Go Senators

sgr daddy

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Sep 2, 2005
Kathleen said:

It would take a day away to recover from that game. The only thing worse then losing to Ottawa 8-0 is having people say Leaf fans are off the bandwagon.
Thanks Kathleen ... after going MIA for most of the day ... finally some fire , inspiration AND thoughtful comments by a member of the Leafs Nation. Where are the rest of you? Get back on the bandwagon ... it's only one game ... 2 lost points ... no matter how tragic ... actually this complete whitewash should do the Leafs more good than a shoot-out loss if Quinn is any type of coach? cheers.

the rusty tromb

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Jan 28, 2002
Dale Gribble's van
Kathleen said:

It would take a day away to recover from that game. The only thing worse then losing to Ottawa 8-0 is having people say Leaf fans are off the bandwagon.

In regards to the game, my thoughts
Ottawa - Typically own Toronto in regular season, the team I saw last night will do the same in the post season. As long as Dom stays healthy, this is an Ottawa team like I've never imagined. True depth in all areas. Their new toughness, grit from Heatly, and back stopping from Hasek complete this club. They have a whole yr to gel now.

Toronto. Have the potential to finish 5th in the conference, and go a 2nd round in the playoffs if they avoid Ottawa.

Quinn: Must be fired and replaced. Not over this one 8-0 game, I've always disliked him.
He rewards dead wood like Poni & Antropov for doing nothing by putting then on the first line. Something often done with Hoglund in the past.
Berg & Belak are totally usless. They cough up a goal, Pat puts them out next shift. Never benches them. He lets this happen - Like he did with Lumme and Housley way past the point of damage done.

Leaf Fix
Toronto MUST release the following to compete. (don't trade, release, ship to bora bora, anything)

Belak, Domi, Berg (Antropov/Poni wouldnt hurt either)

Future line when Sundin returns

O'neill - Sundin - Wellwood
Allison - Lindros - Tucker
Steen - Stajan - Czerkawski
Ponikarovsky - Antropov - Perrott

McCabe - Kaberle
Klee - (Witt maybe)
Khavanov - Kronwall

Kilger - Wilm - they are not ready
Berg - Belak - Because the two of them are on for 95% of the GA. They are both totally usless. Just release them
Domi was brought to please fans. Not wise. He can't hit, score, or fight. Perrott is faster, bigger, and healthy. He deserves a shot at Tie's spot in the roster.

This is no cup fix, just to compete. But stopping Ottawa, I don't know who this time. As a club, they only get better and better everytime they rebuild.
This is a great post.
Aug 31, 2004
In the Ring
Huge props to Kathleen.

You stepped in just in time.

Rusty and the rest of the Leaf Nations brain trust on TERB have been going down in flames and babbling incoherently since last night's loss.

the rusty tromb

Webcam slut
Jan 28, 2002
Dale Gribble's van
ricflairjuniour said:
Rusty and the rest of the Leaf Nations brain trust on TERB have been going down in flames and babbling incoherently since last night's loss.
Hehehehehe. You really have to learn how to understand a post. It's just strange how you keep declaring that they're my team. Please show me a post where I proclaim to be a Leafs fan.

I'll break it down for you. You're just as bad as Leaf Nation.

Leaf Nation = Only watches hockey games that involve the Leafs. Once the Leafs are eliminated from the playoffs, they no longer watch. When the Leafs win they become extremely arrogant and like to bad mouth other teams.

You (Sens Groupie) = Takes the Senators way too seriously (says "we", instead of "they" like he's part of the team). When his team beats Toronto (in a regular season game, mind you) turns into an arrogant asshole. What would happen to you if Ottawa beat Toronto in the playoffs? You'd probably be frothing at the mouth. Takes things so seriously that he goes to the trouble of posting post game quotes.

Now, please respond by saying "another one off the bandwagon.....hehe".

You're way too predictable.
Aug 31, 2004
In the Ring
the rusty tromb said:
Interesting how you didn't argue any of my points...hehe.

How can I argue any of your points ? All you said is that you're not a Leafs fan after last night's game. How can I argue what your opinion is or your choice ?

My only comment is that the bandwagon is getting lighter by the minute and I'm splitting my gut reading your posts.

the rusty tromb

Webcam slut
Jan 28, 2002
Dale Gribble's van
ricflairjuniour said:
How can I argue any of your points ? All you said is that you're not a Leafs fan after last night's game.
Where did I say this? I thought you'd come at me with something better than that.

ricflairjuniour said:
How can I argue what your opinion is.
In other words, you can't dig up any posts poving your points about me. Nice.

ricflairjuniour said:
My only comment is that the bandwagon is getting lighter by the minute and I'm splitting my gut reading your posts.
Translation : I'm not man enough to admit that I was wrong about Rusty.


