"Grab them by the pussy" - Donald Trump


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Could also be that the Republicans that have opposed his comments are from the Bible Belt. So they cannot be seen supporting someone that says such things even though they've likely been sleeping around too. So the Muslim / Mexican ban or encouraging Russian hackers or saying that other countries should have nuclear arms is ok, but this is the issue that causes the most outrage?
It was never okay to ban Muslims and Mexicans from the USA. Yes his base seems to be okay with every nonsense that Trumpty Dumpty is linked to. But this is practically endorsing the molesting of women and is very offensive to both married and single women of all races and ethnic backgrounds.


Jan 4, 2005
I find it disturbing that many are still supporting him, excusing, rationalising, and justifying his comments. They broadly fit into these categories:

-it was such a long time ago
-other people have done worse things
-every guy does it
-it's not that bad
-the media are out to get him

Bottom line is that this is a man who is not fit to be president in any way.

I gained some respect for some of the Republicans who never endorsed him from the beginning. They saw how flawed he was from the beginning. Fiorina, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, and others to mention a few.

Those who are now condemning him and disowning him are doing so out of political convenience. After all that Trump has said and done, this last one isn't really the straw that broke the camel's back. That straw should have been a long, long time ago.

For me, I actually liked Trump when I first learned about him. I admired him for his brashness, independence, and willingness to say what was on his mind, even though it was not politically correct. I found the feuds with Rosie kind of funny, and when he said he only called Rosie fat, ugly, and a pig, I actually found it kind of funny.

However, after the very first controversy (him calling Mexicans rapists), I was done with him. From then on, it seems like every day he has said something to offend people and reveal his ugliness.


Jan 31, 2005
Besides, he still has majority support
He's never had majority support at any time. Clinton is leading him by six points now and has been leading throughout the campaign. The only point where Trump was close to making it an even race was primarily because Clinton was bleeding voters to Jill Stein.

Maybe you are getting your news from Breitbart or from the Onion but Trump has been losing the whole time.

Doesn't mean he will lose, there's a few weeks to go and he could turn it around, but he's been losing until now and Clinton's margin of victory right now is significantly larger than it was before the debate.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Meanwhile released information shows Hillary is probably lying on her stance about free trade and feels that the banksters are best able to solve the issues they created.

But why worry about economic policy when you can wallow in scandal. What's the matter folks, the Kardashians boring you?

The worst part about Trump isn't who who is. It's the fact the stupidity that is him is actually making a horrible person like Hillary Clinton a viable candidate in enough eyes to let her wield power.

That's the true horror of this election. That she will actually be in charge of the military and will use it to kill people. And she will. That she will entrench Wall St for four more years. And business as usual will continue in Washington.

And the lemmings are falling for the fake progressive.


Jan 31, 2005
The worst part about Trump isn't who who is. It's the fact the stupidity that is him is actually making a horrible person like Hillary Clinton a viable candidate in enough eyes to let her wield power.

That's the true horror of this election.
Leaving aside your hyperventilating hyperbole about how President Clinton will be a "horror":

This is a year when a typical Republican would beat a typical Democrat. The Democrats have held the Whitehouse for eight years, and the economy is growing but only weakly. In most years that benefits the challenger.

But the Democrats aren't running a typical candidate. They are running an unpopular candidate: Hillary isn't liked. And while I think you are shrill calling her a horror, the reality is she's nothing special.

Which really highlights just how badly Trump has fucked up this election campaign. He has done very badly in a year in which the GOP should have cruised to victory, even though the Democrats are running an unpopular candidate.

We'll see if anything changes in the next few weeks, but it's fair to say that the GOP is running perhaps the worst campaign in living memory, and maybe the worst campaign in the history of the United States.


Sep 12, 2009
Leaving aside your hyperventilating hyperbole about how President Clinton will be a "horror":

This is a year when a typical Republican would beat a typical Democrat. The Democrats have held the Whitehouse for eight years, and the economy is growing but only weakly. In most years that benefits the challenger.

But the Democrats aren't running a typical candidate. They are running an unpopular candidate: Hillary isn't liked. And while I think you are shrill calling her a horror, the reality is she's nothing special.

Which really highlights just how badly Trump has fucked up this election campaign. He has done very badly in a year in which the GOP should have cruised to victory, even though the Democrats are running an unpopular candidate.

We'll see if anything changes in the next few weeks, but it's fair to say that the GOP is running perhaps the worst campaign in living memory, and maybe the worst campaign in the history of the United States.
I don't think it's because he fucked up his election campaign. It's more because he became the GOP's nominee in the first place.

You knew he wasn't going to change and that he'd likely done some questionable things in the past (including bankrupting companies, making sexist remarks, etc.). Nobody could change the past regardless of his election campaign - they still would have been brought up.

Yes he could have done a better job preparing for the first debate and spewing fewer questionable comments along the way.

But in the end, I think it was already decided when he became the nominee. He has always been bold and we knew he wouldn't change that. So to me it seems the campaign is more a result of him being the nominee than him being an average candidate who royally fucked up. Both parties are running unpopular candidates. May the least worst candidate win.

The one thing that really bothers me about many of Hilary's supporters is that a large number vote for her just because she is a woman without knowing about any of her policies. I'm all for equality but but giving someone arguably the world's most powerful position solely based on gender is NOT equality.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
i wonder how we all acted and what despicable things we all have said 11 years ago? Keep on hating everyone, keep on hating!
Keep on defending everything. Keep on defending absolutely everything.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
What part of elected official do you not understand. When you get into office people expect a higher degree of professionalism. The President should not be living like Snoop dogg. Any ordinary man who is not an elected official can because they are not being paid by taxpayers.
Thanks for the double standard.

