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Florida shooting - another white supremacist mass murder


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Nikolas Cruz was a member of a white supremacist group.

Florida school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz was a member of a white nationalist group with which he participated in paramilitary drills, its leader said.

Cruz has admitted to killing 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, according to authorities.

The leader of a far-right militia called the Republic of Florida said the 19-year-old had been a member of his organisation and participated in exercises with the group.

Jordan Jereb said he did not know Cruz personally and that "he acted on his own behalf" and is "solely responsible for what he just did".

The group wants Florida to become its own white ethno-state.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I'm sure Trump believes there were some fine people on both sides of the shooting.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
LMAO thats been called FAKE NEWS for over 24 hours now. you guys are so frikkin funny.

Whats disgusting is that AP that broke the story did not issue a correction until more than 24 hours after it was discovered to be a HOAX!
Seems not. He was an active participant in a racist group chat. Some excerpts:

"I hate jews, ni**ers, immigrants,” Cruz reportedly wrote in the group, which he had named “Murica (American flag emoji) (eagle emoji) great.”

In the span of hundreds of messages, Cruz openly discussed killing people and specifically referred to killing Mexicans, Jews, gay people and black people, according to CNN.

"Shoot them in the back of head,” he reportedly wrote in reference to gay people. He also espoused a disdain for white women, particularly if they were in interracial relationships.

Cruz, who was adopted, also wrote in the chat, "My real mom was a Jew. I am glad I never met her," CNN reported.



Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Seems not. He was an active participant in a racist group chat. Some excerpts:

"I hate jews, ni**ers, immigrants,” Cruz reportedly wrote in the group, which he had named “Murica (American flag emoji) (eagle emoji) great.”

In the span of hundreds of messages, Cruz openly discussed killing people and specifically referred to killing Mexicans, Jews, gay people and black people, according to CNN.

"Shoot them in the back of head,” he reportedly wrote in reference to gay people. He also espoused a disdain for white women, particularly if they were in interracial relationships.

Cruz, who was adopted, also wrote in the chat, "My real mom was a Jew. I am glad I never met her," CNN reported.

Yet, he fired into the crowd indiscriminately. Did he have a change of mind or is he just an inclusive murderer?


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Yet, he fired into the crowd indiscriminately. Did he have a change of mind or is he just an inclusive murderer?
There are a large number of Hispanic and Jewish students in the school.


Well-known member
May 10, 2011
Toronto, ON
Being racist is certainly possible. I think b4u is debunking the white supremacy angle used by media.

There FL nationalist group who the media said Cruz was part of, isn't true as police reported. Cruz is adopted, so if he is telling the truth about his biological mother being Jewish, then that would be something of a conflict as qualifying as a white supremist.

Like anything, not enough is known about the matter.
Your naivety (when it comes to stuff like this) knows no bounds Kathy. I couldn't help but gasp when reading your post.

And may I ask why you're fighting so hard to have him not be associated with White Supremacy. It's almost like you're saying that his scum shouldn't be associated with the fine people of a White Supremacist group.


Jun 19, 2013
The ROF leader, Jordon Jereb has totally walked back his statements about Cruz definitely being a member.


Jereb has since backed away from the claims, posting on the far-right social media platform Gab, about a “prank.”

“There was a legit misunderstanding because we have MULTIPLE people named Nicholas in ROF,” a user with Jereb’s name said. “And I got a bunch of conflicting information and I have not slept for like 2 days.”

Lt. Grady Jordan with the Leon County Sheriff’s Office in Tallahassee also said investigators have found “no known ties” between Cruz and Republic of Florida, a group that his office tracks.
I’m interested to hear how the saga of his Instagram private group chat plays out. How did CNN get the transcript if they are unable to confirm identities of group chat participants “on or off the record?” Regardless, every legitimate news source seems to be running with this story in part or in full, where the ROF story was presented as ‘what we’ve heard’ as opposed to what we know


Cruz rockin’ MAGA-gear in his Insta profile, on the other hand, appears to have been confirmed. Apparently he’d wear it to school.


It’s shameful that DJT won’t distance himself from these types of “very fine people.”

If your rhetoric or policies are attracting them, there’s something wrong with your rhetoric or policies.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Being racist is certainly possible. I think b4u is debunking the white supremacy angle used by media. ...
That is some pretty fine hairs you're splitting.

