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Got a ticket for driving with no insurance...what to expect?


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Why judge him when he's ADMITED he fucked up? It's beating a dead horse dude...

Secondly, driving without insurance actually causes no more danger than driving with insurance, only difference is, HE would be paying for the rest of life to cover the financial cost.
Where did he say, "I've learned my lesson"?

To repeat: "I fucked up", is how you describe overflowing your coffee. His deliberate choice to drive irresponsibly because it was convenient—thinking like an infant rather than an adult—was no minor slip. Thought processes like that are an ongoing danger to everyone he shares the road with. "Yeah but it mighta been an important text!!". So far his evidence suggests he's still thinking more about what he can get away with than what's the right thing to do. Nothing to do with a few bucks here or there.

Or dead horses. But y'know even though no one has yet figured out how to make every idiot child grow up into a real responsible adult, no one's suggested we stop trying. Or ignore the grown-up slow-learners. Car insurance used to be voluntary not so long ago. But some folks couldn't figure out what they should do on their own, and everyone paid. Still do. always will. We still make laws to teach the fuck-ups.

Since you brought up dead horses.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
What on earth are you getting at? You seem to making some kind of link between not having insurance and killing people, but the problem with killing people is BAD DRIVING, not being uninsured.

If my child was killed by an idiotic driver, I would be mad at his DRIVING, not his INSURED STATUS.
Yup. The law and common sense both said, "Don't drive". He ignores both and kills your kid.

It's all about a spoiled child's bad driving. Not in any way like a responsible adult. Fortunately he was caught, likely because the cop saw how bad a driver he was. Too bad he learns so slow, and our teaching tools are so crude.

black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
To repeat: "I fucked up", is how you describe overflowing your coffee.

Thought processes like that are an ongoing danger to everyone he shares the road with. S

Are you retarded??? Spilling a cup of coffee is accident. "I fucked up" means I made a bad choice. You keep making this correlation between not having insurance, and dangerous driving.

The only person he screwed was why the fuck do you care??? And why do you keep acting like he put others in danger?

Driving without insurance isn't even a criminal offence. He made a bad choice and is now seeking advice, either give it him or move on for fuck sakes.


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2001
"Yeah but it mighta been an important text!!"
Dude, you're making yourself sound ridiculous.
You are comparing driving without insurance to distracted driving?
Not having insurance does not make him a higher risk to the other drivers on the road, distracted driving does... do you comprehend basic concepts?

black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
Dude, you're making yourself sound ridiculous.
You are comparing driving without insurance to distracted driving?
Not having insurance does not make him a higher risk to the other drivers on the road, distracted driving does... do you comprehend basic concepts?
3 people now trying to explain this to


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Dude, you're making yourself sound ridiculous.
You are comparing driving without insurance to distracted driving?
Not having insurance does not make him a higher risk to the other drivers on the road, distracted driving does... do you comprehend basic concepts?
In his own way.



Feb 13, 2013
No, he admitted he got caught, looks like he is worried about the consequences, but have a list of excuses rather than admit he was wrong.
Excuse won't work, you must admit you were wrong and show your outstanding past history of payments for insurance. Any missing payments in your history will prove you guilty.

Never drive with out insurance.


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2001
Excuse won't work, you must admit you were wrong and show your outstanding past history of payments for insurance. Any missing payments in your history will prove you guilty.
Missing a payment doesn't automatically cancel your insurance.
In my younger years when I made less money, paid more insurance and was less responsible, I would miss a payment here and there... the company gets on your ass and works with you get the account cleared up ASAP.
Sep 3, 2009
Missing a payment doesn't automatically cancel your insurance.
In my younger years when I made less money, paid more insurance and was less responsible, I would miss a payment here and there... the company gets on your ass and works with you get the account cleared up ASAP.
Exactly - in fact many will not cancel until you inform them in writing (TD Insurance did this to me).... they kept billing and I ignored them for a while, in the end they said I had to pay them as I had not cancelled the policy. If the OP was accurate then he still had insurance - just no proof when he was stopped.

black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
No, he admitted he got caught, looks like he is worried about the consequences, but have a list of excuses rather than admit he was wrong.
they are the same thing in this situation. He made a bad choice, got caught, and admitted he fucked up. What aren't you getting about this???


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
they are the same thing in this situation. He made a bad choice, got caught, and admitted he fucked up. What aren't you getting about this???

What aren't you getting about this? :confused:

He has not grovelled :hail: and is not contrite enough in making his confession to Father Fuji.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
No word from the OP since post #4. Hmmmmmm...

