France Riots - Their George Floyd Moment


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2007
Immigration has greatly enriched our cultural diversity which I am grateful for.
And being an immigrant myself I am more pro- than anti-immigration. That being
said, I am also worrying about our immigration policy being guided by political correctness.
I'd rather see Canada bringing in no more than one-fifth of one million immigrants
and preferably those who bring with them professional skills in demand and capital
to invest in nation's industries. Cultural diversity is great but we have to be pragmatic
with our immigration policies.

Common sense isn`t it? Too bad Trudeau and his band of dumbfucks have none.
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Common sense isn`t it? Too bad Trudeau and his band of dumbfucks have none.
ideologues like Justin Trudeau do not apply common sense
he has the UN, the WEF & Gerald Butts to tell him what he is thinking

FYI Canada does need immigration to maintain GDP growth

  1. we need immigrants with skill sets which are in demand
  2. there was no need for 1 mm , especially when we have a housing shortage
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
If you are going to say that we don't need 1M, then you must know what the right number is.

What is the right number?

likely between 200,000 & 250,000, however subject to growth in housing and the number of skilled employment positions which need filling

ie use some common sense rather than rigid ideology

you are aware the former liberal immigration minister reduced the value of a job offer in the screen process from 650 points to 50 -essentially eliminating it

meanwhile skilled job positions remain unfilled
rigid ideology instead of common sense

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
How did you arrive at those numbers?
that was the approx. average before Justin Trudeau
everything he touches turns to shit

As i said subject to growth in housing and the number of skilled employment positions which need filling
housing shortages have become much worse since 2015 , (so logically less immigration) , offset by an increase in skilled employment positions which need filling (so logically we need people to fill these positions via some immigration)
these effects likely offset each other within 50 k
>>>> the approx. average before Justin Trudeau

please pay attentionk

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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
have the stones to confront me directly or say nothing at all
There's no point in confronting you, it's not like you bring interesting thoughts or engagement to the table.
Watching you implode into repetition and meme-blasting is sometimes kind of amusing, but it isn't really entertaining enough to bother with.


Aug 23, 2001
So let me get this straight. It is France's fault that they cant assimilate immigrant communities of millions of people who have no claim on France other than they have chosen to squat there with hands outstretched . Not the effort of the immigrants to assimilate to the host country.
It's working out great in Canada. What was it? One million immigrants last year and more to come. Homelessness and joblessness in Canada. Native communities without clean drinking water. The US can't even take in one million new people each year.
Where did the Western governments get the idea that it was a genius move to take in millions of people from other countries that have populations that outnumber them by hundreds of millions, who don't know the language. Cling on to religious extremism. Have no intention of fitting in. Why is is a one way street? Why aren't we clamoring to move en masse to North Africa. South Asia. The middle east? Apart from the fact that we wouldn't last a week there? Why don't we let them all in so we are a complete minority outnumbered by 90%? I'm sure they will look after us.
One million immigrants in Canada last year?!.....

Those native communities have had shitty drinking water for a century. Nothing to do with immigrants.

And tell me about "religious extremism" in recent immigrants to Canada?..... The whole immigration process screens immigrants and attempts to ensure assimilation. Your degree of misinformation is mind boggling. You literally know nothing about the issue.
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Unless and until right wingers stop being idiotic and are willing to take protests seriously, and address core issues, these types of violent civil unrests will continue to occur.
There is a reason that Martin Luther King didn't condemn riots.
(“I think that we’ve got to see that a riot is the language of the unheard." )

He didn't think it was the most effective tactic (he is very clear on this and he chose the tactics he did for a reason) but he was very aware of the what you are talking about in your first sentence.

Unfortunately it has become a common trend where until violence erupts, no one pays attention to peaceful protests or attempts to do anything to resolve long standing issues with systemic racism and discrimination.
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
There's no point in confronting you, it's not like you bring interesting thoughts or engagement to the table.
too funny
vs what you bring ... ''billionaires should not exist' as you post using technology brought to you by billionaires

Watching you implode into repetition and meme-blasting is sometimes kind of amusing, but it isn't really entertaining enough to bother with.
and yet here you are
too funny

please feel free to put me on ignore if you do not like what I post

but if you are going to attack me have the balls to confront me directly
you are pathetic
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
There is a reason that Martin Luther King didn't condemn riots.
(“I think that we’ve got to see that a riot is the language of the unheard." )
He didn't think it was the most effective tactic (he is very clear on this and he chose the tactics he did for a reason) but he was very aware of the what you are talking about in your first sentence.

