Let's put aside Franky's desperate and truly pathetic attempt to change the subject with his completely false claims that I said the IPCC was correct. As with his ongoing string of bat-shit crazy bullshit, I neither said nor implied any such thing.
Instead, let's focus on his so-called "math errors."
- The period from 2014 to 2020 is
not "7 years."
- The year 2020 is
not "7 years since" 2014.
- The temperature anomaly on the NASA graph increased from 0.75ºC at the end of 2014 to 0.85ºC at the end of 2021.
- The difference between 0.75ºC and 0.85ºC is
not 0.25ºC.
NASA is a global leader in studying Earth’s changing climate.
I don't "claim" his numbers are wrong. It is a statement of fact that his numbers are completely wrong.
The actual difference in the "7 years since" the 2015 post is 0.1ºC -
less than half the 0.25ºC he cited.
And the so-called "expert" on settled science wonders why I have chosen to "ignore" his numbers.
As an aside, I've been compelled to bookmark this post about "math errors" for future reference. All in the name of "settled science," of course. 