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Ghadafi is dead!

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
The latest event in Libya further extenuates what a moron Benito Mussolini was.

He was sitting on an ocean of oil, bequeathed to him by the Constitutional Monarchy he overthrew by force, and he fucked it up. Pre-WW II Libya was a playground for Europe's rich and famous. Tripoli was the South Beach of the Mediterranean and F1 Racing started there. All he had to do was declare neutrality, like Franco, and he could have survived WW II with his oilfields. After he passed away some accommodation could have been made for independence with Italy still getting the lion's share of the oil production. Instead the stronzo invades France from the south and ended up swinging from his ankles.

What a nincompoop, what an ultra-maroon.


Jan 31, 2005
This is another example of a Fuji post, totally void of facts, but entirely based on after-rationalization.
What do you dispute:

1. That if you crossed Gadhaffi you wound up dead

2. That if you were one of his inner circle you wound up rich

3. That high ranking people in his administration committed horrendous crimes

4. That NTC was dead set on putting ranking Gadhaffi supporters on trial with a view to executing them

You say my post is devoid of facts? But I bet you don't dispute any of that, and I can back all that up with references if you are so stupid you don't believe it.

Based on the above I suspect his support was based on greed and fear. Yes, that's analysis, thinking, something that you don't do very often.


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
I think many Arabs/Muslims would like democracy, but there are many who don't - particularly those who are powerful. It definitely will take time, especially due to their culture and religion as you said.
It won't happen in your lifetime.


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Dec 27, 2004
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