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Gawker Claims Video Exists of Rob Ford Smoking Crack


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
This has been fun, but I think it is all over.

There was never video, not a real one. Maybe they got an imposter. It is possible.

Like poster boodog wrote, what's with the Somali angle? Do Somali criminals identify themselves so there could be no misunderstandings? A good first impression when meeting new people.

Once the Grawker site starts to back peddle on this kind of deal ... only the tooth fairy can save it.

Did Mayor Ford played this well or played this poorly?

If there is no video, how can there be an issue or scandal? He said this was absurd right from the get go. Even with today's statement, that is still not enough to the media.

The media must produce that video.



New member
Oct 13, 2002
The video is fake, otherwise the Toronto Star would have bought it and posted it online, by now. But they've done a great smear job on Ford.


Active member
May 7, 2013
This has been fun, but I think it is all over.

There was never video, not a real one. Maybe they got an imposter. It is possible.

Like poster boodog wrote, what's with the Somali angle? Do Somali criminals identify themselves so there could be no misunderstandings? A good first impression when meeting new people.

Once the Grawker site starts to back peddle on this kind of deal ... only the tooth fairy can save it.

Did Mayor Ford played this well or played this poorly?

If there is no video, how can there be an issue or scandal? He said this was absurd right from the get go. Even with today's statement, that is still not enough to the media.

The media must produce that video.

He got his lawyer to deny it on day #1 but the media forgot that and claimed he didn't deny "enough".


Active member
May 7, 2013
The video is fake, otherwise the Toronto Star would have bought it and posted it online, by now. But they've done a great smear job on Ford.
Not only they didn't buy it they put up news reporting the cops were waiting and watching to scare off the video owners.

Didn't they also scare off that Gawker guy about government people from both sides of the border watching the potential transfer of the $200,000?

The Star certainly doesn't want the video posted for everyone to see.

And you know this smear job on Ford does help them to sell few more papers to please their advertisers.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
No drug lord in his right mind would want to see the tape released.
Ford's addiction would show to the world that crack addicts are not
always skinny but can actually be obese. That could be detrimental
to the cocaine business.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
The video is fake, otherwise the Toronto Star would have bought it and posted it online, by now.
That's what I said several pages back but got shot down because supposedly A)they don't pay for news (their own editorialists are calling for the paper to buy it) and B) they won't get their money back, which, considering they are the wealthiest paper in the country and they'd willingly pay 10x that amount to see him gone, is laughable.

But they've done a great smear job on Ford.
Who better than the entity that owns the platform with which to do it.


Active member
May 7, 2013
No drug lord in his right mind would want to see the tape released.
Ford's addiction would show to the world that crack addicts are not
always skinny but can actually be obese. That could be detrimental
to the cocaine business.
Lol. Guess the Star reporters didn't know that.


Aug 19, 2001
As I read some of the posts in this thread, it makes me seriously question the quality of the gene pool of my fellow hobby-ests. There are some seriously dumb people on this board.

ps. fyi, there's a buzz going around that the Globe & Mail has a big Rob Ford story in Saturday's paper.


Jan 31, 2005
You guys forget that Gawker and the Star independently viewed the video. Quite the conspiracy theory to claim they both made it up. They don't have any connection to one another.

You have to be a kook to doubt the video exists.

However, drug dealers are big liars, so it seems quite possible it was a hash pipe and that the maker of the video lied about it being crack to make it more sensational.

I don't think too many people would be upset by Ford smoking pot. Maybe his choice of companions is iffy.


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
You guys forget that Gawker and the Star independently viewed the video. Quite the conspiracy theory to claim they both made it up. They don't have any connection to one another.

You have to be a kook to doubt the video exists.
This story originated outside of Toronto. Gawker could be playing everyone for fools.

Johnny Crooks manufactures a video, makes up a story about coming to Toronto to watch it, convinces two Toronto Star reporters to come along to make it creditable, then Gawker reaps the publicity. Later, makes an excuse that the video owner is "unavailable".

At this point, my imagination is still willing to believe anything!

Realistically, we're never going to see that video.


Jan 31, 2005
This story originated outside of Toronto. Gawker could be playing everyone for fools
Except it was independently confirmed by the Star. Independently. That and the Star's reputation for journalistic integrity is a pretty safe bet.

The Star has a clear editorial bias but they do not invent stories, they certainly focus on the issues they want to, but they do it accurately, and this one was written with nearly legal precision over exactly what they saw.

My bet is hash pipe, real video, but the dealer is lying about what is in the pipe. Hard for Ford to fight that since standing up and saying it was hash takes more courage than he has.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
You made that up.
Do you mean like real evidence against Ford which, up to this point, there isn't (although, admittedly, there very well may be)?

BTW, is the Star not the wealthiest and/or most profitable paper in the country? I assume they are.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
I find the resilience of Ford to be something to watch.

We can blame Ford for all the woes of Council. If you want.

but your city still runs fine between Council meetings.

And if we do not blame the left, lead by Adam Vaughan, for a good portion of Council malfunction as well, then you folks are just like all the other piranhas!

As for Doug Ford dealing drugs. 30 years ago. I'm sure he did. Who cares. I know oodles of fine upstanding well positioned public people who sold drugs 30 and 40 years ago. Talk about piling on. It's no longer NEWS. It's National Enquirer material. You could find dirt on EVERYONE if you go back in time. Ask Paul Ainslie!


Executive Senior Member
Jun 29, 2005
Although that is not checkmate, it sure is squeezing the Queen into a corner and the pressure is mounting. That is an incredible story of their youth growing up, mostly on Rob's brothers and not him regarding drugs. Not surprising to see drugs in that wealthy area of the city since those are the people who can afford it. All this media reporting is not helping Rob, just more dirt on the family, although not legally implicating him it sure is swaying more public opinion against him.
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