That won't work the oil companies will just raise the prices to make up for the lack of volumeJust drive less then gas price will come down and problem solved.
No just control the amount of gas taxes levied on us. That will give us some relief at the pumps.Out of curiosity - are you implying you'd like the Canadian government to control the price of Crude Oil - a globally traded commodity?
An important part of this question is missing. By what method are you asking if governments should control gas?Should governments control the price of gas?
3) If you're asking if the government should lower current taxes on gasoline, it'd just be robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Isn't something like over 50% of what you pay at the pump provincial and federal taxes? Also, isn't the increase in oil prices creating windfall taxes for our governments.
What the government should do is rein in spending so that lowering the gas tax is actually feasible without going into even more debt. Reining in spending is always a good idea.
"An ad valorem tax is a tax based on the assessed value of an item, such as real estate or personal property. The most common ad valorem taxes are property taxes levied on real estate. However, ad valorem taxes may also extend to a number of tax applications, such as import duty taxes on goods from abroad."Government is definitely having a winfall (as per @Darts statement above) with the escalating gas prices. Government is currently incented to keep gas prices increasing.
Should governments control the price of gas?
"The average gas price in Canada is 205.7 cents per litre. Gas prices are lowest in Alberta, at 179.1 cents per litre. They are highest in B.C. at 220.3 cents per litre."
Yes it is. But both our federal and provincial governments are still running deficits and, as such, lowering gas taxes doesn't actually get us anywhere beyond a surface level. "Feel good" policies aren't good policies if the net is a loss.Isn't something like over 50% of what you pay at the pump provincial and federal taxes? Also, isn't the increase in oil prices creating windfall taxes for our governments.
With the sheer amount of tax that is on every litre of gas sold in this country, they effectively already do.Should governments control the price of gas?
"The average gas price in Canada is 205.7 cents per litre. Gas prices are lowest in Alberta, at 179.1 cents per litre. They are highest in B.C. at 220.3 cents per litre."
100% Correct.![]()
35% of fuel price is tax. Carbon tax, federal excise tax, pst, hst
At today's price of 2.14$ a liter that's .75 cents per liter of tax.
Carbon tax is only going to increase at the end of this year and every year after.
You voted for Mr. Dressup so stop complaining.
Continue virtue signaling with your dear leader cause you're gonna change the climate lol
Also canada has the 3rd largest oil reserve in the world but blackface has nearly destroyed the oil industry here while purchasing oil from the middle east.
Elect a clown and you have a circus.