I looked it up, you are just making up information, aka lying. That or you have no idea what "overwhelming vast majority" actually means.
As of Friday, 378,574 residents aged 18 and older in Ottawa had received a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
And that was from Jan 8th, those numbers would be higher now.
You are an idiot.
35% is for Canada, so yes, I would say 65% is the vast majority.
Despite having enough doses for all, just 35 per cent of Canadians boosted
Canada has enough supply of COVID-19 vaccines to offer booster doses to all who are eligible, though so far just 35 per cent of Canadians have received their third shot, according to the federal health minister.
COVID-19 boosters: 35 per cent of Canadians have third shot | CTV News
Omicron will infect most people.
People with 2 shots of vaccine and a recent Covid recovery don`t need another shot of the same vaccine for protection against the same variant.
We are on the other side of the current peak, starting the reopening process, and people have severe Covid fatigue.
While the gross total number of boosters will obviously continue to go up, the number of those eligible continues to go up and the percentage will probably not change dramatically, unless it is down.
Until there is a new variant, wave, or surge, or a new effective vaccine formula, I highly doubt that the proportional desire for boosters is going to go up any time soon.