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For the protection and privacy...

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
snowleopard said:
Oh well ... so much for my career as a mediator

Reminds me of a comic strip I once read ... Two Guys sitting at a bar, and one says to the other: "Actually, admitting you have a problem is the second step. The first step is finding a problem you really enjoy."

Happy debating guys!
I still agree to disagree, but the MLAM influence might be starting to rub off on me.:p


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
a 1 player said:
I believe that there are many who probably think the rule silly, or at least badly worded, as I do. KBear made some great points as to why this rule might be in effect.

Probably? Maybe? Might? Well, that's grounds to do battle.......

Have you even read a word of this thread? I was taking pictures of MY kids, not them and their kids. Why the fuck would I want pictures of anyone who I don't know? I was not the only one over the course of the day who was asked not to take pictures either, there are at least 2 other people. As far as I know though, I was the only one who went to get a permission slip.

Oh, you were taking pictures of YOUR kids, and no one else was in the photos? Not one single solitary individual or group? How did you manage that? Did you stop everyone from skating while you did this?

In addition, how did anyone else know they were YOUR kids? See the point I think you're missing is that there is no way to determine who is shooting who, who belongs to whom, unless of course you want to tack signs on everyone that state: I belong to parent X473 and I belong to kids X473....

An oak tree is much harder to cut down when it is fully grown, I would rather do that while it is a sapling. The same goes here, if one does not get involved now, it will be much harder to fight down the road.

Fight? For what exactly? The right to shoot your kids at THAT particular rink? Why not just NOT fight and go to a rink that allows photographs? Or are you one of these people that think everyone should change to the way YOU think?

I don't teach my kids to fight against EVERY rule, that would be silly wouldn't it. I do teach them however to QUESTION athourity, and to stand up for what they believe is right. My kids know me well, they already KNOW how long and hard life can be.:p

Hey, please go back and read my post, I specifically said any rule they don't agree with NOT every rule. There is a BIG difference there.

The skate was great thank you. They took to ice like little penguins, couple of laps and they did not want any more help from me. The whole thing took less than three minutes so I really did not miss much. How could spending a day with my kids spoil my mood? I was upset for a couple of minutes, but that went away very quickly. Life is too short to stay mad.

Well, I don't know exactly when this happened but here it is days later and you're still in a mood over it. And frankly, your statement to the rink manager "ok, let me get my kids and we're out of here" indicated to me that a) they weren't ready to leave else they'd be standing beside you at the time and b) it would have spoiled there day having dad come up and say "ok, off the ice, we have to leave".....

I really think that this thread has turned in a whole new direction, (but which one doesn't). Further perhaps I did not make myself clear off the start. I did not go there to break the rules, or to change the rules, or to make the world a better place, or even as a photo opportunity. I went there with the sole intention of taking my kids skating, nothing more. Also, I did not start ANY battle at all. I went to the front desk ask for permission, a point which you seem to keep disregarding. I played by the rules, I did not break them, I did what I was supposed to do, and I questioned my denial when I was not given a good reason.

Actually, IMO you DID take it to the next level by not just accepting the fact that you weren't allowed to take pictures at that particular rink. As with every situation there are three sides: your side, the rink manager's side, and what really happened. As with many 'stories' we hear on terb, there's more to it than that.

In fact, you even admitted that you had already taken a couple of pictures already. So why take it to the next level? Why press the issue?

The letter I am writing has nothing to do with me not being able to take pictures, rather it is about a city employee to acted inappropriately.

I'm saddened that you think this whole post is about pictures, it is not. It is about a person who acted badly in a position of athourity.
BTW: it's authority not athourity.......

But wasn't it you that just stated that one has to fight to change the rules that they don't agree with (equating this to the berlin wall sheesh) ? And in this very post you said the same thing?

So, which is it? You writing letters to your MPs to get the rules changed or complaining about a city employee "dissing" you?

Dude, you could have taken the simplest and easiest route: go to a rink that allows photos to be taken....END OF STORY.

Here's another good saying: don't sweat the small stuff and getting dissed by a city employee is pretty fricken small IMO.....


