France Riots - Their George Floyd Moment


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
What Quebec did with the Hijab is not separating religion from the public. It is by any objective measure, racist. It is to make the white people there more comfortable with people they were not used to seeing. The head covering is just a piece of cloth, not a religious symbol, and people are so offended by it? Its nonsensical. Same with a turban. What if it was a hat? That would be acceptable or is a hat banned too? If someone is demanding "No Bacon" in our grocery stores because it is against Islam, then criticism is understandable. If they ask all women to be fully covered at all times, then criticism is understandable. But personal clothing on a person, is their choice and the fact that Quebec meddled with it, makes it racist. Then there is the whole language bullshit. How is it reasonable in modern times for anyone coming to Quebec be able to speak French? It is an incredibly difficult language to master. I tried. I cannot get my tongue to move in the right way to pronounce all those words. LMFAO. I was told to be careful going to Quebec City because if you don't speak French, apparently people there will just ignore you or be flat out rude. Not sure if that is true.

France is similar but worse. Reading about how immigrants live in segregated communities, how they wont get jobs if they have a certain sounding name, police brutality, racial profiling, specifically targeting clothing that is incredibly offensive to a religion in the name of secularism etc., will build resentment.

The first step towards peace, is to LET PEOPLE PARTICIPATE EQUALLY. That does not happen in France and to an extent in Quebec. So it breeds hate and you see what is happening.
I understand and appreciate your response but unfortunately it's not working. Each country on earth should welcome immigrants but remain strong on their own values and identities. And yes that may hurt the feelings of some people. We canadians should remain Canadians no matter our personal identity, color or religious belief.

We, like France did, will provide immigrants with free education, free healthcare and many other benefits. The least you can do is oblige and blend with our culture and rules in public services.

And sorry but the language is not an issue and it's no bullshit. Yes immigrant to Quebec should learn french as it is the language that we speak. As simple as that. I remember the great Canadian actor Colm Feore who said he was jealous of the Quebec culture. He said we are unique among Americans because of our language which leads to who we are. When the movie Titanic was number 1 in America it was still #2 in Quebec. James Cameron call his producers to find out why?? Well a Quebec based movie was actually #1 ;)

Never lose sight of who you are. Always blend to the people with who you are.


Aug 23, 2001
Maybe they should leave France.
The articles say that the vast majority are law abiding and hard working. And I am going to guess that many have been living in France since the 1970's. Why should they leave?
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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
How is your Canadian or Quebecois identity or values challenged or changed by someone choosing to wear something? It is clothing!!. Is part of your values to force people to wear certain clothing? Is it not part of Canadian values to allow people the freedom to choose? This law is not in line with that thinking. Also are they trying to force you to wear something or follow certain cultural practices? No. So why the law? It is to spite them as simple as that. It is to tell them subtly that they are not welcome or appreciated. That is the message you are sending. You are not ensuring peace, or a better society, you are merely creating conflict and resentment by deeply offending people by meddling with things that are very personal to them.

Similarly, learning a language takes time and you cannot expect people visiting Quebec (including English speaking Canadians) to speak French. Its impractical. If someone lives there, it makes sense for them to put in the effort.

Also I wanted to say, your post sounds like this to me - "We as Quebecois have never accepted foreigners or allowed anything foreign and we are not about to start!!". That is quite regressive.
We in Quebec were built on immigration. From 50 years ago or so it was Italians, portugese and in the 70's vietnamese. Later it was Haitians.

We should never forget that yet it's important to note that all these nations have merge with our culture and language. As we should expect. No nation should be ghetto...

So your perceptions it totally wrong. We have been a welcome nation and will continue to be. If you are just a tourist visiting you will see that as long as you say Bonjour we do not care that you not speak french.

If you intend to stay we expect that you and your kids do.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
Since they are not being treated equally and are being racially discriminated against, your argument that they are being given "freedom and opportunity" falls flat. They are not. That is precisely the problem and one of the root causes for the resentment we are seeing now.
So they should go to their homeland if it provides more freedom and opportunity.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
Are you saying that racial discrimination is justified and you advocate for it?
I'm saying that I would never choose to live in a country that supposedly hates me, doesn't give me freedoms and opportunity. I'd live where I'm loved (or let alone) where freedom and opportunity are abundant.