The guy's posting history shows him quite clearly to be a white supremacist and a violent one. There may be doubts about whether he trained with a specific hate group but he is undoubtedly white supremacist.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The kid was also a member of an NRA high school shooting club.
Nice that the NRA lets in white supremacists, hopefully the fallout from this one has more effect then all the previous mass shootings and school shootings.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Yet this moron throws politics into a sad time of mourning for the victims families. He starts off as if he means to pay his respects and due support for the families of these victims:

"Very sad that the FBI missed all of the many signals sent out by the Florida school shooter. This is not acceptable."

Then this idiot goes on to show his true colours:

"They are spending too much time trying to prove Russian collusion with the Trump campaign - there is no collusion."


Now I know where he gets all his fake news from....

Listen to Stelter's discussion panel:



Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Russia-linked bots are promoting pro-gun messages on Twitter in an attempt to sow discord in the aftermath of the Florida school shooting, monitoring groups say.

Hashtags, topics and URLs related to the shooting overwhelmingly feature in the tweets pushed by these automated Twitter accounts in the past 48 hours, according to Hamilton 68, a tool launched by the Alliance for Securing Democracy to track what it describes as "Russian propaganda and disinformation efforts online."
The alliance is a group housed at The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) think tank to "defend against, deter, and raise the costs on Russian and other actors' efforts to undermine democracy and democratic institutions," according to its mission statement.
The group does not disclose which accounts it tracks and CNN has not independently verified its findings.
Among the hashtags and topics related to the shooting are #falseflag, #fbi, #gunreformnow, #fbigate, #parklandschoolshooting, the name of the shooter -- Nikolas Cruz -- and Florida.


When is Trump going to condemn Russia for it's deep efforts to interfere in all aspects of the Americans daily lives???

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Your naivety (when it comes to stuff like this) knows no bounds Kathy. I couldn't help but gasp when reading your post.

And may I ask why you're fighting so hard to have him not be associated with White Supremacy. It's almost like you're saying that his scum shouldn't be associated with the fine people of a White Supremacist group.
Because it's Obama fault, the lovely Hucka said so during the press briefing. You can't have good people soiled with this atrocity and those still to come. Oh and the NRA gave $30 million to Trump's campaign, some of it laundered money from Russian oligarchs.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The US is really messed up.

A group of third-graders in Missouri are selling raffle tickets for an AR-15 — the type of rifle used in the deadly Florida shooting last week.

The third-graders are selling the raffle tickets to raise money for their traveling baseball team, The Kansas City Star reported.

The coach of the baseball team, Levi Patterson, said the idea for the raffle was thought of before the shooting occurred last week at a Florida high school.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2011
I am glad I live in Canada, there have been so many mass shootings in USA in the past 10 years. I have no sympathy to those coward suspects. The gun laws in the States are stupid and ridiculous. It so easy to get a gun in the States.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
There are a large number of Hispanic and Jewish students in the school
Hey genius, the majority of the kids he killed were caucasian.

And the majority of the kids in that high school are caucasian, even though it has a higher then usual percentage of Jewish and Latino students, but a much lower then average of black students. So where do you wanna start??

If he was on a truly racist bender, wouldnt he have picked an exclusive Black, Jewish or Latino neighborhood??!!


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Hey genius, the majority of the kids he killed were caucasian.

And the majority of the kids in that high school are caucasian, even though it has a higher then usual percentage of Jewish and Latino students, but a much lower then average of black students. So where do you wanna start??

If he was on a truly racist bender, wouldnt he have picked an exclusive Black, Jewish or Latino neighborhood??!!
That is the same school that he once attended and he actually lived not very far from it with the family that took him in after his mother passed away.

"Cruz was adopted at a young age by Roger and Lynda Cruz. Roger died years ago. Lynda died last fall, following an illness. He was taken in by the parents of a schoolmate, according to that family's attorney."

So he may have been a Caucausian although he believed that his real mother was "Jewish" although he claims he never met her and was proud not to. What does that tell you???

All the same why do you want to find excuses to defend this trashy pieces of Dirt!!!

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
That is the same school that he once attended and he actually lived not very far from it with the family that took him in after his mother passed away.

"Cruz was adopted at a young age by Roger and Lynda Cruz. Roger died years ago. Lynda died last fall, following an illness. He was taken in by the parents of a schoolmate, according to that family's attorney."

So he may have been a Caucausian although he believed that his real mother was "Jewish" although he claims he never met her and was proud not to. What does that tell you???
It tells me you're obsessed with racism.

I dont think this kid targeted schoolmates based on race, just on hate
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts