These data are from 2017 but I guess it still gives an idea of
how much lower gas tax we are paying here in North America
than in the rest of the world.
OECD Gas Excise Tax Rates (Per Gallon), 2017
Country / Tax per gallon
Australia $1.17
Austria $2.10
Belgium $2.58
Canada $0.74
Denmark $2.63
France $2.78
Germany $2.79
Israel $3.17
Italy $3.11
Japan $1.91
Korea $2.62
Netherlands $3.36
Portugal $2.78
United Kingdom $2.82
United States $0.56
Drivers in Canada and the U.S. are already paying nearly the lowest
gasoline tax in the world. Further tax reduction would undermine our
climate policy. I suggest putting a cap on the gas tax but make drivers
pay the carbon tax at the pump. Climate change lunatics would love it.
how much lower gas tax we are paying here in North America
than in the rest of the world.
OECD Gas Excise Tax Rates (Per Gallon), 2017
Country / Tax per gallon
Australia $1.17
Austria $2.10
Belgium $2.58
Canada $0.74
Denmark $2.63
France $2.78
Germany $2.79
Israel $3.17
Italy $3.11
Japan $1.91
Korea $2.62
Netherlands $3.36
Portugal $2.78
United Kingdom $2.82
United States $0.56

How High are Other Nations’ Gas Taxes?
The U.S. federal government funds infrastructure projects through the highway trust fund. How do gas taxes compare across OECD countries? Federal gas tax.
Drivers in Canada and the U.S. are already paying nearly the lowest
gasoline tax in the world. Further tax reduction would undermine our
climate policy. I suggest putting a cap on the gas tax but make drivers
pay the carbon tax at the pump. Climate change lunatics would love it.