Isn't that sensible?


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2007
France lost control a long time ago. The Africans brought their shithole culture with them and now have the numbers they feel confident with and powerful enough to do whatever the fuck they want. That dumb dead kid was what they needed to act on. Anyone who thinks this isn`t in store for the States and Canada is a fool, Minnesota is a start and how many Haitians in Montreal? Governments and politicians think unchecked immigration ( 2.5 M already lined up Justin?) is the answer to keep taxes coming in and retirement pensions viable and all systems running. They didn`t think just maybe those third world invaders only wanted to fuck up everything and bleed the French system dry. Wonder if the military thinks about bypassing Macron and using some belt-fed crowd control? George Floyd? criminal thug who played the game, fucked around and found out. Tough shit.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
Yes you would live in a country where freedom and opportunity are abundant. Freedom and opportunities are abundant in France for white people. The Muslims want the same. Isn't that sensible and reasonable?
If it's not the same for Muslims, and I were Muslim, I'd leave and go where my people make up the majority and govern, where freedom and opportunity are abundant.

The fact that they stay belies the reality that for all its warts, France is far superior in freedoms and opportunity for Muslims than in their homeland. Tearing up the country is not the way to make progress, just like having radicals bomb and kill innocent French people won't win the hearts of French people.
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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Hate is a two way street. Muslims are not psychopaths to just murder the French. There is lots of racism, police brutality, racial profiling, anti-immigrant sentiments etc., in France. It is one of the most islamaphobic European states. That breeds anger from the Muslim community towards the French. These riots are as much against police brutality as they are anti-France!
so why knock on France's doorsteps and beg to get in? Just because of this all of a sudden "France is one of the most islamaphobic country"....We're in the time where social media makes everthing worst...


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
If you deal with reality it makes perfect sense.
The tipping point is when there is no longer a majority ethnic group (currently in Canada it is a white majority). Once that is gone, shared and enforced values go out the window, political power struggles between ethnic groups that have always existed begin to turn violent with serious consequences, social cohesion breaks down, social unrest increases, and society begins to deteriorate.

This has been played out throughout history.
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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
No they dont have to leave they are French citizens. They can live there and demand equal rights, treatment and freedom. Its part of of your right as a citizen to do so.
That's the ultimate loophole and they're using it to their advantage.

But the French let them in, many as refugees, and now they have to live with the consequences.

Something about the road to Hell being paved with good intentions...
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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
They are not dictated, but it is the most common because the majority are white.

In reality it is a pluralistic country. There are multiple value systems all constitutionally protected.
That constitution was created and defined by white people. It is the values of those white people that are enshrined in the constitution.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
There are no references to race in the constitution. The constitution protects pluralism and multiculturalism.
The constitution dictates what is legal and illegal. The people that wrote that constitution were white. They defined it, created it. You just live off its fruits.

Likewise, Muslims have their own values. Murdering gays is perfectly acceptable in some of their countries. Those are their values.

Why would race have to be referenced?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2008
They are not dictated, but it is the most common because the majority are white.

In reality it is a pluralistic country. There are multiple value systems all constitutionally protected.
Is the "majority" still caucasian?
I dunno man when I look around Toronto it's so diverse the term "minority" shouldn't apply any longer, to anyone.
In 5yrs time even more so.


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2007
They are not dictated, but it is the most common because the majority are white.

In reality it is a pluralistic country. There are multiple value systems all constitutionally protected.
True enough. However in reality.....


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
The constitution provides you with rights. The law developed in accordance with the constitution dictates what is legal and not legal.

The race of the people that created the constitution may have been white, but their values are not remotely representative of the values of the people today. Did the people back then support LGBTQ rights? No. Today people do.
The Charter came into existence in 1982 which extended rights to people including LGBTQ. The people that created the Charter were the same color as those that created the Constitution - white. And in 1982 Canada was 93% white majority.

Also, the majority of Muslims do not, and do not support murdering gays.
In some countries it's permitted. It's not in Canada because white people extended protections to gays under the Charter.

If Muslims were in charge, and the majority, that's unlikely to have happened.

You currently live under values created and defined by white Canadians. Enjoy it. Hold it near and dear. Because it's the best thing out there.
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