Apr 24, 2005
a 1 player said:
Just because a rule or law is in place, does not mean it is a good one. Actually, I feel very sad for those who do not challenge what they feel is wrong.
I don't want to get into the middle of a heated debate between two Terbies who I actually like, but here is my 3 cents worth. I think a 1 player's human right to take pics of his kids was violated and he tried to resolve the issue in a gentlemanly manner. Authorities are always making rules that will never stand up in a court of law or Human Rights Commission. The ban on breastfeeding mothers is one example.


Nov 11, 2004
Rockslinger said:
I don't want to get into the middle of a heated debate between two Terbies who I actually like, but here is my 3 cents worth. I think a 1 player's human right to take pics of his kids was violated and he tried to resolve the issue in a gentlemanly manner. Authorities are always making rules that will never stand up in a court of law or Human Rights Commission. The ban on breastfeeding mothers is one example.
Is the rule overkill? Probably. Is it stupid? Maybe, depends on your perspective. But a human rights violation? Give me a break...:eek:


New member
Nov 1, 2008
tboy said:
Well player, there is wrong, and then there's wrong.....You personally may feel that not allowing photos to be taken at the rink YOU chose to skate at is wrong, but considering there wasn't a line up of people ahead of you complaining about it I can bet there are many who appreciate the rule.

I honestly think you'd have a really hard time convincing other parents that they should allow anyone to take pictures of them and their kids.

Now if you had come here and said that you'd "fight" to get the laws changed in regards to how pedophiles are treated, and want stiffer penalties and or automatic chemical castration, then I'd say yeah, fight for that. But to fight so that you can take pictures of your kids at a skating rink?

I think it's called "choosing your battles" and frankly, if you're teaching your kids to fight against any rule they don't agree with then they are in for a long hard life.

I wasn't going to bring this up but: How did you enjoy your kid's first skate anyways? Didn't you miss out on sharing that with them while you were in the office fighting for your right to shoot them? Also, after this confrontation, did it spoil your mood?

I don't know you but I think you probably would have had a better time if you'd just pocketed your camera and watched your kids having fun on the ice......

Sorry, comparing your experience at the skating rink to the berlin wall, well, that's just plain juvenile my friend.......

I thought of something while I was getting out of the shower just now: You are kind of reminding me of that poster that used to come here, her handle was "fabulous" and everything was a fight with her, from the TTC, to the manager at the fast food joint who asked her kid to dispose of a dead mouse, to all doctors everywhere. Seems that everything always happened to her....

The simple solution to your problem and no battle or fight is required? Go to a rink that allows photographs. There you go, done, no fuss no muss no bother.......your attitude on this topic is kind of like someone going to a vegetarian restaurant and demanding that they serve him a black angus steak......
Tboy, Player had the balls to confront something that didn't seem to make much sense. You are completely distorting his point of view by saying he needs to pick his battles, etc. Of course he does. And he knows which battles those are. How pompus of you to tell him not to stand up for something that you can't seem to see the point of to begin with. That is, the way he was treated by an employee. Who not only insulted him by assuming he was a perv, but then tried to grab his camera. Just because you didn't experience this, does not diminish it's importance. Offer your advice. And then leave people be.


Apr 24, 2005
thompo69 said:
Is the rule overkill? Probably. Is it stupid? Maybe, depends on your perspective.
Ok, I'll settle for overkill and stupid. Reminds me of the "no hugging" rule at my former place of employe.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
a 1 player said:
She reaches out from behind the counter to grab for my camera bag and all of a sudden this big hand comes out from the person behind me and blocks her hand. Then I hear a voice...

"Maam, what you are about to do is called assault, I have heard the whole conversation and this man has done nothing wrong.
Right or wrong of the issue has been discussed a lot, so I just wanted to say, man you know how to tell a good story.

You had me visualizing John Coffiey from The Green Mile sticking out his arm and grabbing the lady saying "I don't think 'ous want to do tat boss." :)

For the record I would have likely taken the kid(s) with me when I went to ask for permission. I would not let anyone else get the kids for me if I were asked to leave.

As I don't want to get into any debate with tboy, or others I will leave it at that. It sound like you handled it well.
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