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GOP: Trump is a "textbook racist"


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Yes. Whether those judges are white, men, of German descent, or otherwise. Now you're starting to get it.
Ah, but you ignored my next paragraph:

"What makes this particular incident stand out is the own goal on the part of Donald Trump. He has a 'beef' with the Judge big deal, but when he extraneously brings up the judges name and ethnicity that runs contrary to the entire development of the American state since before independence (indeed of Canada as well)."

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
Ah, but you ignored my next paragraph:

"What makes this particular incident stand out is the own goal on the part of Donald Trump. He has a 'beef' with the Judge big deal, but when he extraneously brings up the judges name and ethnicity that runs contrary to the entire development of the American state since before independence (indeed of Canada as well)."
Yes, I ignored the nonsense part. It was intentional. I wanted to give credit where credit was due.


Active member
Jul 11, 2008
I disagree that Clinton is going to do that I believe she is more likely to move to the left.

The real opportunity for good or ill lies with The Libertarian ticket Governors Johnson and Weld, who in most ways are far more mainstream Republicans than is Donald Trump.
Definitely not full of himself and Clinton has to keep tracking left because Bernie came as close to winning as you can without winning.
Johnson with Samantha Bee:


Jan 31, 2005
Don't you know the difference between tunnel-visioned, confirmation biased, self-centred egotist rationalization and racism?

Oh right, I forgot who I was talking to!
I know racism when I see it. So does everyone else here, except you and a few other loons. Even the GOP is closing ranks against Trump on his racist comment: Ryan, Gingrich, many many other have condemned it.

But not you. You think it's OK to accuse a judge of being biased for no other reason than his race.


Jan 31, 2005
Definitely not full of himself and Clinton has to keep tracking left because Bernie came as close to winning as you can without winning.
Johnson with Samantha Bee:
It's unclear that she has to. She might get a lot of mileage out of Sanders voters, but a lot of them might vote for her ANYWAY when the other choice is Trump.

Left leaning Republicans who are disgusted with Trump might be persuaded to vote Clinton if she distances herself from Sanders and pursues a very moderate, right leaning platform.

Trump is very vulnerable with much of his party loathe to vote for him. If at any time a Democrat were going to build a centrist coalition to steal votes from the Republicans, it's now.

But who knows if Clinton can do that. She's got history with the GOP that makes it tougher for her to do that than if the Dems had run somebody like Bloomberg.

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
I know racism when I see it.
You don't even know what it is, never mind how to identify it.

So does everyone else here, except you and a few other loons..
Do you really feel that your shattered windshield views on the world are shared by "nearly everyone else here"? Delusion number 2. Possibly the most bizarre of your delusions.

Even the GOP is closing ranks against Trump on his racist comment: Ryan, Gingrich, many many other have condemned it..
Who are you kidding, yourself? Are you counting on anyone believing that Trump and the GOP establishment are on the same page/same team? Trump (like Sanders) ran in order to take over control of the GOP and change the way the party operates. And yet you feign "surprise" that the GOP themselves are among Trump's detractors?

But not you. You think it's OK to accuse a judge of being biased for no other reason than his race.
No, I think it isn't racist to believe that a judge from a tight knit minority community, and who has actively advocated on behalf of that community, might strongly dislike a presidential candidate whose platform includes items strongly opposed by that minority community, and might allow that sentiment to affect his objectivity. As I've said three times already, I don't know whether the court rulings are reasonable or not, but if the rulings are extraordinary, drawing the link is a rational theory, not racism. People are smarter than you give them credit for. They understand that you need to distort what other people say to advance your indefensible positions. The weird thing about you Fuji, not to suggest that you are totally alone, is that you could have criticized Trump's statements as simply wrong, or bad judgment, and your position would at least be tenable, but you have to square peg it into racism, where your position falls apart. That is your Achilles Heel. When you have a semi-lucid point, you consistently try to stretch it into something it could never be.


Nov 26, 2002
Trump is probably as racist as anyone else, but he gets to have white knights to defend him. Lets say you are walking down the street, and you see a black guy, now most of us will walk just a bit more carefully, that is racism but since we keep it to ourselves it is "normal" and acceptable. However if you start yelling at the black man, and hassling him in public about why he has to walk around while being black, that is unacceptable racism because you affect everyone around you including the black man.

Trump commited a crime with his University scam, but you white knights think the real crime is that the judge is mexican and that is a bigger threat than an actual crime. That is the worst example of white priveldge I have seen this century.

I do not like Trump, not because he is white, but because he is an orange version of president comacho from the movie Idiocracy. Someone needs to ask Trump if he thinks watering plants with gatorade is a good idea.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
It's unclear that she has to. She might get a lot of mileage out of Sanders voters, but a lot of them might vote for her ANYWAY when the other choice is Trump.

Left leaning Republicans who are disgusted with Trump might be persuaded to vote Clinton if she distances herself from Sanders and pursues a very moderate, right leaning platform.

Trump is very vulnerable with much of his party loathe to vote for him. If at any time a Democrat were going to build a centrist coalition to steal votes from the Republicans, it's now.

But who knows if Clinton can do that. She's got history with the GOP that makes it tougher for her to do that than if the Dems had run somebody like Bloomberg.
This election is the Libertarians to win or loose. Donald Trump is not a typical Republican, much of the party distrusts him, and he keeps shooting himself in the foot. Meanwhile, anyone who has not drunk the kool-aid, and for whom the statement "My word is my bond" actually means something would never vote for Hilary Clinton. On the Other hand Governor Johnson and Governor Weld are pretty much mainstream Republicans. If they can breakthrough the stereotype of Libertarians this may well be their year to come up through the middle.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Not true fuji, fiscal Republicans are supporting Clinton.
What the heck is a fiscal Republican? Do you mean moderate Republican or RINO? I have yet to hear any noteworthy Republican openly state they will be voting for Hillary. Republicans can't stand the wench.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Ryan epitomizes the current Republican line: Trump is awful but hold you nose and support him anyway because a Democrat would be worse.