that's a rather cynical view

what you call a 'tactic' others might call common sense or pragmatic
violent protests would have resulted in violent suppression & he did not want more violence to happen to his people,
non- violent protests bewildered and confused his enemies & eventually won over public support
He paid the ultimate price , however he made a positive impact for a lot of people

lets look at this

Unless and until right wingers stop being idiotic and are willing to take protests seriously, and address core issues, these types of violent civil unrests will continue to occur.
the first mistake here is thinking only the right is appalled by riots, looting and arson.
There are laws created by society for riots, looting and arson and the vast majority of society values law and order
society has prisons for good reason

the next mistake is expecting violent protestors to be taken seriously.
That is giving into blackmail & a full stop rejection

the next mistake is expecting planned and deliberate violence to drive positive societal change
planned and deliberate violence is anarchy
positive societal change is not compatible with planed and deliberate violence

the next mistake is expecting to win over anyone with planned and deliberate violence
society values law and order & society has an unfavorable view of planned and deliberate violence
society has prisons for good reason

the next mistake is expecting/ proclaiming these types of violent civil unrests will continue to occur.
society values law and order & society gets tired of violent civil unrest quickly
society has prisons for good reason
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Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
The degree of violence and destruction is pretty shocking, although France tends to do this sort of shit once or twice a year. This appears to be the worst example for a while.

There were major anti vaxx riots as well a couple of years back.
There were major riots in 2005 over the death of a couple of teenagers from the African diaspora community, not exactly a George Floyd moment...


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
that's a rather cynical view

what you call a 'tactic' others might call common sense or pragmatic
violent protests would have resulted in violent suppression & he did not want more violence to happen to his people,
non- violent protests bewildered and confused his enemies & eventually won over public support
That was his tactic.
His reasoning was both pragmatic and moral, and he spoke about it a great deal.
I don't know why you think that's cynical, but he was very clear on the issue.
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
That was his tactic.
His reasoning was both pragmatic and moral, and he spoke about it a great deal.
I don't know why you think that's cynical, but he was very clear on the issue.
he did not really have a choice to pursue violent protests, that would have done more harm than good to his cause, negated his moral advantage & resulted in a lot of innocent black folk dead
violent protests would have been suicidal for his cause
so avoiding that route was not a tactical decision, just pragmatism

I suspect he expended a great deal of time & energy convincing his people violent protests were a no go
Vengeance can be a powerful motivator


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
There is a reason that Martin Luther King didn't condemn riots.
(“I think that we’ve got to see that a riot is the language of the unheard." )
Did MLK ever condone riots?

He didn't think it was the most effective tactic (he is very clear on this and he chose the tactics he did for a reason) but he was very aware of the what you are talking about in your first sentence.
“Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral. I am not unmindful of the fact that violence often brings about momentary results. Nations have frequently won their independence in battle. But in spite of temporary victories, violence never brings permanent peace. It solves no social problem: it merely creates new and more complicated ones. Violence is impractical because it is a descending spiral ending in destruction for all. It is immoral because it seeks to humiliate the opponent rather than win his understanding: it seeks to annihilate rather than convert. Violence is immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than love. It destroys community and makes brotherhood impossible. It leaves society in monologue rather than dialogue. Violence ends up defeating itself.”



Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
It is relevant if war is meant to bring peace. It could indeed
bring peace after total destruction of some of its participants.
Outbreak of war like WWI might seem inevitable but think how
much likely WWII would have been averted had the preceding
world war came to an end sooner.
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Aug 23, 2001
It is relevant if war is meant to bring peace. It could indeed
bring peace after total destruction of some of its participants.
Outbreak of war like WWI might seem inevitable but think how
much likely WWII would have been averted had the preceding
world war came to an end sooner.
World War 2 could also have been avoided if Britain and the USA let Germany conquer France and become tyrant of Europe 30 years before Hitler. :geek:


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Did MLK ever condone riots?

“Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral. I am not unmindful of the fact that violence often brings about momentary results. Nations have frequently won their independence in battle. But in spite of temporary victories, violence never brings permanent peace. It solves no social problem: it merely creates new and more complicated ones. Violence is impractical because it is a descending spiral ending in destruction for all. It is immoral because it seeks to humiliate the opponent rather than win his understanding: it seeks to annihilate rather than convert. Violence is immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than love. It destroys community and makes brotherhood impossible. It leaves society in monologue rather than dialogue. Violence ends up defeating itself.”

Yes. Exactly as I said.
He thought violence was a bad tactic and impractical.
He also didn't condemn the people who rioted. (And riots isn't what he is talking about there.)
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