Golden & Brown Showers

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Leafs nation member!
Apr 4, 2004
Well Morgan it's great to have people like you on here to educate us on the risks involved in this type of fetish. I am very careful to not get involved in things that are of risk to my health. This hobby is supposed to be fun but I can understand one's curiousity to try new things


Leafs nation member!
Apr 4, 2004
Well thanks Leatherdoll for informing us of the risks involved of this activity. Morgan I agree more people should be aware of this.


More Than U Want Me to Be
Thank you Morgan (and others)

Thank you Morgan, and the rest of you that notice and paid any attention at all to what I wrote.

I wish it would be heeded, but I think you are write Morgan, it will be promptly ignored, if even read at all.

I am an experienced counsellor, yet, quite frankly, I am still shocked at the level of denial being expressed here:
C Dick said:
I am shocked that people here do not understand that being into GS and BS is just another fetish, like being into blondes or feet or big tits or whatever. Personally, you could not pay me enough to have a girl shit on me, but then I do things (DATY for example), that other people might reasonably be disgusted by.

Nobody chooses their fetishes, you just have to live with them. It appears as if some posters are saying that if you are into BS, you are emotionally damaged and need counseling. That seems a little narrow minded to me. Just be thankful that your fetish is not so unconventional.
God I wish this was a joke - but I know it is not.

NO C Dick - not one thing of what you have said is true. While I do distinguish brown and golden showers, the underlying implications are the same. First, sexualizing shit and piss does not even make it into the same realm of reality as sexualizing breasts. Second, daty, while considered distasteful by the extremely repressed who have issues about any kind of body fluid, cannot be equated with eating shit. Third, in fact, some people do chose their fetishes - but even if they don't - they should be examined. This blind acceptance of any kind of extreme sexual expression as normal and/or healthy is simply ludicrous. Are you really suggesting that you are just some unaware, unknowing, and disempowered puppet of your subconscious?

Talk about deliberately evasive, self-indulgent judgmentalism. I am a long time counsellor and have been active in the BDSM scene for over a dozen years. I am not just well versed, I have participated in expert panels, introductory courses, specialized training (like piercing with Fakir), contributed columns, delivered workshops, attended conventions, been a member of more than one discussion group, and participated as a player as a bottom, a top, and a Domina (which is who I am). I came into this expertise through specific and guided education following my own growth and therapeutic examination (that all of us require in our decidedly unhealth dominator culture predominantly populated by dysfunctional families and interpersonal relationships).

Call it closed minded if you like C Dick - but I call it denial. You will never find a more informed, experienced, healthy, empathetic, aware, considerate, or concerned individual than me - I am a healthy and safe player - I follow the SM code of safe, sane, and consensual to the letter.

These extreme fetishes, especially ones that are unhealthy or violate all standards of acceptable behaviour, represent unfulfilled needs - or they would not be exciting and satisfying. These needs are ALL about POWER and CONTROL. They should be examined so that these needs/issues can be dealth with, addressed, adapted, modified, or eliminated from your life and their ability to direct your behaviour. Unexamined control needs will always interfere with your ability to successfully direct your own activities to achieve your life goals.

To think that you would rather smear shit on your body or eat it rather than do a little self-examination is absolutely worthy of examination. Even if they aren't chosen, that does not mean that they cannot be addressed and that the underlying needs cannot be addressed in a safer or more health way.

While I accept that there are cathartic applications of some of these types of play - none of you are suggesting that is how you want to examine them. You simply want to indulge.

Quite frankly this is ridiculous. Go examine yourself and deal with your baggage. Then return to sexual play - continue to engage, if you must, but only with the understanding of why you are participating - so that the therapeutic and cathartic effects can be experienced.

Truthfully, if you address the needs elsewhere, you will find that you have a lot more energy to be successful in achieving your life goals. And sexual play can be experienced because it feels good, not because you need your "fix".


Also, men who consume sufficient quatities of female urine have been known to develop breasts as female urine contains estrogen. Imagine your doctor trying to figure out why your estrogen levels were so high!!!


Active member
Aug 16, 2003
Does this lady know her stuff or what?!! Very insightful LeatherDoll - especially your concluding thought.

As an aside - what is "peircing with Fakir"?


More Than U Want Me to Be
Fakir? A quick off-topic reply

Fakir Musafar - the world's leading proponent and expert on body modification, particularly the adoption of tribal body rituals (like the exreme spiritual body suspensions with piercing procedures or ball dances), contributor to "Modern Primitives", and editor/producer of Body Play magazine - amongst many of his ample credits - also offers one of the world's only training courses in body piercing. (A quick search of his name will yield many results)

Body piercing is a large area in BDSM - particularly what is called "play piercing" which involves temporary piercing - where the needles are removed and (permanent) jewelery is not inserted. Often quite intricate patterns are created, sometimes adorned with strings - there is a huge literature and pictography of these scenes. I can't find the beautiful one I want, so, just for an example, try these

Aside from the power and control issues that may be underlying BDSM play (for those who have not done the self-exploration I have recommended above) also are enticing for individuals because they give rise to endorphins - natural opiates that make one feel natural (as opposed to psychoactively chemically induced) "high". Each type of play gives rise to a different kind of endorphin response. Piercing tends to make one feel as if they are floating or flying.