Insurance can be expensive but were you not offered to pay in monthly installments? Anyway, get back to us and let us know how much it goes up when you renew with a conviction for driving without insurance!


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Are you retarded??? Spilling a cup of coffee is accident. "I fucked up" means I made a bad choice. You keep making this correlation between not having insurance, and dangerous driving.

The only person he screwed was why the fuck do you care??? And why do you keep acting like he put others in danger?

Driving without insurance isn't even a criminal offence. He made a bad choice and is now seeking advice, either give it him or move on for fuck sakes.
Safe driving requires a whole lot of choices, and they'd better all be good ones. This is a guy who deliberately chose an irresponsible course of action, and now excuses it as if it was an accident he had no control over. It is exactly the same irresponsibility as taking that 'important' call; his comfort and convenience came before any responsibility to others he shared the road with. Sorry, he's dangerous until he fixes his priorities. Children shouldn't be driving.

If it was only me talking, you could go on not making your point and being deaf to the reality forever, but our society long ago decided that it's irresponsible to drive uninsured, and that's why he's now facing court and a fine. I'm just saying what he's gonna hear and should have figured out for himself. Some people just take a long time to wise up.

BTW, in your fantasy universe coffee cups might spill themselves and cars might have their own accidents, but here in the real world it takes defective human thinking and action.


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2001
Safe driving requires a whole lot of choices, and they'd better all be good ones. This is a guy who deliberately chose an irresponsible course of action, and now excuses it as if it was an accident he had no control over. It is exactly the same irresponsibility as taking that 'important' call; his comfort and convenience came before any responsibility to others he shared the road with. Sorry, he's dangerous until he fixes his priorities. Children shouldn't be driving.

If it was only me talking, you could go on not making your point and being deaf to the reality forever, but our society long ago decided that it's irresponsible to drive uninsured, and that's why he's now facing court and a fine. I'm just saying what he's gonna hear and should have figured out for himself. Some people just take a long time to wise up.
What don't you get?
YES, it IS irresponsible to drive without insurance, no one is denying that, including the OP... you seem to forget that he admits to 'fucking up'... and NO, spilling coffee isn't 'fucking up', spilling coffee is spilling coffee.
Driving without insurance is NOT like 'taking that important call'... one takes your attention away from the task of driving, the other doesn't... guess which one is which?


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Dude, you're making yourself sound ridiculous.
You are comparing driving without insurance to distracted driving?
Not having insurance does not make him a higher risk to the other drivers on the road, distracted driving does... do you comprehend basic concepts?
Ignoring laws and ordinary standards of responsible behaviour makes you a bad driver and a danger to others. It was inconvenient to take the bus, so he drove uninsured; just like its inconvenient to have the phone ringing, so you answer and drive distracted; or inconvenient to go back for your car in the morning, so you drive drunk. They're all irresponsible, selfish decisions and irresponsible people are dangerous to those they share the road with.

And we pay for their so-called accidents.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
What don't you get?
YES, it IS irresponsible to drive without insurance, no one is denying that, including the OP... you seem to forget that he admits to 'fucking up'... and NO, spilling coffee isn't 'fucking up', spilling coffee is spilling coffee.
Driving without insurance is NOT like 'taking that important call'... one takes your attention away from the task of driving, the other doesn't... guess which one is which?
Irresponsible is irresponsible. How do you know he's only irresponsible about obeying that one law? Driving without insurance is not "fucking up"; it's deciding you can get away with breaking the law. An irresponsible decision that did NOT work out for the OP—fortunately it was a cop who stopped him and not your cat, or the kid chasing a ball he wasn't 'responsible' for avoiding—and so far he's silently sticking by the excuse that he's a fuck up, rather than saying he's learned something useful.

I'm not imagining there's some similarity between phone use in a car and not sending off that cheque, that's you. The connection I'm making is putting your own immediate wants and convenience ahead of your legal, social and safety responsibilities.


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2001
And we pay for their so-called accidents.
The difference is that not having a piece of paper in your wallet does not make you more likely to have a car accident... answering a phone or driving drunk DOES.
Yes, driving without insurance is irresponsible and selfish... but it does not automatically make someone's driving riskier... by all means, go on refusing to accept that fact.


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2001
Irresponsible is irresponsible.
That's bullshit...

I can be irresponsible and leave my front door unlocked when I go to the supermarket for 20 minutes.
I can also be irresponsible by leaving a loaded handgun in my daughter's baby crib.

If 'irresponsible is irresponsible', then both those situations are equally as dangerous and demand equal consequences, correct?
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