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Glen Beck compares the slain norvegion youth to Hitlerjugend


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Could we not please for the love of God have just one thread that the pro and con jews
are not taking over?


Jun 6, 2009
Not really. I will write it out a little slower: "This youth camp is similar to hitlerjugend in that it indoctrinates young people, this youth camp is doing indoctrination in marxism and multiculturism" was exactly the reason that Breivik wanted to eradicate these indoctrinated young people. I trust you do not want to be taken as a supporter.
You've attended these camps or are you just guessing? Considering Norway is a socialist country, I doubt it a hard sell. Having been a camper and councillor at a fair number of summer camps, i can't remember too much indoctrination going on. If there was, it obviously failed big time with me. I'm obviously made of sterner stuff than the average teen.

As for Beck and his kind, the third rail is too good for them.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
You've attended these camps or are you just guessing? Considering Norway is a socialist country, I doubt it a hard sell. Having been a camper and councillor at a fair number of summer camps, i can't remember too much indoctrination going on. If there was, it obviously failed big time with me. I'm obviously made of sterner stuff than the average teen.

As for Beck and his kind, the third rail is too good for them.

Try to read once more and maybe you will understand. I was giving Breivik's and Beck's version of the world. I am no expert in english grammar(!!); I intended to use the quotation as the noun in the sentence.

I have spent much time in Norway, and in my estimation, the least likely peoples to respond positively to indoctrination are the norwegians.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Where's KDOUGLAS in all this?

He loves Beck, he things he's wonderful. Now he's gone all quiet lately in the political forums.
First his beloved Faux News chairman is in deep shit over in the UK, now Beck says stupid hypocritical shit about political camps when he has his own going on in Tampa.
Come on Douglas, we know you're lurking, stop pretending you're not here. ...pussy. ;)


Jun 6, 2009
Try to read once more and maybe you will understand. I was giving Breivik's and Beck's version of the world. I am no expert in english grammar(!!); I intended to use the quotation as the noun in the sentence.

I have spent much time in Norway, and in my estimation, the least likely peoples to respond positively to indoctrination are the norwegians.
On this we agree.


Jan 31, 2005
Your posts have parroted right wing commentators, from your lack of assigning human rights to Palestinians to your constant demonizing of Muslims.
Liar. You cannot find a SINGLE post anywhere on terb where I have demonized Muslims, nor can you find a single post anywhere on terb where I have said Palestinians do not have fundamental human rights. In fact on terb I have been a staunch defender of Muslims, the rights of Muslims, and the reality that the overwhelming majority of them have stood up against terror. I was harshly critical of Switzerland for banning minarets. I am a strong defender of the right of Muslims in Canada to wear the burqa. I am outraged at the show trial of Omar Khadr. I am horrified at the poor way Muslim prisoners in Afghanistan were treated by the Canadian Forces. I have been deeply critical of the lack of respect that the United States paid to Muslim Pakistan in their operation against bin Laden. I have been an unflinching critic of those who have attempted to associate all Muslims with terrorism, for example, I was a strong advocate of the idea that a moderate Muslim organization should not only be allowed build that mosque in New York near ground zero, but should probably have received Federal funding to do so.

I correctly identify Hamas and Islamic Jihad as war criminals and terrorists, but I do NOT paint all Palestinians with that brush, and I very plainly do not see Muslims worldwide that way.

You lie.


Mar 21, 2011
Liar. You cannot find a SINGLE post anywhere on terb where I have demonized Muslims, nor can you find a single post anywhere on terb where I have said Palestinians do not have fundamental human right.
I do admit I don't understand how you generally back equal human rights and treatments except in the case of Israel. Its there where your demonizing of Muslims and Palestinians is quite obvious, from your calling activists bringing aid 'terrorists' to your support for collective punishment and ethnic cleansing. Its another one of your double standards, I guess. What did you do, marry a rich Jewish wife (since you claim you're not Jewish)? Classy men marry rich, cheat on their wife, but defend their faith on anonymous internet forums?

Possum Trot

New member
Dec 7, 2009
I expected you to approve of Glen Beck's ravings.

Calling the young people killed by a nazi sympathiser for "hitlerjugend" has to be the height of despicability. But, as I said, I expected you to endorse it. You have no shame whatsoever.
Have to agree with you. This Beck is a complete tool who lives in an isolated little existence.


May 21, 2003
I wish the "righties" here would just admit that Beck was completely out of line with that statement and the lefties would stop trying to blame Christianity for Breivik.


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
I will give you the benefit of doubt, but: "This youth camp is similar to hitlerjugend, indoctrination in marxism and multiculturism" was exactly the reason that Breivik wanted to eradicate these indoctrinated young people. I trust you do not want to be taken as a supporter.

PS: Few of the victims were 14 years old. most were 18 or 19.

As I say, I think you are missing the point. I think Beck is an idiot in the same way I think Woodpecker is an idiot (and in many ways they hold similar views). I was responding to a specific point Aardvark154 had made regarding differences between North American and Europe. I think if you reread the posts involve and concentrate on what I actually wrote without adding what you think I implied, things will be clear. Saying that political parties doing the same thing in Canada would rise eyebrows has nothing to do with saying shooting kids is right.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
As I say, I think you are missing the point. I think Beck is an idiot in the same way I think Woodpecker is an idiot (and in many ways they hold similar views). I was responding to a specific point Aardvark154 had made regarding differences between North American and Europe. I think if you reread the posts involve and concentrate on what I actually wrote without adding what you think I implied, things will be clear. Saying that political parties doing the same thing in Canada would rise eyebrows has nothing to do with saying shooting kids is right.
As I said, I will take your word for it. Aarsdie, I am not so sure.
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Jan 31, 2005
I do admit I don't understand how you generally back equal human rights and treatments except in the case of Israel. Its there where your demonizing of Muslims and Palestinians is quite obvious, from your calling activists bringing aid 'terrorists' to your support for collective punishment and ethnic cleansing. Its another one of your double standards, I guess. What did you do, marry a rich Jewish wife (since you claim you're not Jewish)? Classy men marry rich, cheat on their wife, but defend their faith on anonymous internet forums?
I back equal human rights everywhere. I do not back equal human rights for terrorists who launch missiles at civilians, fire anti-tank rockets at school buses, murder pregnant women, and so on. I view the ordinary people of Palestine as victims of Hamas.
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