Firearms? Good or Bad?


Hail to the king, baby.
Dec 18, 2001
HowardHughes said:
Evidently, he needs to live in a germ-free environment like myself.

Get yer Lysol out Garret!!!! Germs can kill too!!!!!

*walks away shaking his head*
Another infantile argument...

You do not know me HH. Fabricating things is either weird, infantile, or pathological. Stick to the argument, if you have one.


Reclusive Member
Jun 26, 2003
Las Vegas penthouse
Better yet Garrett...

Since you apparently have the answer - type it all out for everyone to read - you are quick to criticize general statements - why don't you "legislate" your idea here for us?

What is your solution?

Come on up to the soapbox, big guy, and give us all the answers, please.

Hey - while you are at it, can you tell us the Caramilk secret too?


Reclusive Member
Jun 26, 2003
Las Vegas penthouse
Funny Garrett - you make the statement "you do not know me" - and yet - you don't know me either.

A BGO. Wow.

So, I take it that the next time you post - you are going to have the complete answers for:

1. Gun control
2. The Caramilk secret

Until then - knock yourself out!


Hail to the king, baby.
Dec 18, 2001
HowardHughes said:
Wow - aren't we getting a touch cranky this morning?????

You seem to have some big words - I merely suggested a general solution - sorry I couldn't type an amendment to the constitution for you - geez...just can't fit that all in here.

Do us a favour Garret - go put your wifebeater t-shirt back on, and close the door to your trailer - it's getting embarassing.
Not cranky at all... you seem to project a lot. Beyond that, more infantile arguments... actually, no arguments, just insults.

Look HH... all you come back with is bullshit. Thanks for illustrating how empty your point of view is.


Original..Non Original
Jul 19, 2002
In Someones Will Hopefully!
I have had friends killed by them. Notice the plural

Obviously you travel with a different crowd and I am thinking maybe if they had gone hunting wildgame instead of being around a criminal element things would be different.

And I am not sure what someone's grammar has to do with a point of view ??

Only whossy ass english majors have valid opinions Think About It!!


New member
Aug 17, 2003
Choices (graphical)....

.... What about throat slashed by a kitchen knife, is it any better than being shot by a gun? Violence is violence. Don't blame it on the implement used!


Hail to the king, baby.
Dec 18, 2001
HowardHughes said:
Funny Garrett - you make the statement "you do not know me" - and yet - you don't know me either.

I am not the one projecting. I have made statements about your posts... and their content. You are the one in la la land, inventing things about me.

So, I take it that the next time you post - you are going to have the complete answers for:

1. Gun control
2. The Caramilk secret

Until then - knock yourself out!

1. get serious about it, including proper training. It would also be best if gun owners addressed this themsleves, instead of every time they are challenged regressing to the "guns don't kill people" mantra.
2. a state change.

Any other questions?


Reclusive Member
Jun 26, 2003
Las Vegas penthouse
Garrett - you still have to show us your implied intelligence by writing an amendment to the constitution here.

...oh yeah - and please don't forget the Caramilk secret too - I'm dying to find out how they do that!


Hail to the king, baby.
Dec 18, 2001
johnyboy said:
I have had friends killed by them. Notice the plural

Obviously you travel with a different crowd and I am thinking maybe if they had gone hunting wildgame instead of being around a criminal element things would be different.

One was killed hunting... another hunter thought he was a deer.

And I am not sure what someone's grammar has to do with a point of view ??

Only whossy ass english majors have valid opinions Think About It!!

When they are slinging insults because their statements are obtuse it is relevant... I could care less about spelling and grammar but when someone is going to get all high and mighty about it, it is pretty ridiculous when they are *wrong*.


Reclusive Member
Jun 26, 2003
Las Vegas penthouse

Isn't your answer to number one the same as mine about having tougher gun control? Sorry, I didn't spell it out for you and subreference it. Maybe I should have made it clearer for you to understand from the beginning.

And as for the Caramilk secret...the jury's still out!


Reclusive Member
Jun 26, 2003
Las Vegas penthouse
Is that how they do it Goober???!!?!?!?!

I've always wondered!


Hail to the king, baby.
Dec 18, 2001
Sheik said:

The problem today is that those that have no business owning a gun have them and they are usually those who have not purchased that firearm legally.
I generally agree with you here Sheik. Though I would also add, part of the problem is gun owners who do not want to clean up their *cough* sport.


Hail to the king, baby.
Dec 18, 2001
HowardHughes said:
Garrett - you still have to show us your implied intelligence by writing an amendment to the constitution here.
I have said nothing about my intelligence. You have actually made statements about it. So please, stop fabricating...


Reclusive Member
Jun 26, 2003
Las Vegas penthouse

"I have said nothing about my intelligence." - Garrett

I know - as your posts show the lack of it.



Reclusive Member
Jun 26, 2003
Las Vegas penthouse
I'm more than done here!

*Howard walks over to get his coffee*


Original..Non Original
Jul 19, 2002
In Someones Will Hopefully!
That *cough* you have Garrett...

sure that wasn't a fart because your talking out your ass again!!

Garrett what do you know about what training we must take???
Actually it is quite extensive for your information in future debate.

Don't confuse murderers with hunters unless of course you also like to wear dresses and do your hair up real purdy because It is easy to see where certain elements of hunting would bother the more gentler gender


New member
Jun 9, 2003
Toronto, On
As a person that started as a new shooter a couple years ago I can tell you the process has been engineered to be prohibitive to new shooters...

You must take two courses to Possess and Aquire Non-restricted (long guns) and Restricted (hand guns, AR-15's etc.). This takes two days and costs about $200.

If you want to hunt that is another course ($100) and a test.

To get your license you have to fill out a very invasive form (where your ex gets a say) and pay about $100. Your hunting license (hunting and fishing) is about $100 for three years. If you want to hunt big game (deer, bear, turkey, moose) there are extra tag costs for each.

Then I had to join a range to be able to shoot at (there aren't many places around that let you pop away outside). The cheapest range in the GTA is about $300 per year with an extra $50 for the safety course.

So I've spent about $1000 bucks (haven't bought a gun or ammunition yet) before I can shoot. Not to mention the time it takes for the courses and waiting for the approvals to come in etc.

And I don't even know if I'm going to like it.

Why have I done it? For one, shooting is a sport. It is you, a tool, and a target. If you hit the bullseye it was because you did it. If you hit it repeatedly it is because you have honed your skill.

A handgun is more difficult to be accurate than a rifle (shorter barrel, geometry and all that) so in my opinion there is a case for why handguns should be allowed by normal citizens.

The other reason I did all this is because I hate how our government is trying to legislate the death of our firearms heritage in this country. Now that I've jumped through their hoops I can proudly tell them that there is one more licensed shooter in this country that believes that guns in the right hands are not a problem.

The government has tried to remove guns from our hands with legislation and with oppressive gun laws. The Liberals believe that this will be the slow decline of gun owners and they will get their end result in time. I for one am going to protect my rights (and your's too if you don't think that your passion could be next).

I agree with firearms training. It has made me a safe shooter. But I wonder why people call for more control over the law abiding when the real statistics already show that being on a golf course is more dangerous to your health than being a shooter. There are many more idiots whacking golf balls at you up the fairway than you will ever find guys lobing bullets at you on a gun range.
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