If Clinton moves right and appeals to moderate Republicans that could seriously split the GOP vote.
Clinton doesn't want to lose the Sanders voters so she has to tow a fine line on how right she swings. She is on the record as stating she supports the continuation of the Obama legacy. That hardly appeals to moderate Republicans.


Jan 31, 2005
You don't even know what it is, never mind how to identify it.

Do you really feel that your shattered windshield views on the world are shared by "nearly everyone else here"? Delusion number 2. Possibly the most bizarre of your delusions.

Who are you kidding, yourself? Are you counting on anyone believing that Trump and the GOP establishment are on the same page/same team? Trump (like Sanders) ran in order to take over control of the GOP and change the way the party operates. And yet you feign "surprise" that the GOP themselves are among Trump's detractors?

No, I think it isn't racist to believe that a judge from a tight knit minority community, and who has actively advocated on behalf of that community, might strongly dislike a presidential candidate whose platform includes items strongly opposed by that minority community, and might allow that sentiment to affect his objectivity. As I've said three times already, I don't know whether the court rulings are reasonable or not, but if the rulings are extraordinary, drawing the link is a rational theory, not racism. People are smarter than you give them credit for. They understand that you need to distort what other people say to advance your indefensible positions. The weird thing about you Fuji, not to suggest that you are totally alone, is that you could have criticized Trump's statements as simply wrong, or bad judgment, and your position would at least be tenable, but you have to square peg it into racism, where your position falls apart. That is your Achilles Heel. When you have a semi-lucid point, you consistently try to stretch it into something it could never be.
You goofed by defending this racist screed by Trump and multiple people here have called you on it. The outrageous racism of calling a sitting judge unfit because of his ancestry didn't seem to register with you. You are just too far gone.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
You goofed by defending this racist screed by Trump and multiple people here have called you on it. The outrageous racism of calling a sitting judge unfit because of his ancestry didn't seem to register with you. You are just too far gone.
Trumps choice of words were poor but the essence of what he said is correct. All he was saying is that he believes the judge is biased because he advocates for pro-Mexican groups. He believes the judge is sympathetic to pro-Mexican causes because he of his Mexican heritage. This would not be a surprise. Given this, it is not a stretch to think the judge will be unbiased toward Trump who is considered the enemy in the pro-Mexican groups the judge advocates for. The logic is simple, try following it.


Jan 31, 2005
All he was saying is that he believes the judge is biased because he advocates for pro-Mexican groups. He believes the judge is sympathetic to pro-Mexican causes because he of his Mexican heritage. This would not be a surprise. Given this, it is not a stretch to think the judge will be unbiased toward Trump who is considered the enemy in the pro-Mexican groups the judge advocates for. The logic is simple, try following it.
^^^^^^ more text book racism. Like Bud your thinking is so thoroughly racist you don't even comprehend what's racist about calling someone unfit because of their ancestry. You are instead trying to justify it by resort to a blatantly racist argument.

Plus you post is basically an admission that Trump is anti Mexican. Not anti illegal immigrants. Anti Mexican.

Good job in proving Trump and his supporters are blatant racists .


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
You don't know what racism means. What you're expressing is an emotionally based super politically correct knee jerk response.


Aug 23, 2001
Trumps choice of words were poor but the essence of what he said is correct. All he was saying is that he believes the judge is biased because he advocates for pro-Mexican groups. He believes the judge is sympathetic to pro-Mexican causes because he of his Mexican heritage. This would not be a surprise. Given this, it is not a stretch to think the judge will be unbiased toward Trump who is considered the enemy in the pro-Mexican groups the judge advocates for. The logic is simple, try following it.
CNN today. The judge's rulings have generally been favourable to Chump throughout the case - which is why your boy hasn't lashed out verbally at the judge before now. All commentators stated that Chump has no grounds legally or factually to allege bias.

Looks like you and your hero and his various sleazy paid mouthpieces stand alone in a diminishing circle as everyone else - including almost all the GOP establishment - back away looking disgusted.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
CNN today. The judge's rulings have generally been favourable to Chump throughout the case - which is why your boy hasn't lashed out verbally at the judge before now. All commentators stated that Chump has no grounds legally or factually to allege bias.

Looks like you and your hero and his various sleazy paid mouthpieces stand alone in a diminishing circle as everyone else - including almost all the GOP establishment - back away looking disgusted.
The GOP establishment has looked at Trump with disgust the moment he entered the race.

What is the diminishing circle that you are referring to?


Jan 31, 2005
You don't know what racism means. What you're expressing is an emotionally based super politically correct knee jerk response.
Racism: discrimination based on race.

Example: "He's unfit to be judge because he's a Mexican".

Thanks for playing. Come again.


Jan 31, 2005
Or you hurling out the term "racist" over and over like a broken record.

I think the point that Trump is trying to make is that the judge is biased.
Trump thinks he's biased because he's Mexican.

And yeah, racist bullshit is making a resurgence. Suddenly there's a lot of people crawling out of the woodwork using "I'm not politically correct" to say horrifically racist things that put even David Duke to shame.

It's become popular to be a bigot. Most likely these racist fucks like Trump and many of his supporters have always been racist but in recent years is become fashionable to admit it openly.


Mar 12, 2004
One thing I'm confused about in this thread, and some others, we seem to gained a lot new races in the last year or so.

But maybe its just a product of people over using the racist card, when it doesn't actually apply.

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