amount to round to the nearest dollar.
  6. I never use debit. Cash or credit card only.
  7. I always check my bill before paying to ensure accurate charges.
  8. I've never tipped on the high end of any scale but tip a bit higher these days. Only if service deserves it.
  9. Choice to leave a tip is always mine.
  10. I once left a 1 cent tip to make a point.
The Ten Commandments of tipping. Love it!


Hardened Member
Nov 12, 2021
Having read the thread, this is my approach:
  1. Anyone preselecting a tip for me will have the transaction cancelled and they can start again.
  2. If they preselect again, cancel again while pointing out their 'mistake'. Any attitude will result in a zero tip.
  3. I do not tip for fast food or takeout.
  4. I easily say no to donation requests (LCBO or elsewhere). Quite immune to any reaction they have (in fact, don't notice).
  5. I always tip on pre-tax amount. Usually use a rough percentage but enter an actual amount to round to the nearest dollar.
  6. I never use debit. Cash or credit card only.
  7. I always check my bill before paying to ensure accurate charges.
  8. I've never tipped on the high end of any scale but tip a bit higher these days. Only if service deserves it.
  9. Choice to leave a tip is always mine.
  10. I once left a 1 cent tip to make a point.
The only time I tipped 100%, was in Boston in 2015, on new years eve at a small family owned Italian place, where this waitress and the chef were absolutely lovely. They gave us a few dishes on the house too. So our bill was 200, and I tipped her 200. Other than that I use 10% for meh service, 15 to 18% as a standard tip depending on the total. If they exceed, I'd go as high as 20%, but not much more than that.

Captain Bly

Nautical Nasty
Feb 9, 2002
Not quite related, but my local Tim Hortons has offered a 10% discharge for seniors, of which there are many there after the early rush!
About a week ago that stopped “on orders from head office” according to the lady behind the counter.
Monday morning I went in my local McD’s on the way to golf, and I saw a lot of familiar faces, who told me they get a senior’s coffee there!
Seniors power I guess!


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
One time I went to Boston Pizza. I asked the girl behind the counter if a soft drink is extra. She said yes an extra. Then she discretely placed the can of soft drink inside the bag. No extra charge. Not every restaurant worker is greedy. Yes, she is the exception.

I've seen tip jars in self-service gas stations.

Pne time this man placed himself between you and the door asking for spare change so I gave him a loonie. The next day he was back with a friend and both of them were asking for spare change.
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Well-known member
May 7, 2019
I've cut back on eating out a lot because it's got more expensive but especially because of all this OTT tipping crap. That said I still like to go to a buffet every few months. The waiters bring me 1 plastic beaker of tap water, tops it up once in 1 hour, clears about 5 plates and brings the bill. I probably tip 10% of the final bill (including tax). If the waitress is young and hot she still gets 10%...not as if she'll think more of me if I tip her 18% and she'll jump in the sack with me.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2011
I don't tip for over-the-counter fast food or coffee shps where I am not being served on a sit-down basis. At these places, I use the "other" or "no tip" option in situations where I do not use cash. No shame in that, it is my right and my money to spend as I see fit. Most cases, I pay with cash and check-mate that obnosious debit/credit card machine with the obligatory tip option on the front menu. I can drop a few coins, if I am in the good mood, at the tip bottle.


Active member
Oct 29, 2018
Regarding, donations at retailers. The fact is that when a retailer makes a donation to a charity from what donations it’s customers left, the retailer gets tax credit for it, hence I stopped giving retailers donations many moons ago.
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