Her email address is on her website you just have to look around for it. I emailed her last night and gave her my phone number here in LA. I was driving home today when my phone rang and I was surprised when she said “Hi this is Allison Lee.. How are you today?” I had a great conversation with her… she told me she’s originally from Thailand.. This went over well as I’ve been there many times and we started off talking about Bangkok etc.. Then we got on the topic of service. Let me tell you this women is WAY out there when it comes to sex! She told me she been a recent star of some Scat movies that were shot in the Netherlands and she was into just about anything and everything imaginable. However she seemed very intelligent, well educated, very interesting person to say the least. The real shocker came with her prices… $500US for her to scat on me, $1000US for it both ways (Her on me and me on her) she requested an HIV test from me if I wanted to scat in her mouth. This reassured me that she was some kind of scat porn star. She told me the name of the movie she was in and where to look at it… it was neat and a bit shocking to look at and don’t ask me where it is hehehehe! Yeah well I don’t know if I’m going to date her but it’s very tempting still but I don’t have $1000 to blow.
The great Googoo