Got a ticket for driving with no insurance...what to expect?

Cobra Enorme

Pussy tamer
Aug 13, 2009
he didnt pay for insurance and got caught. hes now complaining about paying a guy $600 to help him. this is going to end bad for him. there is no way he has insurance now. dude, take the bus and save us all the problem of getting into an accident with someone with no insurance. there is no way youd stick around if you hit us. admit it. jk


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Ok here is the rationale nottyboi.

1. Failing to provide proof of insurance WILL raise the issue.

2. During the application process, he will disclose the ticket (or they will discover it on his abstract) and then they will refer to his insurance history and see that he was driving without insurance.

But if you think licking the ass of the Crown is going to do anything except save him a few hundred dollars... than he can take your off the cuff advice and ignore mine.
That does not matter, all they do is look at the drivers abstract and see the conviction. Anything else is beside the point. You really think the insurance salesman is Sherlock Holmes and is gonna conduct an investigation with precise timelines? In either case allowing your insurance to lapse through non-payment I think is considered insurance fraud so they are gonna ass rape you in facility anyhoo.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
If the price is merely $600, is is cheap compare to the consequences of fines, court fees and higher insurance rates.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
That does not matter, all they do is look at the drivers abstract and see the conviction. Anything else is beside the point. You really think the insurance salesman is Sherlock Holmes and is gonna conduct an investigation with precise timelines?

Sometimes it is better to say nothing and let people think you are stupid than say more and remove all doubt!

And yes, insurance underwriters (not salesmen) do check insured timelines and claims history, driving recordetc. Two question they always ask is "How long have you had continuos insurance coverage" and "have you ever had a policy cancelled for any reason".


Feb 14, 2013
I was called as a witness to traffic court a couple of years back. The number of people driving with either a suspended license or no insurance were 90% of the charges I heard. The Judge seemed pretty lenient. A lot of uninsured drivers had the fine knocked down to under $1000. Maybe the OP will get lucky


New member
Jan 19, 2004
My experience with the Canadian legal system is that if you are willing to spend the money, you can beat the charges. Lawyer up and when I say lawyer up get a good one with a good record in these matters. A good lawyer is not going to be cheap, think double or triple what a normal lawyer charges. That 600$ is gonna be more like Five grand but it will be worth it in the end. Sell whatever you have to sell and borrow the rest to raise the money. Its going to hurt in the short term but in the long run its save you tons of dough. That my advice, take it or leave it. Good luck


Active member
Sep 8, 2008
Don't do ^this^.

The fine is the least of his worries. ANY conviction relating to insurance is an excuse for the insurers to kick him into Facility for >$6k per year!

Fight for NO conviction. You CANNOT do this by yourself and the consequences are real and tangible. Far more expensive than a lawyer.
Fuck me, I forgot about facility insurance.

Fucking fight the ticket. The cost of a lawyer is worth it. Cheating out now could result in thousands of dollars in facility insurance.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Sometimes it is better to say nothing and let people think you are stupid than say more and remove all doubt!

And yes, insurance underwriters (not salesmen) do check insured timelines and claims history, driving recordetc. Two question they always ask is "How long have you had continuos insurance coverage" and "have you ever had a policy cancelled for any reason".

and how does that result in driving wo insurance...?


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
That's because the fine for a first conviction is $5,000 + 25% surcharge = $6,250

The courts take driving without insurance very seriously.
As they should. I know one case that ended up costing the person $8000. She got in an accident while uninsured so her case is obviously more serious.

OP, if you now have insurance I'd say you have a good chance of getting leniency. I'd still expect a fine of at least $1000. Driving whilst uninsured is morally unacceptable, because of the damage it can do to other people. You should fight the charge, but you must know you deserve it seeing as you're asking for leniency on our part!
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black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
While I appreciate your desire not to be judged, it is ludicrous to ask us not to judge you. You will get more help and sympathy if your stop making excuses for your unacceptable and illegal behavior.

At least you should show some remorse and then maybe people will help you figure out the best way to deal with the situation you are in.

You showed a real lack of concern for others and prioritized your own selfish interests over the lives is other people. Expect to be judged for that.
Why??? he came right out and admitted he fucked up. Do you get off on kicking a guy while he's down? He knows he fucked up, admitted it and wants to move on with some advice. Your response contributes absolutely nothing positive.


Active member
Apr 20, 2005
T Dot
Keep the $600 and put it towards the coming fine. Trust me. Represent yourself. What your legal dude was going to say you can say it for yourself.

If you have a clean record and this was your first epic f-up then go to court and tell the judge that for a few months you fell on hard times financially. Dress nice and speak clearly. Tell him/her that this was the first time something like this ever happened and it will never happen again etc.etc
If you have any outstanding tickets pay them off before going to court and bring those receipts in to show the judge.

First offense they'll probably cut that fine in half, maybe $2500. Ask the judge to give you several months to pay the fine.

Use that 600 bones to put towards the fine. For only 600 clams that means your just getting a paralegal. What they were going to say you can say it yourself. It's not magic what they do.

Get use to the ttc. Your license will be suspended for a month or so and when you do shop around for insurance and they ask if your license has been suspended within the last 3 years....:frusty:$$$$$$$$$

Relax, we all f-up at one time or another. Learn from it and never let it happen again.
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CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Why??? he came right out and admitted he fucked up. Do you get off on kicking a guy while he's down? He knows he fucked up, admitted it and wants to move on with some advice. Your response contributes absolutely nothing positive.
Getting judged for your actions is part of life. We even pay people to judge, and give them special respect. You post in a public forum, you get what you get.

The OP's gotten lots of advice along with the painless judgements of his pooning peers, but I have yet to read a post from him that saying what bad thinking he's corrected because of what he's learned. 'Fucked up' is how you describe spilling some coffee, not how you consciously decided to unlawfully drive a multi-tonne vehicle at speed, where the danger to yourself and others is extreme.

There was a nasty lot of 'because I can get away with it' in that decision, and there's still a fair bit of that in his 'help me minimize the consequences' plea here. But that's just my judgement.

Kinda like yours above.

black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
Getting judged for your actions is part of life. You post in a public forum, you get what you get.

'Fucked up' is how you describe spilling your coffee, not how you consciously decided to unlawfully drive a multi-tonne vehicle at speed where the danger to yourself and others is extreme.

Why judge him when he's ADMITED he fucked up? It's beating a dead horse dude...

Secondly, driving without insurance actually causes no more danger than driving with insurance, only difference is, HE would be paying for the rest of life to cover the financial cost.


Well-known member
May 13, 2013
Would you still feel that way accepting the quick payout for your dead child?
What on earth are you getting at? You seem to making some kind of link between not having insurance and killing people, but the problem with killing people is BAD DRIVING, not being uninsured.

If my child was killed by an idiotic driver, I would be mad at his DRIVING, not his INSURED STATUS.

black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
What on earth are you getting at? You seem to making some kind of link between not having insurance and killing people, but the problem with killing people is BAD DRIVING, not being uninsured.

If my child was killed by an idiotic driver, I would be mad at his DRIVING, not his INSURED STATUS.
I tried to make the same point in my previous post. This confirms I'm not the only one trying to understand what his point is.
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