I also notice that same double standard being used to justify Trump's idiotic comments because he's a businessman, not a politician.

Sorry, you can't have it both ways.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
12 years ago all the bleeding hearts and politically correct people need to fuck off
Then Clinton's indiscretions of 20 years ago are off limits.

Did you criticize those who brought that up?

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
I don't know why everyone is getting so worked up, is any of this surprising. I had him pegged as a scumbag martinet when he bullied Scottish farmers - and that was such a long time ago.

Even if he roasted an Arab baby over an open fire, his supporters would still back him.


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
I don't know why everyone is getting so worked up, is any of this surprising. I had him pegged as a scumbag martinet when he bullied Scottish farmers - and that was such a long time ago.

Even if he roasted an Arab baby over an open fire, his supporters would still back him.
Yes, that is a big question or issue now. A lot of Republicans 'held their nose' and went along with Trump as the nominee, even though he made terrible comments that were racist, sexist, misogynistic etc. So why was this recording the one that had so much stench it finally overwhelmed them into moving away from him.
I think part of the reason is that blacks, Hispanics, Muslims make up small %ages of voters. But women comprise 53% of voters - and Trump cannot win without them. He was already badly trailing HRC in this demographic and has now driven off a cliff.

Yesterday Paul Ryan was booed at a rally after he uninvited Trump. So Ryan and other Reps are caught between saving their own campaigns vs. alienating Trump's base supporters.


New member
Sep 16, 2016
another galaxy
I find it disturbing that many are still supporting him, excusing, rationalising, and justifying his comments. They broadly fit into these categories:

-it was such a long time ago
-other people have done worse things
-every guy does it
-it's not that bad
-the media are out to get him

Bottom line is that this is a man who is not fit to be president in any way.

I gained some respect for some of the Republicans who never endorsed him from the beginning. They saw how flawed he was from the beginning. Fiorina, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, and others to mention a few.

Those who are now condemning him and disowning him are doing so out of political convenience. After all that Trump has said and done, this last one isn't really the straw that broke the camel's back. That straw should have been a long, long time ago.

For me, I actually liked Trump when I first learned about him. I admired him for his brashness, independence, and willingness to say what was on his mind, even though it was not politically correct. I found the feuds with Rosie kind of funny, and when he said he only called Rosie fat, ugly, and a pig, I actually found it kind of funny.

However, after the very first controversy (him calling Mexicans rapists), I was done with him. From then on, it seems like every day he has said something to offend people and reveal his ugliness.
JED BUSH you mean the guy who FIXED the election for his brother, ya great character there, So it's OK to cheat and fix a election but you can't speak your mind? WOW.


New member
Sep 16, 2016
another galaxy
IMHO I think a lot of Americans are tired of the " ho hum president " that tell the American people what they want to hear. They stand up and sugar coat every issue with political jargon.
Then you have Trump, a bulldozer of a man who could give a shit what people think about him and not afraid to stand up and speak on issues that everyone else wants to back down from.
Is he insulting, yes, does he come across as a ass, yes at times, however, I think that if he gets elected there will be somebody, or a bunch of people, telling him how to act and what to say, just like Bill Clinton...he had Hillary.


Jun 11, 2011
Then Clinton's indiscretions of 20 years ago are off limits.

Did you criticize those who brought that up?
Sure she gets a pass, but while she has been holding office no she does not. Do you need examples?


Jun 11, 2011
IMHO I think a lot of Americans are tired of the " ho hum president " that tell the American people what they want to hear. They stand up and sugar coat every issue with political jargon.
Then you have Trump, a bulldozer of a man who could give a shit what people think about him and not afraid to stand up and speak on issues that everyone else wants to back down from.
Is he insulting, yes, does he come across as a ass, yes at times, however, I think that if he gets elected there will be somebody, or a bunch of people, telling him how to act and what to say, just like Bill Clinton, he had Hillary.
Its obvious they are tired of the same old corruption and lies, that's why Trump is doing so well, people want change. Don't know if Trump is the change they need but it just goes to show you how sick and tired they are.


New member
Sep 16, 2016
another galaxy
Its obvious they are tired of the same old corruption and lies, that's why Trump is doing so well, people want change. Don't think Trump is the change but it just goes to show you how sick and tired they are.
Oh, I don't think Trump is above corruption, not in the least, in fact, if he gets in it wouldn't surprise me if there was a corruption scandal. Lets face it, for a country that tells everybody, at a nauseated rate, that America is the beat place to live, greatest place in the world, they voted for Bush Jr, TWICE!!! That a lone should speak volumes.


Jun 11, 2011
Thanks for the double standard.

I also notice that same double standard being used to justify Trump's idiotic comments because he's a businessman, not a politician.

Sorry, you can't have it both ways.
Double standard? Omg u have to be kidding me. Hillary is the epitome of double standard. She can put our national security at risk, than try and cover up her tracks but US Sailor Kristian Saucier gets a year in jail for taking 4 pictures! That is a double standard.


Jun 11, 2011
Oh, I don't think Trump is above corruption, not in the least, in fact, if he gets in it wouldn't surprise me if there was a corruption scandal. Lets face it, for a country that tells everybody, at a nauseated rate, that America is the beat place to live, greatest place in the world, they voted for Bush Jr, TWICE!!! That a lone should speak volumes.
Question: Who do you think would be worse, Clinton or Trump? I'm on the fence I think they are both fucked no matter which way they go. Obama for another 4 years lol


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
JED BUSH you mean the guy who FIXED the election for his brother, ya great character there, So it's OK to cheat and fix a election but you can't speak your mind? WOW.
JEB Bush, Gibbs. Get the names right at least.
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