I have participated with Fakir in his course - offered in San Francisco. I have received a certificate from him recognizing my successful completion of the entire curriculum - over 26 different types of piercings. This represents the basic piercings.

More extreme piercings are also quite common by more experienced and practiced piercers. (See, for example, one of the world's leaders in extreme piercing - in a publication created by the inventor of most of these - a Toronto piercer who owns and operates Stainless Studios on Queen West. Body Modification Ezine Online Be warned however, this is an extreme site - not for the queezy.

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
Not one thing I have said is true? I am self indulgent? You just like to hear yourself talk. I am not into scat or anything like that at all, that was not my point. My preferences are much more conventional. I do read a lot of research about sexuality, and the formation of sexual desire, so I am aware that most sexual preferences are not chosen.

It is nice that you follow the rules when you do your BDSM, to be doing that and saying you are sane, but other preferences need help is laughable. You stick needles in yourself for fun, and are sane, but being pissed on is sick?


More Than U Want Me to Be
No, actually ...

C Dick, you are really starting to bore me.

Never did I EVER use the word "sick" Not even once. I didn't even allude to such a judgmental classification of anyone

What I said is that there are needs, related to power and control, that are not being met for someone who is indulging in these activities and that an examination of these might be beneficial for their overall wellbeing. If these needs are addressed, then these individuals will be more empowereed in their lives and are more likely to be able to self-direct their energies to achieving their goals.

Further, I never said I was a play piercing bottom. I said I was a trained piercer. I ALSO said that the reason that people enjoy various kinds of sensual play (i.e., play that involves activation of the senses) is because the activities cause endorphins to be released. Endorphins are internally produced opiates that make us feel good - some can even make us feel "high". There is a huge world of activities in which people participate in order to stimulate these neurochemicals - extreme sports, adventure activities, sex, food, body play, and so on. Is this news to you? As it specifically relates to play piercing - there are both visual and sensual elements in the scene that make it desirable for some.

Sexual preferences are different from fetishes. Sexual preference is generally accepted to refer to gender selection in attraction. Sexualizing an object is a completely different process, and it may or may not be related to "inherent" preferences.

Finally, I said that it is really best for one's holistic health to engage in sexual activities simply because they feel good rather than because they are fulfilling some undefined need that remains unmet in their lives. It is always best to try and meet one's needs directly rather than by accident; it considerably more efficient, less likely to interfere with one's ability to successfully interact with others, and allows personal energy to be expended and directed at identifiable and achievable goals, rather than wasted in denial.

I ask again - are you suggesting that we are mere puppets to what I can only surmise you are still suggesting is our unknowable subconscious selves? If not, then all of what we do can be explored in order to understand why we find things satisfying. Then we can direct our desires in appropriate and safe contexts. We are all fully capable of being active participants in our own lives - it doesn't all just have to "happen"

Why does the mere suggestion that one's participation in extreme fetishes merits some self-examination so offend you?

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
Sorry, you bored me first. I am off to CB to continue my pointless quest to find a dancer more sane, informed and aware than Leatherdoll. I can't help it, my subconcious made me do it, I am just the puppet.


New member
Sep 3, 2006
Hi Independent adult entertainer Eve (escort/ Prostitute) in Barrie Here. I will do Golden Showers Anytime Anywhere, with Anyone. I've been doing Golden since I was about 14 years old, I actually like it. I have done lots of Group Golden Showers. I "Get OFF" swallowing/ drinking guys piss by the gallons. I am not crazy about doing "Brown" I have done a lot of Brown, and I will do Brown again, but only for the right rate.


New member
Sep 3, 2006
Googoodoll said:
OK I'm sorry about the topic but it's something that some of us like and I like do. I'm just wondering if there are any SP out there that offer this service. I'm looking for giving and receiving of Gold and Brown. I seen an ad on the redzone for Jazz and it said she did Brown Showers, did anyone try this service of hers?

escort eve in Barrie ontario canada HERE: YES, I offer both Golden and Brown Showers. I' ve been swallowing guys piss since I was 14 yeqrs old and I like it a lot. My Husband is not into piss games so I have to find my fun elsewhere.
See my web site
My booking phone number is 705-721-8814.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
escorteve said:
escort eve in Barrie ontario canada HERE: YES, I offer both Golden and Brown Showers. I' ve been swallowing guys piss since I was 14 yeqrs old and I like it a lot. My Husband is not into piss games so I have to find my fun elsewhere.
See my web site
My booking phone number is 705-721-8814.
I'm afraid to click on any of these links.

Papi Chulo

Banned Permanently
Jan 30, 2006
wow.. 3 posts in 10 minutes.. business must be slow

is this the same eve in barrie that was offering bbfs a couple years back?
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