Dec 24, 2002
Well most of you know I am a Sens fan but I have said for years the only team that the leafs can beat in the playoffs is the Sens. If not for the wins over Ottawa there record in the playoffs is very similar to Ottawa.
Pat Quinn is out of touch with the NHL as it is, just like Don Cherry said last night the only players Toronto seem to pick up there best days are far behind them.
But saying that the free agent crop next year is a hell of a lot better than this year so if the Leafs have cap room next year, tell me wouldn't Redden and Chara look good on the Leafs blue line next year. Here's hoping that would never happen.
Aug 31, 2004
In the Ring
Kathleen thanks again for showing up on this thread. Finally we'll get some intelligent conversation. Rusty was beginning to bore us with his protests that he's no longer a member of the Laughs. I was reluctant to get into any level of detail with him because he's obviously far out of his league.

Quinn's main problem is that he's stuck in the old NHL. His team is built around the clutch and grab and the Leafs excelled at that. He's banked away millions doing what ? Certainly not coaching. Whenever the Leafs lost a game they'd put their demolition crew out in the next one, trip, slash, clutch and hook like there was no tomorrow. The formula was a no-brainer. Their trades and draft picks had that as their single focus. Right from the Don Cherry school of coaching. Of course it played well in Leaf Nation.

But aint gonna happen anymore. Yeah Rusty's team is in trouble. Big time. They'll win a decent number of games I think by adapting somewhat but can Quinn turn anyone on the team into a Spezza, a Heatley, a Chara, a Redden, an Alfredsson, this year or next ? Uh, no can do. Does he have to start benching the has-beens ? Definitely and I can't argue with you on any of the players you've called out.

You continue to impress with your hockey knowledge. Man, hockey chicks are so hot !!

the rusty tromb

Webcam slut
Jan 28, 2002
Dale Gribble's van
ricflairjuniour said:
I was reluctant to get into any level of detail with him because he's obviously far out of his league.
Hehehehehehe. You still haven't been able to argue a single point. Waving the white flag so soon, groupie? How pathetic.

Much like the Leafs last night, you're fighting a losing battle every step of the way. Keep on posting, as I'm having fun embarassing you..hehe

You're just too easy to make fun of.Keep swallowing as much Senator sperm as you can, groupie.
Aug 31, 2004
In the Ring
Rusty, Rusty, Rusty, its so obvious that the humiliation of having been smoked by a girl no less on this board in terms of hockey knowledge is more than you can take. All you've been able to say over and over in some prolly 20 posts on this thread is basically --- I'm not a Leafs fan. OK dickwad, you're not a Leafs fan ... hehehe. What you've proven is that you're not even a hockey fan. You're a buffoon, the result of a marriage between an idiot and a moron, $10.00 says you've never even laced up a pair of skates, and the closest you've gotten to an ice surface has been whacking off in front of the tube watching Emanuel Sandhu ... hehehe.

BTW, aren't you the dude who keeps coming on TERB asking guys to fly the freaky flag with you ?

How about you prove me wrong and you come on this thread with some hockey knowledge ? -- hey you can even look it up, we might never know. You might be able to save some face ..... hehehe.
Last edited:


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Navigator24 said:
Are you still down there? Are your still rolling on the floor laughing? Maybe not, eh. But that's where I am now!!

Sens 8 Leafs 0

McGratten - 1 Dummi - broken nose.

What a humiliation. When we won those two shoot-out games I thought "What is wrong with this picture - the Leafs are not this good". Well tonight we saw their real talent level.

It's going to be a long year for Leaf Nation. Looks good on you boys.
As I said at the start of the thread- the Sens are a better team- but somehow, someway, they will meet the Leafs in the playoffs and lose to the Leafs - thats what makes it funny. they are better.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
rubme said:

In order for Ottawa to lose to the Leafs in the playoffs, Toronto will have to make the playoffs first!!!!!


really. hey thanks for the explaining the rules to me.


AKA Exorcist
Dec 21, 2001
Man I loathe Ottawa

The Leaf's performance the other night was embarassing. I am a huge Leaf fan and all I can say is Ottawa has our number. The own us. Our only hope is that another team beats them in the playoffs so we don't have to play them. URGH!!


New member
Feb 15, 2004
Only early in the regular season...

pblues said:
The Leaf's performance the other night was embarassing. I am a huge Leaf fan and all I can say is Ottawa has our number. The own us. Our only hope is that another team beats them in the playoffs so we don't have to play them. URGH!!
....same scenario as always...Ottawa can do the job in the regular season, but until they actually reach their predicted potential in the playoffs, and actually beat the Leafs when it really counts, then they are underacheiving...



you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
the regular season is meaningless. let the senators rack up the points in the regular season. the gods of hockey will arrange for their demise at the hands of the lowly leafs.

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
red said:
the regular season is meaningless. let the senators rack up the points in the regular season. the gods of hockey will arrange for their demise at the hands of the lowly leafs.
Guess we'll have to see about that, huh? Any further discussion is meaningless until April, and is tantamount to saying that my penis is bigger than yours.

Which it is.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Goober Mcfly said:
Guess we'll have to see about that, huh? Any further discussion is meaningless until April, and is tantamount to saying that my penis is bigger than yours.

Which it is.
the discussion isn't meaningless- its fun. and your analogy is specious.

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
red said:
the discussion isn't meaningless- its fun. and your analogy is specious.
Yeah, well your mom's vagina is spacious.


*licks finger and makes mark in air*
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