You don't even know what it is, never mind how to identify it.
Do you really feel that your shattered windshield views on the world are shared by "nearly everyone else here"? Delusion number 2. Possibly the most bizarre of your delusions.
Who are you kidding, yourself? Are you counting on anyone believing that Trump and the GOP establishment are on the same page/same team? Trump (like Sanders) ran in order to take over control of the GOP and change the way the party operates. And yet you feign "surprise" that the GOP themselves are among Trump's detractors?
No, I think it isn't racist to believe that a judge from a tight knit minority community, and who has actively advocated on behalf of that community, might strongly dislike a presidential candidate whose platform includes items strongly opposed by that minority community, and might allow that sentiment to affect his objectivity. As I've said three times already, I don't know whether the court rulings are reasonable or not, but if the rulings are extraordinary, drawing the link is a rational theory, not racism. People are smarter than you give them credit for. They understand that you need to distort what other people say to advance your indefensible positions. The weird thing about you Fuji, not to suggest that you are totally alone, is that you could have criticized Trump's statements as simply wrong, or bad judgment, and your position would at least be tenable, but you have to square peg it into racism, where your position falls apart. That is your Achilles Heel. When you have a semi-lucid point, you consistently try to stretch it into something it could never be.