There is a reason that Martin Luther King didn't condemn riots.
(“I think that we’ve got to see that a riot is the language of the unheard." )
He didn't think it was the most effective tactic (he is very clear on this and he chose the tactics he did for a reason) but he was very aware of the what you are talking about in your first sentence.
that's a rather cynical view
what you call a 'tactic' others might call common sense or pragmatic
violent protests would have resulted in violent suppression & he did not want more violence to happen to his people,
non- violent protests bewildered and confused his enemies & eventually won over public support
He paid the ultimate price , however he made a positive impact for a lot of people
lets look at this
Unless and until right wingers stop being idiotic and are willing to take protests seriously, and address core issues, these types of violent civil unrests will continue to occur.
the first mistake here is thinking only the right is appalled by riots, looting and arson.
There are laws created by society for riots, looting and arson and the vast majority of society values law and order
society has prisons for good reason
the next mistake is expecting violent protestors to be taken seriously.
That is giving into blackmail & a full stop rejection
the next mistake is expecting planned and deliberate violence to drive positive societal change
planned and deliberate violence is anarchy
positive societal change is not compatible with planed and deliberate violence
the next mistake is expecting to win over anyone with planned and deliberate violence
society values law and order & society has an unfavorable view of planned and deliberate violence
society has prisons for good reason
the next mistake is expecting/ proclaiming these types of violent civil unrests will continue to occur.
society values law and order & society gets tired of violent civil unrest quickly
society has prisons for good reason